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Unusual Presidential Advertising

jonjon76 said:

Clinton personally warned Bush about the likelyhood of a terrorist attack. He said to watch out for this group called al-queida, and especially this guy named Osama Bin Laden.

Let me repeat that for you georges.


On Sept. 11, 2001, as soon as everyone realized that we were in the midst of a terrorist attack, Clinton knew immediately that it was Bin Laden because he knew who his enemies were and he knew how to keep us safe from them, but since Bush took office, all he could really do is try to warn him. Of course Bush was on vacation for nearly half of his first year, so there was no way anything could be done to prevent such attacks.

So don't sit there and make up lies about Clinton or pretend like you know the issues.

And Ranger, I know you're going to reply to this with some more bullshit stuff that Clinton did or didn't do to combat terrorism, so I just want to say that I'm sure he made a few errors. FDR made a few errors. Every decent president we've had has made a few errors. If Kerry gets elected, he will make a few errors at first. Everybody does it because they've never been president before and there's a steep learning curve.
However, you conservatives need to stop pretending like Bush has only fucked up a little bit. Everything he's done for national security and the anti-terrorism effort has only put our lives in greater jeopardy.

I'm tired of people trying to make Clinton and Kerry out to be horrible people because of one or two little insignificant details that really have nothing to do with the presidency. Stop being so blind. If you want to nit-pick, look at the current president. He is so full of lies and scandals and deceit that I wouldn't even know where to begin to criticise him.

I could'nt agree more... if i was more a ease with my english i could speak more eloquently, its good to know i'm not the only who is tired that kind of bullshit... who cares what happen forty years ago... :mad:
I'll give you who own businesses some simple maths.

If you pay enough taxes you get well-educated workers for your companies in return.

Do you want your workers to work even harder? Do you want them to help you earn even more money?

Make sure that the salaries and taxes you pay is high enough so that your workers can afford to buy an own house, a decent car, take vacation and send their kids to college.

How does this ekvation make sense? That more taxes and higher salaries would allow you to make more profit?

Yes, like this: The more you pay, the more they will spend. Remember that they are not just your workers - they are also your consumers. The more they use their extra money on your products and services, the higher your profit gets. If they also don't have to live in fear for not being able to pay their bills, they can put more of their hearts into their work - and become more productive. I they don't have to worry about as many personal problems as earlier and don't have to stress themselves to death, they will work better at their jobs, which means a higher profit for you. Pay them enough to afford a fairly decent car, and the result will be that they more seldom comes late to work. And if they now realise that they can give their children better futures, they will not only be more positive, it will also give them hope - and an added incentive to do their best for the company, because now the success of the company will also benefit them.
Originally posted by georges
i said they should learn how to manage and save money.
And how do you do that when you don't get enough money to even be able to do that? If you get too little per month, it doesn't matter how much you try to keep a budget. You still won't have enough money in the end of the month to be able to save it. And if you get too little, what's the point of saving it?

"Kids, if I save till you're in your fifties, first then I will afford sending you to higher education."
Originally posted by georges
how can you help someone if you are not guaranteed that he will help you?big debate
Have you heard about the expression "I scratch your back, and I scratch yours"? Or "smile and the world will smile with you"? If you automatically assume that no one will help you, and treat people accordingly, of course you won't see much generosity then.
Blah, Blah, Blah, blah, blah, it sounds as if I just turned on Air America Radio. Again, I still don't have any of the questions answered. Just rhetoric justifying what a great guy that Gomer is going to be.

BTW, I force myself to listen to that crap for an hour a day, it's tough sometimes because Al Franken is such a moron.

starman............the thought of inbreeding never entered my mind.

Besides disgracing the office of the President, Clinton was an excellent public speaker.:thumbsup:

Hey starman, what kind of increase did Sweden have in the GNP last year. The US was up 4%..................wait, I think that I read that Sweden was up...................... 0.8%. I may be wrong so don't bet the paycheck just yet.

Brino, you're getting a little overheated( :mad: )you might need a dip in Pueget Sound.

Originally posted by Ranger
Hey starman, what kind of increase did Sweden have in the GNP last year. The US was up 4%..................wait, I think that I read that Sweden was up...................... 0.8%. I may be wrong so don't bet the paycheck just yet.
Sure, check only last year, especially when Europe is in an economic depression. Go check the numbers from the end of the second world war and forward, and you might see some better numbers. Compare with other European countries while you're at it. ;)

You also have to keep in mind that USA is a much bigger well-known country, thus you have easier to get more costumers only by reputation. Sweden has only as many inhabitants as New York.
Last edited:
I guess that Presidential advertising comes in all forms. I was at www.barnesandnoble.com and decided to read the reviews of "Unfit for Command", the documentation of Gomers exploits in Viet Nam.

Real interesting reading.............you can really tell who the ringers from the DNC are. It may be worth ten minutes. Once you get to the web site, click on the Books tab and pick up the book on the right side.

WARNING to Brino: don't go there, you won't be able to handle it and you will have a cardiac:mad:.

I went to our local B&N and what do you know, they were out of stock. I guess Gomer's goon squad attorneys are making an impact. You got to love Gomer's version of "free speech".

Will you get off of that stupid topic already?

No one gives a shit what you think about that book.

p.s. good job pretending like Bush has been a godsend when it comes to free speech.

If there's one thing I'm learning from this message board, it's that (with the exception of georges) people from other countries know a whole lot more about what's going on in America than most Americans do.

Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work'

Here's an excerpt of this article:

Kerry's response came as The Washington Post reported that a Vietnam veteran who claims Kerry lied about being under fire during a Mekong Delta engagement that won Kerry a Bronze Star was under constant fire himself during the same skirmish according to the man's own medal citation.

The newly obtained records of Larry Thurlow show that he, like Kerry, won a Bronze Star in the engagement and that Thurlow's citation says he also was under attack, the Post reported.

In a statement issued during the day, Thurlow renewed his insistence that there was no hostile enemy fire directed at any of the boats in the area that day, and he said he "submitted no paperwork for a medal."

Thurlow, like Kerry, commanded a Navy swift boat during Vietnam. He swore in an affidavit last month that Kerry was "not under fire" when he rescued Rassmann from the Bay Hap River.

Thurlow's records, obtained by the Post under the Freedom of Information Act, include references to "enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire" directed at all five boats in the flotilla that day. In his Bronze Star citation, Thurlow is praised for helping a damaged swift boat "despite enemy bullets flying about him."

Thurlow is a leading member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a public advocacy group of Vietnam veterans who have aired a television advertisement attacking Kerry's war record.

Here's another interesting article.

I Helped Bush Dodge Draft
I really don't care what happen in Vietnam, at least Kerry was there, he did'nt chicken out like Bush and is buddy Cheney. Kerry may have done some atrocities, but who did'nt in that war... So please, just drop that kind of bullshit and focus on what's really important right NOW not some forty years ago damn it... :mad: :mad: :mad:


Staff member
bigdan1110 said:
I really don't care what happen in Vietnam, at least Kerry was there, he did'nt chicken out like Bush and is buddy Cheney. Kerry may have done some atrocities, but who did'nt in that war... So please, just drop that kind of bullshit and focus on what's really important right NOW not some forty years ago damn it... :mad: :mad: :mad:

why can't people stop to refrain to sling their mud at bush?just because of his way of governing?
kerry cheated for medals conclusion is that he is a liar and a liar is a liar.
please don't drop the bullshit that kerry was that brave and better than bush just because propaganda says it.
the book unfit for command prouves who is kerry.
about kerry being better than bush you can't say that .he is just a leftist (probably more a socialist than a democrat).


Staff member
jonjon76 said:
Obviously you're too young to remember this, but as Starman said, Clinton put tons of effort into keeping relations peaceful between the Isrealis and Palistinians. Bush has done absolutely nothing of the sort, and now look at the way things are headed over there.

You claim that Clinton did nothing about terrorism, but what has Bush done? Absolutely nothing, except for creating more terrorism. Since you conservatives are so into little political factoids, here's one you might enjoy:

Clinton personally warned Bush about the likelyhood of a terrorist attack. He said to watch out for this group called al-queida, and especially this guy named Osama Bin Laden.

Let me repeat that for you georges.


On Sept. 11, 2001, as soon as everyone realized that we were in the midst of a terrorist attack, Clinton knew immediately that it was Bin Laden because he knew who his enemies were and he knew how to keep us safe from them, but since Bush took office, all he could really do is try to warn him. Of course Bush was on vacation for nearly half of his first year, so there was no way anything could be done to prevent such attacks.

So don't sit there and make up lies about Clinton or pretend like you know the issues.

And Ranger, I know you're going to reply to this with some more bullshit stuff that Clinton did or didn't do to combat terrorism, so I just want to say that I'm sure he made a few errors. FDR made a few errors. Every decent president we've had has made a few errors. If Kerry gets elected, he will make a few errors at first. Everybody does it because they've never been president before and there's a steep learning curve.
However, you conservatives need to stop pretending like Bush has only fucked up a little bit. Everything he's done for national security and the anti-terrorism effort has only put our lives in greater jeopardy.

I'm tired of people trying to make Clinton and Kerry out to be horrible people because of one or two little insignificant details that really have nothing to do with the presidency. Stop being so blind. If you want to nit-pick, look at the current president. He is so full of lies and scandals and deceit that I wouldn't even know where to begin to criticise him.

me too young:nono: :wtf: (i am not a teenager and a student) so better keep your facts straight.the talks and the treaty failed you get it there is no peace especially after suicide bombings done in year 2000.supporting the fatah and all the other terrorist groups is what arafat does conclusion you can't talk with a person who support terrorism
kerry is big liar than bush just talking about his medals is enough.stop making of kerry an angel because that is definitely not the case.
also prouve me with a link where clinton warned bush about osama.
last note clinton did nothing against osama when he was president .conlusion clinton is responsible of what happened to the usa the 11th september.
georges said:

last note clinton did nothing against osama when he was president .conlusion clinton is responsible of what happened to the usa the 11th september.

Excuse me, you said a lot of stupids things, but THIS this takes the cake....:mad:

You should be ashamed of yourself... :mad:

Nobody could have prevent this, the 9/11 comission prove it, so to putting all the blame on one person is really really really bad... i think you should really think about what you wrote georges...:nono:
Btw, someone writes a book about Kerry and its all true... but of course if someone writes a book about Bush its all wrong... comeon Georges...:2 cents:
last note clinton did nothing against osama when he was president .conlusion clinton is responsible of what happened to the usa the 11th september.
:rofl: Were you even thinking when you wrote that? i'm joking. :rofl2:
georges said:
.conlusion clinton is responsible of what happened to the usa the 11th september.

I suppose you also think Herbert Hoover is to blame for Pearl Harbor.

I can't be bothered to argue with people like you, georges. If I implied that you were young earlier, it's because I've read your posts and deduced that you're either 12 years old or totally incompetent.

Is there a way to ignore posts by a particular user? georges brings nothing to this discussion but pea-brained ideas. I don't want his posts censored completely, I just don't want to see them myself.


Staff member
jonjon76 said:
I suppose you also think Herbert Hoover is to blame for Pearl Harbor.

I can't be bothered to argue with people like you, georges. If I implied that you were young earlier, it's because I've read your posts and deduced that you're either 12 years old or totally incompetent.

Is there a way to ignore posts by a particular user? georges brings nothing to this discussion but pea-brained ideas. I don't want his posts censored completely, I just don't want to see them myself.

first i am not a 12 years old.second for many of you it is always bush's fault according to your logic.
the ben ladenists were preparing attacks during clinton's mandate yes? so why don't want to see the truth as it is.did clinton do something against them?no. so he has a big part of responsability of what happened.


Staff member
Olde said:
:rofl: Were you even thinking when you wrote that? i'm joking. :rofl2:

no i typed too quickly. i forgot to edit my post in fact i wanted to point out that clinton has done nothing when people of ben laden were preparing the attacks.