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Unusual Presidential Advertising

Wellll ranger i am very happy for your contractor friends. they shur do have a great deal, working in Iraq. u know great pay and protection from the US army. But i still don't get how that gives you or them the right to assume anything other then how much oil is pumped. What is important though is the lives of the americans protecting your well payed contractor friends and the Iraqies. hundreds of americans and countless numbers of iraqies (it is funny how we are never told how many iraqies have been killed) have been killed and it does not seem to be letting up.

and as far as the 527's i don't really care. I have a feeling that there will be a swifty backlash which will hurt W. But they don't matter that much since they will not be alowed to advertise 2 months before the election. wich is in a week or two.

by the way Ranger do work for lumber?


It's really Bush's own fault for giving the 527's so many things to criticize him on.

And about connections to 527's really both Kerry and Bush are at fault because they both have connections to these groups. It's funny how George Wussy Bush will call for an end to all 527's but wont condemn the Swift Boat ads and their lies! What a dodge from liar W. liarson! :nanner: :rofl:
Ranger said:

How can Bush win? He has the 527s, all of the network channels(except Fox), NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Seattle Post Intelligencer, USA Today writing daily about how great Kerry is and how bad Bush is.

Ranger [/B]

All these newspapers you mention are known for being honest and fair. They have been handing out criticism where it is due for decades and decades, long before there was television or radio. If they happen to criticise Bush on a regular basis, it's because he lies and makes poor decisions on a regular basis.
Fox news is a different story. They are practically owned by the GOP. If the DNC owned a major network, would people automatically trust every word they said? Of course not. It would be obvious that the news was being reported with some bias, just as it's obvious that Fox news is not entirely the truth.
Just remember, there's big money in TV news. Media sources such as USA Today and National Public Radio are not nearly as influenced by people with deep pockets. Turn off the TV, listen to NPR, and pick up a NY Times or USA Today. The more you learn about what is really going on, both here and overseas, the sooner you will realize that Bush deserves every bit of criticism he gets from the media.
:rofl: Brino, finally some humor from you...............the funniest part was the title of the thread:rofl2: That's priceless.

NPR:rofl2:.............that's almost as funny as Brino' thread. If you believe what you wrote about NPR, then, I have a bridge to sell you. It will be cheap

harold.............I build houses, own a small company.



What your not going to be kind enough to grace my thread with a post Ranger!? And here I thought we were rivals! ;)


Staff member
whatever can be said i wait the vote that is the best way to know who was right or was wrong.
AP.....................This just in...........................

The democrats are so concerned about the slipping poll numbers that they are going to recall former President Bill Clinton's book and rename it:

are you ready?

"Reporting for Booty"

:rofl: stop, stop :rofl2: I can't stand it, it's tooooo funny :rofl2: :rofl:

jonjon76 said:
All these newspapers you mention are known for being honest and fair.

What a load of crap. What happened to the story about Sandy Berger? What he did was a felony.............all of your news outlets sure are quiet about that.

What about the article in the Harvard newspaper that describes Gomer joining the Naval reserve, not the regular Navy, requesting a deferment to go to college in England and getting turned down? Then, he got shipped into country.

What were the war autrocities that Gomer committed in country that he stated to the Senate committee in 1971? How come nobody asked him any follow up questions. I goddamm gaurantee you that if GWB said something like that, the largest pile of shit that you can imagine would hit the fan.

What about Gomer's chief counsel who is also on the board of directors of mediafund.org.? Where is the news about him? We sure heard about Bush's attorney and his connection with the Swifties.

What about Gomer's attorneys writing letters to radio and TV stations threatening them with lawsuits if they run the Swifties ads. Calling book store owners and demanding that they take "Unfit for Command" off of the shelves. That's a real testimony of 1st amendment rights by the party for the people:rubbel:

I don't remember Bush calling theater owners and demanding that they stop showing Moore's piece of crap movie. But it's ok for Gomer and his lemmings.

A bunch of phoneys that can dish it our but can't take it:weeping:. And to think that I once thought that the DNC could walk on water..................must have been when I smoked pot.

Congratulations, Ranger.

You're a pawn and Bush and Cheney have got you right where they want you, and come November, they are going to play you, as they would any brianless piece in a larger game.

Every one of these "points" that you think you made, aren't half as big a deal as you would like to think. They are just the result of the republican party trying desperately to dig up some sort of dirt on Kerry, and it's the best they can come up with. These claims are either grossly exagerrated, or completely irrelevant. I'm not going to go through and explain myself on each individual point, because I really don't see what good it would do. We both know that neither one of us is about to sway the other one at all. Another reason I won't go into detail is that I'm tired. I'm simply exhausted from trying to help people become more educated and sensible to what is really important, and it's very frustrating when it seems like I might as well not even try, especially because the people I'm trying to sway are other Americans like me. I stand for what I believe is important, and while I may be coming off a little rude towards you and others, you are exactly the people that I'm trying to protect. I would give my life to protect your freedom. If GW came out and said that people using the nickname "Ranger" were no longer allowed to use the telephone on Tuesday morning, I would be furious. My nick isn't Ranger, why would I care? I would care because I would know it was wrong. I know this is a rediculous example, but I think you know what I'm saying.
Life might not be shitty for you right now, but trust me, it's pretty fucking shitty for a lot of people in our country right now. I know it's a political cliche to say this but, "ARE YOU better off now than you were 4 years ago?"
For most of us, I think the answer is no. And it's about a lot more than just money. I'm worse off in a lot of ways. But my support of the Kerry campaign is not about me. It's about you. It's about 250 million people in this country.
Call me crazy. Call me a dreamer, but deep down I still have this belief that there is a quality of life that is just as great as anything you can imagine, and that this quality of life is not an impossibility. I'm not talking about heaven. I'm talking about world peace and happiness right here on planet Earth, for all of its inhabitants.
Sadly, we are very far from such a situation today, and every decision that Bush makes moves us further away, and it's always for selfish reasons. Go ahead and laugh. Dismiss this post as hippy liberal bullshit if you wish.

I just know that if Bush gets another term, I'm going to get really tired of using the phrase "I told you so".

Originally posted by jonjon76
Congratulations, Ranger.

You're a pawn and Bush and Cheney have got you right where they want you, and come November, they are going to play you, as they would any brianless piece in a larger game.

Every one of these "points" that you think you made, aren't half as big a deal as you would like to think. They are just the result of the republican party trying desperately to dig up some sort of dirt on Kerry, and it's the best they can come up with. These claims are either grossly exagerrated, or completely irrelevant. I'm not going to go through and explain myself on each individual point, because I really don't see what good it would do. We both know that neither one of us is about to sway the other one at all. Another reason I won't go into detail is that I'm tired. I'm simply exhausted from trying to help people become more educated and sensible to what is really important, and it's very frustrating when it seems like I might as well not even try, especially because the people I'm trying to sway are other Americans like me. I stand for what I believe is important, and while I may be coming off a little rude towards you and others, you are exactly the people that I'm trying to protect. I would give my life to protect your freedom. If GW came out and said that people using the nickname "Ranger" were no longer allowed to use the telephone on Tuesday morning, I would be furious. My nick isn't Ranger, why would I care? I would care because I would know it was wrong. I know this is a rediculous example, but I think you know what I'm saying.
Life might not be shitty for you right now, but trust me, it's pretty fucking shitty for a lot of people in our country right now. I know it's a political cliche to say this but, "ARE YOU better off now than you were 4 years ago?"
For most of us, I think the answer is no. And it's about a lot more than just money. I'm worse off in a lot of ways. But my support of the Kerry campaign is not about me. It's about you. It's about 250 million people in this country.
Call me crazy. Call me a dreamer, but deep down I still have this belief that there is a quality of life that is just as great as anything you can imagine, and that this quality of life is not an impossibility. I'm not talking about heaven. I'm talking about world peace and happiness right here on planet Earth, for all of its inhabitants.
Sadly, we are very far from such a situation today, and every decision that Bush makes moves us further away, and it's always for selfish reasons. Go ahead and laugh. Dismiss this post as hippy liberal bullshit if you wish.

I just know that if Bush gets another term, I'm going to get really tired of using the phrase "I told you so".

Good post, jonjon76! It seems that we share some of the same thoughts. :) :thumbsup:



Staff member
for som epeople it seems that the democrats promise wonderland. stop dreaming and be realistic. clinton has done nothing aginst ben laden when he was at power. you think that mr kerry is that good, he has lied for medals and he can lie for other things too.so where is your so called good man?


Looks like Ranger has another challenger! ;)

BTW Your the one living in wonderland georges! And stop bringing up the fucking medals! I already proved to you that it's a bunch of bullshit but you dont listen! So who's really living in wonderland!?


Staff member
Brino said:
Looks like Ranger has another challenger! ;)

BTW Your the one living in wonderland georges! And stop bringing up the fucking medals! I already proved to you that it's a bunch of bullshit but you dont listen! So who's really living in wonderland!?

with games you try to prouve me that you are right? same with the swiftboat articles. i rest my case. you will never turn me into the democrat clan.