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U.S. Immigrants Aren’t Safe From Female Genital Mutilation


Official Checked Star Member
"Like most Americans, I never spent too much time thinking about female genital mutilation, or FGM, a centuries-old practice. But that changed in 2007 when I came to work at Sanctuary for Families, a New York-based nonprofit that serves victims of domestic violence and trafficking. In my job as an immigration lawyer I began interviewing girls and women who had experienced FGM, or who were terrified to go through it.

Since then, I have met with hundreds of girls and women affected in some way by FGM. I’ve heard about babies, toddlers, teenagers and even grown women pinned down and cut with dull instruments, left bleeding and crying. I’ve heard girls talk about watching their sisters and cousins hemorrhage to death right next to them, and the pain, guilt and nightmares that plague them. I’ve listened to countless complaints of infections, pain and urinary problems, untreated here because of my clients’ fears of being examined by American doctors and nurses who have never before seen a woman who has been cut. They have shared with me the deep sorrow they feel because they will never experience sexual pleasure, and their trepidation at being with a sexual partner.

I tried to help each woman however I could, but I felt there was nothing I could do about a practice happening so far away. My conscience was comforted by the fact that others, from UN agencies to local NGOs, were fighting female genital mutilation in the countries where it was happening. That seemed like enough.

But then I heard about a young girl I’ll call Aida, who lived in New York and attended a local high school. Aida’s parents were planning to send her on vacation to the village from which they had fled, to force her to undergo FGM–a practice known as “vacation cutting”. When Aida refused to go, her family said she was dishonoring them and began to treat her poorly, sometimes even beating her. Aida’s guidance counselor–the only person in whom she confided these details–did nothing but wring his hands.

Why didn’t he do what the law mandated: call child protective services to prevent the beatings and the threat of other serious harm? He said later that he thought FGM was a cultural matter best left to her family.

I am a child of immigrants, so I understand that families struggle to maintain their culture and values once they come to a new country. But there are so many other cultural practices that our society has rejected because they harm girls and women, like female infanticide, acid throwing, honor killing, forced marriage, domestic violence and wife-burning. We cannot justify turning a blind eye to a discriminatory and potentially dangerous practice in the name of culture.

It turns out that, according to CDC estimates, thousands of girls in the U.S. are at risk of going through FGM. Since 1996, FGM has been a federal crime in the U.S. The law was a huge step forward, but did not cover “vacation cutting.” Thankfully, President Obama signed a law on January 7, 2013, repairing this loophole and making vacation cutting illegal.

On February 6, International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, let’s celebrate the December 2012 UN resolution calling for a global ban on FGM, and the new U.S. law. Let’s celebrate the activists in this country and around the world who are standing up for the safety and dignity of girls and women everywhere. They are fighting–against all odds and sometimes at great risk to their own safety–to end this practice.

You might have thought, as I once did: “This is not my problem since I’m not from a country affected by FGM.” Except that you are. And you don’t have to believe me: Teenagers and young women around the country are organizing, starting to tell their own stories about their experiences with vacation cutting and how it has impacted their identities and their communities. Just like their sisters overseas, they want to see this stop, and we must give them our support."

You might have thought, as I once did: “This is not my problem since I’m not from a country affected by FGM.”

As I still do.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
If this country had a lick of sense, it would cut off every penny of aid to Africa. If they want to fix it, drop some AK 47's into the countries, and let the best side win...except for Somalia. We should be carpet bombing them around the clock.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, to be honest, being that the United States allows male genital mutilation (for cultural and religious reasons), we probably don't have much room to preach to others about how uncivilized they are for allowing female (and male) genital mutilation - not that that's ever stopped us before.


Official Checked Star Member
Just to really ice the cake young women are now mutilating their own genitals to have the perfect 'pussy'. Vaginoplasty is one of the fastest growing operations within plastic surgery... pretty fucking sad I think that so many women don't like the look of their pussy. They really need to visit the exhibition of 'Cunts & Conversationalists' - a plaster cast of over 100 ginies from 18-80 yr olds, & they are all so different, unique & beautiful in their own way! :kitty:
Well, to be honest, being that the United States allows male genital mutilation (for cultural and religious reasons), we probably don't have much room to preach to others about how uncivilized they are for allowing female (and male) genital mutilation - not that that's ever stopped us before.

Please don't compare the two. I'm quite happy not having to worry about the hygienic issues or the likelihood of urinary tract infections associated with being "intact". <tap tap tap> I'm done. It's quite different to having your fuckin' clitoris sliced off.

But you know what? We're supposed to be an inclusive society that respects other religions and cultures right? Right? Then STFU.


Official Checked Star Member
Just to really ice the cake young women are now mutilating their own genitals to have the perfect 'pussy'. Vaginoplasty is one of the fastest growing operations within plastic surgery... pretty fucking sad I think that so many women don't like the look of their pussy. They really need to visit the exhibition of 'Cunts & Conversationalists' - a plaster cast of over 100 ginies from 18-80 yr olds, & they are all so different, unique & beautiful in their own way! :kitty:
No offense, but it's ridiculous to compare a voluntary plastic surgery in a likely sterile room to a tribal leader taking a razorblade to your clit in a hut somewhere.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Please don't compare the two. I'm quite happy not having to worry about the hygienic issues or the likelihood of urinary tract infections associated with being "intact". <tap tap tap> I'm done. It's quite different to having your fuckin' clitoris sliced off.

But you know what? We're supposed to be an inclusive society that respects other religions and cultures right? Right? Then STFU.

The procedures done on males in the U.S. at religious ceremonies or for religious/cultural reasons have no more to do with hygienic issues than the ones performed on these girls. You're on a fishing expedition there. Plus I'm not aware that the incidence of urinary tract infections in male babies is any higher in Germany and places that do not engage in this barbaric practice than in the "we are so civilized" United States.

In short, I am opposed to any and all medically unnecessary, elective procedures of this type being performed on minor children - male or female. If you are a male, female or transgender, and you decide to have some sort of invasive genital surgery performed once you are of age, then go for it. That's your business. But I would change the acronym to IGM (Infant Genital Mutilation) and go after all of it.

As for your last comment, it makes no sense, so I can't really respond to it.

BTW, I guess this was done for hygienic reasons, eh? Looks like it didn't work so well.

Controversial circumcision ritual led to infant's death from herpes, says death certificate

The New York District Attorney's office is reportedly investigating the death of a 2-week-old boy who underwent metzizah b'peh, a controversial Orthodox Jewish ritual that involves orally sucking the blood from the circumcised baby's penis. According to the unidentified boy's death certificate, he contracted herpes simplex virus type 1 from the ritual, and passed away at a Brooklyn hospital in September 2011, the New York Daily News reported.

It's time for all of these backward people to join the 21st century.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If this country had a lick of sense, it would cut off every penny of aid to Africa. If they want to fix it, drop some AK 47's into the countries, and let the best side win...except for Somalia. We should be carpet bombing them around the clock.

Parts of New Orleans still look like Dresden, Germany after WWII. Many people in New Jersey still haven't seen the first dime of aid after Hurricane Sandy. The average American kid has no more ability to do math or science than a kid in many third world countries. But we need to be spending tens of billions of (borrowed) dollars and risking the lives of American pilots to carpet bomb Somalia??? Might I ask why?

I would suggest that the United States try to emulate Rome in the early days of the Republic, not Rome in the final days of the Empire.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Parts of New Orleans still look like Dresden, Germany after WWII. Many people in New Jersey still haven't seen the first dime of aid after Hurricane Sandy. The average American kid has no more ability to do math or science than a kid in many third world countries. But we need to be spending tens of billions of (borrowed) dollars and risking the lives of American pilots to carpet bomb Somalia??? Might I ask why?

I would suggest that the United States try to emulate Rome in the early days of the Republic, not Rome in the final days of the Empire.

My reason is a simple case of vindictive revenge. I still can't seem to forget about the whole "Black Hawk down" thing, when they dragged an American pilot through the streets and tortured him to death...plus the whole pirate shit needs to stop, and suggesting a nuke, seemed a little bit irresponsible. Would it bother you if, the money used as aid to Africa, went to Americans that needed the help, and the carpet bombing didn't take any money away from that cause? I do know it would cost taxpayers though, I'm just curious.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
My reason is a simple case of vindictive revenge. I still can't seem to forget about the whole "Black Hawk down" thing, when they dragged an American pilot through the streets and tortured him to death...plus the whole pirate shit needs to stop, and suggesting a nuke, seemed a little bit irresponsible. Would it bother you if, the money used as aid to Africa, went to Americans that needed the help, and the carpet bombing didn't take any money away from that cause? I do know it would cost taxpayers though, I'm just curious.

I'm not really prone to acts of vindictive revenge anyway. But unless it's me putting my ass on the line, sending some 22 year old to get shot out of the sky is not the way to do it. And I wouldn't single out Africa or any other region or country when it comes to cutting foreign aid. As you know, I am in favor of severely cutting foreign aid, military spending that is not directly tied to the safety and security of the United States homeland, subsidies and loan programs that cannot be justified. I am in favor of striking the Cranston Amendment from the books immediately. As I've also said, in my view, Japan either needs an army of its own... or they need to learn to speak Chinese. Either/or... makes no never-mind to me - not my problem. I am in favor of dramatic increases in domestic infrastructure and educational spending in the U.S. As for war and bombing, unless some country directed an attack against the United States, I wouldn't be for carpet bombing anybody. Carpet bombing an entire country, over the crimes of a few in government, would make us no better than the ones we'd be bombing. IMO, Bush and Cheney committed war crimes by staging a war based on false pretenses against Iraq. I sure as hell wouldn't want to have my house hit by a 500 pounder just because Bush and Cheney got hardons by firing Patriot missiles at Iraqis. But if they came over and wanted to arrest them, I wouldn't get in their way. "Take him, boys. You got no fight with me. Dubya is hiding under that stump over there. Cheney is wearing a dress and pretending to be a pregnant woman. I just saw him cut the line to get on the evacuation shuttle first."

I agree with Jaana. I'm just adding that I'm in favor of protecting all children from acts of barbarism cloaked in "culture" and "religion" and I suspect that she is too. So if we begin doing right by all children (and the helpless in our society) and minding our own business (globally), I think we might just be OK.


Official Checked Star Member
No offense, but it's ridiculous to compare a voluntary plastic surgery in a likely sterile room to a tribal leader taking a razorblade to your clit in a hut somewhere.

It's not a ridiculous comparison but its obviously not one that you would choose - luckily the world is made up of all different types of people with varying views or it would be a boring place. I was merely pointing out that while some have it done viciously against their will - others choose the procedure. Naturally a sterile environment & a scalpel would be your preference... :facepalm:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm not really prone to acts of vindictive revenge anyway. But unless it's me putting my ass on the line, sending some 22 year old to get shot out of the sky is not the way to do it. And I wouldn't single out Africa or any other region or country when it comes to cutting foreign aid. As you know, I am in favor of severely cutting foreign aid, military spending that is not directly tied to the safety and security of the United States homeland, subsidies and loan programs that cannot be justified. I am in favor of striking the Cranston Amendment from the books immediately. As I've also said, in my view, Japan either needs an army of its own... or they need to learn to speak Chinese. Either/or... makes no never-mind to me - not my problem. I am in favor of dramatic increases in domestic infrastructure and educational spending in the U.S. As for war and bombing, unless some country directed an attack against the United States, I wouldn't be for carpet bombing anybody. Carpet bombing an entire country, over the crimes of a few in government, would make us no better than the ones we'd be bombing. IMO, Bush and Cheney committed war crimes by staging a war based on false pretenses against Iraq. I sure as hell wouldn't want to have my house hit by a 500 pounder just because Bush and Cheney got hardons by firing Patriot missiles at Iraqis. But if they came over and wanted to arrest them, I wouldn't get in their way. "Take him, boys. You got no fight with me. Dubya is hiding under that stump over there. Cheney is wearing a dress and pretending to be a pregnant woman. I just saw him cut the line to get on the evacuation shuttle first."

I agree with Jaana. I'm just adding that I'm in favor of protecting all children from acts of barbarism cloaked in "culture" and "religion" and I suspect that she is too. So if we begin doing right by all children (and the helpless in our society) and minding our own business (globally), I think we might just be OK.

Fair enough. I see your point, but I'm not talking about a forever type of thing...I meant a round the clock for a week or 2. I understand that still poses risk to our men in uniform, but it is FAR SAFER then ground troops. it's a little harder for them to take out a B-52, or a B-1, then a chopper full of special forces. I agree with most of what you've posted, and to be honest, what I don't, I just can't speak intelligently about, or I can't really disagree with it...I'm good either way. I just can't seem to get over the way they desecrated that corpse, on television, for all to see. It was an operation, meant to fail from the beginning, and Clinton seriously dropped the ball on this one. I guess we'll just disagree on this, and it is off topic, so I don't want to hijack it.