Twitter Users Name and Shame Charlottesville White Nationalist Scum


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It has everything to do with his open letter to snowflakes and his virtue signalling. Also, his labeling comes from a liberal Democrat bent. There are plenty of conservatives all over the country that could do the same as this guy did in condemning the actions of their socialist Marxist offspring. Nothing to see here, unless you are a butthurt liberal.

What exactly is there for a liberal to be butthurt about? Disgusted, perhaps, but butthurt, that's not exactly an appropriate reaction to what happened, save your butthurt for getting trolled on the internet.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This is what happens when you forget to wear your hoodie...
There's no such things as "american nationalism" : there's nationalism.
Just because you put "american" in front office something horrendous it won't make it less horrendous.

Democratic Socialism (or Social Democracy) is a things, it's real, very different from socialism or communism. Look it up.

You voted for Hollande back in 2012 and now for Macron tête de con, so you are very far to make the differences between a conservative and a socialist...