"Turning In" Your Spouse...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The thread about Sarah Palin's husband not wanting to testify against her got me thinking...

If your spouse committed a terrible crime (armed robbery, murder, etc), would you turn them into the police?

Or, would you keep it a secret?

Honestly, I would probably be so scared that I would...

A) Shit my pants in terror
B) Shit my pants in confusion
C) Shit my pants for having shit in my pants
I think it depends on the crime. If it was something like murder, armed robbery or that sort, she'd be gone. Why? Because I wouldn't be able to trust her. If it was hit and run, same thing. Can't trust her judgment. If it was shoplifting, I'd have to ask her to get help from a therapist or someone for kleptomania.


Depends what it was and who she did it too.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I would think about it, but not before having totally awesome guilty sex.
no, what I'd do is obey my order to testify in court, and then lie about it and say she was innocent, or at least that I didn't know anything about her being guilty.

either way if you are an average person and not a rich republican above the law, you face the potential of facing charges related to obstruction of justice. But at least that way you have the possibility of appearing innocent.

by refusing to testify you are acknowledging that you know she is guilty and that your testimony will confirm it. But it doesn't really matter for either of the Palins, like I said above.
I think it goes against the rule of law for any citizen to disregard a subpoena. HOWEVER...this "Troopergate" situation has been fucked up by both Dems and Pubs. We can't have this issue clouding judgment because this is a real situation. It's not smalltime shit. Sarah Palin has proven herself to be incompetent and a liar in just about every other situation. If she was simply trying to seek revenge on behalf of her sister..that is an abuse of power. BUT, maybe this trooper was a douchebag and this MiddleMan is not doing his job. Alaska can wait until after the election to sort this mess out.

At this point, if McCain and Palin somehow win the election..."Troopergate" won't really matter in the grand scheme.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
C) Shit my pants for having shit in my pants

That is classic right there

Under no circumstances would I turn my spouse in if I was married, especially if we had kids. Besides, can't prove a crime was committed without evidence of any kind or testimony from a credible witness.
If I turned my spouse in she would turn me in. She has enough dirt on me to give me major jail time.


Closed Account
The thread about Sarah Palin's husband not wanting to testify against her got me thinking...

If your spouse committed a terrible crime (armed robbery, murder, etc), would you turn them into the police?

Or, would you keep it a secret?

Honestly, I would probably be so scared that I would...

A) Shit my pants in terror
B) Shit my pants in confusion
C) Shit my pants for having shit in my pants

the shitting in your pants thing made me fucking crack up!

as for the question.. I don't think I could turn him in.
nope.... couldn't do it..... till death do us part and all that jazz.......
Just a little "law" to throw in... A spouse cant testify against (or for) one another.....still dosent mean you cant turn them in but you can not testify in court
I don't know if I believe that so-called law. what if your spouse was the only witness to a murder that you committed? all the time you have these mobsters wives that want to get into witness protection and turn in their husbands, right?
I don't know if I believe that so-called law. what if your spouse was the only witness to a murder that you committed? all the time you have these mobsters wives that want to get into witness protection and turn in their husbands, right?

In many (most?) countries, you cannot be legally forced to testify against your spouse; no matter what the crime.

For me? It would depend on what she did. If it was bad enough, I would testify and then immediately start divorce proceedings.