trump's Coronavirus Failures and Lies

It's always cringeworthy when this moron opens his mouth. It's a daily humiliation for every American.
Even if we pretend for a minute that trump's response was competent, is there anyone who thinks it's ok for him to use the daily coronavirus briefing to force the media to watch a propaganda video about it? Every other president in history, whether republican or democrat, and whether sincere or not, with 30 thousand Americans dead, would have been on tv expressing sorrow and compassion over the huge number of losses.
But not this human garbage. All he cares about is how he looks. And his video might have looked convincing to him, and to his sister-fucking voter base, but in the real world, the facts are out there for everyone to see.
So now all the stimulus checks have been delayed because they have to have the fuckhead's name on them? That seems important. Gotta make sure everyone knows it was trump who personally got them that fat bonus. Hopefully while everyone is remembering that, they also remember the trillions in welfare for the rich they handed out a couple of years ago that they've since been trying to pay for by cutting every form of welfare that rich people don't need...


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Republicans in 2016 : Obama must respect states rights
Republicans in 2020 : Trump has total authority over states

Republicans pre-2016: We must control the debt/deficit. Obama is out of control.
Republicans today: What deficit/debt? Let's run the bill up.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Great thread and posting Mongo18. Sorry it took me so long to get here.

Johan - Great, thoughtful posting. (y)
I'm sure we've all seen the parade of wankers creating a traffic jam in Michigan to protest at the capital, carting confederate flags and swastikas around (why do trumpa loompas love attaching themselves to the losing side so much?).
Saw a video made by a hospital worker as he was stuck in the traffic jam unable to get to work, where people are DYING from the virus. These people are so anti-reality and contrary that they ignored everything doctors have told us, to gather in a large crowd with no PPE, there were people there literally handing out candy to children, just to prove that they can do whatever the fuck they want. Their selfishness and ignorance is quite likely going to result in a few more virus cases, which will take up resources when there are none to spare, and result in unnecessary deaths.
In both Michigan and Wisconsin, authorities sat back and did nothing while these people disobeyed health and safety guidelines, just to show that they could.

I'm reminded of a thread I started a while back where I asked how much do the rest of us put up with when the stupidity and arrogance of right wing extremists starts affecting the lives of the majority. I'd say this qualifies. America has by far the worst response to the virus in the world, that's not an opinion, it's an easily verifiable fact, and these assholes are going out there and making it worse for everyone just because they're assholes.

America, you have a cancer, it's infecting the rest of the world and you need to cut it out. Your democracy has failed, and you're run by a combination of vicious, far right ideologues, and self serving con men. You fought a civil war to end shit like this, and now you're right back under a tyrannical dictator who is untouchable by the law, leading a minority party that delights in making life miserable for anyone who doesn't conform to their cult.

America, get your fucking shit together.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
A few interesting tidbits from today's roaming:

Some leaders are waking up in order to cut out the cancer. One of the authors of this opinion piece, is one of Trump's advisers. I'd like the transcripts to those alone-time conversations.

It is embarrassing.
I don't think it's just trump that needs to go. mcconnell might not have the cult, but I'd argue that he's done more and longer lasting damage to the US than even trump has.
Not sure if this is relevant to this thread, but here is a great tweet from 2009 :facepalm:

Hahaha nice one! I love the way this bucketmouth's tweets keep coming back to kick his ass. At least for those of us who accept real history and not republican history.


Light one for Me
Even George W warned about a pandemic.

Bottom line is this happened under Trumps watch. The warning sign were something he chose to ignore.🤷‍♂️


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Is Trump trying to play the usual presidential card to distract us from his coronavirus mess? Nothing like a good military action to rally the nation and funnel money into the military-industrial complex.
  • President Trump said Wednesday that he's instructed the U.S. Navy to "shoot down and destroy" any Iranian gunboats harassing American ships
It begs two questions: How is it possible to 'shoot down' a gunboat? Or is this like the Continental Army's occupation of airports during the Revolutionary War?

Of course, the Iranian government could be doing the same to distract its populace from their failures.
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Hiliary 2020
So you all think Trump makes decisions? That he has any power at all?
That he is not just a tool to create partisanship among The People? Which in turn turns you into a tool as well.
They've even used him to make the corona virus and lockdown of into a partisan issue among The People.
So everybody keep arguing over Trump because if you were ever going to figure it out I suppose you would have done so by now.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
So you all think Trump makes decisions? That he has any power at all?
That he is not just a tool to create partisanship among The People? Which in turn turns you into a tool as well.
They've even used him to make the corona virus and lockdown of into a partisan issue among The People.
So everybody keep arguing over Trump because if you were ever going to figure it out I suppose you would have done so by now.

I think the only reason Trump is President is because the Deep State knew they wouldn’t be able to carry out their NWO agenda with Hillary Clinton at the wheel. Too many people were onto her. He’s just a distraction while they make their final chess move.