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Since this is about women that don't normal participate in hardcore porn..there is a pic of a guy feeling Carol goldnerova's arse in a pic but i wonder did more happen. I have seen those vids and they are not great. But u reckon Carol did give a blowjob or got licked out at least. I wonder will they release extra footage of it


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Bridal fuck wars 2015 - it is in two episodes (I the the last one and the last but one, but I am not sure), I realy recommed, good camare work, nice girl seduced .... I think it is a must have

And the second is DSO2008-03-07 .... great big fuck, drunken amateur has brain fucked out ..... must have

The others are not so great IMHO ...
If you have those two scenes....
How in the world can anyone tell which one is an amateur? They all look pro imo.
Since this is about women that don't normal participate in hardcore porn..there is a pic of a guy feeling Carol goldnerova's arse in a pic but i wonder did more happen. I have seen those vids and they are not great. But u reckon Carol did give a blowjob or got licked out at least. I wonder will they release extra footage of it
Any sources for video? 🥵
Thanks for pointing me here :) Do you have the individual camera files or only the DVD edit of New Year's Sex Ball? I don't have the edit. BTW, that DSO was already mentioned as 5) in your very first post. For example after 3 Minutes in dso2009-02-13b (Cam 2?) Federica Hill is eating her friend out.

Not sure if it counts because it was probably staged but a girl called 'Yulia' at her allwam scenes who usually only danced starting 2006 gave a BJ in dso2011-08-01 Crazier By The Dozen. IIRC there was also some lesbian action with her.

Two girls servings shots in many PH Episodes were kinda nasty before that at DSO. The blonde, which got more and more tattoos over the years, got eaten out by a guy in dso2011-11-28 Winter Fuck Jam and usually did some mild lesbian action with her friend.
The brunette of those two was a bit nastier. Gave a couple of BJs, dso2011-08-01 Crazier By The Dozen for example. She retuned last year in PHGC25 and gave a handjob I think.
‘Two girls servings shots in many PH Episodes were kinda nasty before that at DSO. The blonde, which got more and more tattoos over the years, got eaten out by a guy in dso2011-11-28 Winter Fuck Jam and usually did some mild lesbian action with her friend.’Any new discoveries?
Hey, was this girl ever identified?

she was in a few partys in 2004 and has a big tattoo on her right shoulder

she is giving Bjs in party hardcore ph2004-07-05 till ph2004-07-19

and the actual multicam rerelease dso Blowjob Beauties 2004-07-23 till 2004-08-13

I could also find her in madsexparty wso2004-07-28

couldnt find anything hc or even showing tits
trying to be on topic, but who can really tell if they are amateurs:

1. dso2006-02-17 Monster Fucking Bash (repost dso2014-01-21) pt1cam1 14.50 -> 16min BJ in the bottom left corner (I already posted this the the PH amateur topic).

2. dso2006-06-02 (Soccer World Cup themed) a friend of Caroline Fox goes wild with some girls and gives a couple of BJs. She was in 5 partys around that time and probably never did anything else back then. But she looks a lot like a girl that came back years later doing full HC at dso2008-09-05 All Night Love Lounge. Maybe same girl also at FCS/FCP and PIA under the names DD & Djey Djey as a blonde, but I am not as sure about it as the people making that connection at indexxx -
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