Thanks for pointing me hereDo you have the individual camera files or only the DVD edit of New Year's Sex Ball? I don't have the edit. BTW, that DSO was already mentioned as 5) in your very first post. For example after 3 Minutes in dso2009-02-13b (Cam 2?) Federica Hill is eating her friend out.
Not sure if it counts because it was probably staged but a girl called 'Yulia' at her allwam scenes who usually only danced starting 2006 gave a BJ in dso2011-08-01 Crazier By The Dozen. IIRC there was also some lesbian action with her.
Two girls servings shots in many PH Episodes were kinda nasty before that at DSO. The blonde, which got more and more tattoos over the years, got eaten out by a guy in dso2011-11-28 Winter Fuck Jam and usually did some mild lesbian action with her friend.
The brunette of those two was a bit nastier. Gave a couple of BJs, dso2011-08-01 Crazier By The Dozen for example. She retuned last year in PHGC25 and gave a handjob I think.
Is the brunette below the one you are talking about? She was with the really tiny blond girl a lot. Was she really back in PHGC25, I missed that? She has a killer body and lots of enthusiasm. I think she fucked in DSO Power Tooled Party Cunts part 4 or 5, but Tainster fucked up and uploaded the same camera twice and then just ignored customers when they asked for it to be fixed (I know what a shock).