What what be the "All-star" PH setup?
Theme - Less stripclub/nightclub theme, more (bachelorette) party theme
Set - 2005 era stage and catwalk, tables and chairs around the edges
Length - 6 parts
Performers, in order - Neo, the tattooed second performer from PHGC 29, the tall Guy Pearce lookalike that gives a blonde amateur a surprise mouthful in PHGC 3, Eric or the big brazilian
Patrolling waiters - Ales, Denis (RIP), the rat-faced big eared guy from the early years, monster cock Herman Munster from early years, the big eared guy from more recent years, ponytail, Petr (his game sucks but at least tries), Sensi
Plants - 6 at most. Meant to start things off and encourage amateurs to participate. You're a last resort so GTFO if a stripper is with somebody else.
Side events - Party Softcore games, cream licking contest
Gina - Unemployed