The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth: Henry Beston.
RANDOM TIDBITS - Unusual Animals
The largest of all forest antelopes, the bongo is known for
its graceful, spiraled horns and beautiful striped hide.
Timid, well camouflaged, and mostly nocturnal, it is one of
Africa's most mysterious animals.
The spiny echidna is one of only two monotremes—egg-laying
mammals. It spends most of its time alone, burrowing in the
ground and catching insects with its long sticky tongue.
Echidnas grow about 18 inches long and have a simple oblong
shape. Found in Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania.
A pangolin is a scaly, short-legged mammal that comes out
at night to search for bugs. It has no teeth, but its
sticky tongue can stretch two feet long. Shy and quiet, a
pangolin will curl into a ball when frightened. Found in
Africa and Asia.
The tarsier is a squirrel-sized primate most noted for its
huge round eyes. This animal is also notable for its night
vision and ability to turn its head almost all the way
around. It lives entirely in trees; on the ground it can
only hop. Found in Southeast Asia.
One look at the kiwi bird will tell you where the fruit
got its name. The kiwi bird itself was named for its
memorable call. A kiwi weighs from three to nine pounds,
depending on the species, and has a long beak with nostrils.
Found in New Zealand.
The world's largest rodent, the capybara is found in South
America. Its semi-webbed feet help make it a good swimmer,
and it spends much of its time around water or wallowing in
mud with other capybaras.
RANDOM TIDBITS - Unusual Animals
The largest of all forest antelopes, the bongo is known for
its graceful, spiraled horns and beautiful striped hide.
Timid, well camouflaged, and mostly nocturnal, it is one of
Africa's most mysterious animals.
The spiny echidna is one of only two monotremes—egg-laying
mammals. It spends most of its time alone, burrowing in the
ground and catching insects with its long sticky tongue.
Echidnas grow about 18 inches long and have a simple oblong
shape. Found in Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania.
A pangolin is a scaly, short-legged mammal that comes out
at night to search for bugs. It has no teeth, but its
sticky tongue can stretch two feet long. Shy and quiet, a
pangolin will curl into a ball when frightened. Found in
Africa and Asia.
The tarsier is a squirrel-sized primate most noted for its
huge round eyes. This animal is also notable for its night
vision and ability to turn its head almost all the way
around. It lives entirely in trees; on the ground it can
only hop. Found in Southeast Asia.
One look at the kiwi bird will tell you where the fruit
got its name. The kiwi bird itself was named for its
memorable call. A kiwi weighs from three to nine pounds,
depending on the species, and has a long beak with nostrils.
Found in New Zealand.
The world's largest rodent, the capybara is found in South
America. Its semi-webbed feet help make it a good swimmer,
and it spends much of its time around water or wallowing in
mud with other capybaras.