Transgender Bathrooms in schools? Am I reading this correctly?

you mean paying as in monetarily?
if so damn right I'm paying you freaky bastard!
To add all those new bathrooms in every GOV. building would cost 100's of million dollars at least.
That kind of work ain't cheap by no stretch.
We're talking 10's of thousands if not more Latrines here soldier.
Then every damn private business and office will have to make another urination station too.
Now we might be getting into the millions of shitters.
To add a new crapper in each would cost about 10 grand each for that kind of renovation.
Now we're talking Billions of dollars because some humanoids choose to be different and gotta bitch about where they wanna blast a dookie or drain the lizard.
You think the businesses are going eat that cost? No way Hose A. theyre gonna pass it off to the consumer. Raise prices.

I know you leftys don't think about who's paying the bill much, mostly because it ain't you babe, just gimme gimme gimme.
But hate to break the news to you, things cost money - money that someone worked for .....and they shouldnt be forced to have to spend it on somebody with a sexual identity problem who can't decide where they want to defecate!

BTW, I'm still trying to locate this person.
Can anybody help me out?

You really must be an unhappy person, that you're so opposed to other people not being miserable you're willing to attack not only people who need a little extra help but also those willing to offer it.
BTW, I'm still trying to locate this person.
Can anybody help me out?

It's a character named "Mango" from a series of SNL sketches played by Chris Kattan. The sketches weren't funny.

Though I suspect that if you came up with a couple of different pics of the character that you knew this already...

I know you leftys don't think about who's paying the bill much, mostly because it ain't you babe, just gimme gimme gimme.
But hate to break the news to you, things cost money - money that someone worked for .....and they shouldnt be forced to have to spend it on somebody with a sexual identity problem who can't decide where they want to defecate!

Sometimes the bottom line has to be overlooked in favor of creating a better or more equitable world. It's why we fund things like public education, police forces, armies, fire departments, road work and infrastructure improvements, and many, many others services and public programs.

Regardless, think of all the jobs this will create. All of that work has to be done, right? That's a tonne of parts that need to be manufactured, and labor that needs to be secured. Think of all the construction workers who've been sidelined by the housing bubble bursting who would suddenly be back to work since their skills would be in great demand. Isn't job creation a good thing?


Hiliary 2020
You really must be an unhappy person, that you're so opposed to other people not being miserable you're willing to attack not only people who need a little extra help but also those willing to offer it.

I ain't attacking, I just think it's way over the top.
I suppose your main concern is in the schools. If a student whether transgender or not feels unsafe going into a bathroom then let the school deal with it how they see fit.
I mean you could argue the same about a little white girl or boy going into the bathroom alone in a mostly black school. scools that are 80% black, 10% Latino, and 10% scared. If I proposed making bathrooms for whites only in those schools what would you think?
How about bathrooms for nerds and geeks? They get a lot of abuse too.

It's a character named "Mango" from a series of SNL sketches played by Chris Kattan. The sketches weren't funny.

Though I suspect that if you came up with a couple of different pics of the character that you knew this already...

Sometimes the bottom line has to be overlooked in favor of creating a better or more equitable world. It's why we fund things like public education, police forces, armies, fire departments, road work and infrastructure improvements, and many, many others services and public programs.

Regardless, think of all the jobs this will create. All of that work has to be done, right? That's a tonne of parts that need to be manufactured, and labor that needs to be secured. Think of all the construction workers who've been sidelined by the housing bubble bursting who would suddenly be back to work since their skills would be in great demand. Isn't job creation a good thing?

Mango ? I must find this "Mango" person.
Of course I'm joking. The board is for fun.

But HHJJ, I'm gonna have to shoot that theory "down in a blaze of glory" (Bruce Springsteen).
That's pretty much the same theory as Pelosi's " unemployment is a good thing because it stimulates the economy".
If putting bathrooms like this all over the country, millions of them, It would raise taxes and cause inflation to rise.
But just to show that I'm not a cold hearted Scrooge when it comes to helping people let me say:
I am all for helping people in need with taxes. But not people who create their own problems then make demands, in which I consider transgenders to be a part of.
Sick children, disabled children, Elderly, adults who are truly disabled through no fault of their own. These are the people I am more than willing to help, bah humbug.
I ain't attacking.
I know you leftys don't think about who's paying the bill much, mostly because it ain't you babe, just gimme gimme gimme.
But hate to break the news to you, things cost money - money that someone worked for .....and they shouldnt be forced to have to spend it on somebody with a sexual identity problem who can't decide where they want to defecate!

One of these things seems to contradict the other quite directly, but whatever keeps your ball rolling. The fact that you consider trans people to have "created their own problems" just underlines the fact that you really don't know what the problem is and likely never will, so trot along your flat earth to the alchemist and let him get the leeches out.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
If a student whether transgender or not feels unsafe going into a bathroom then let the school deal with it how they see fit.
And when they see fit to build new bathrooms...?


Hiliary 2020
One of these things seems to contradict the other quite directly, but whatever keeps your ball rolling. The fact that you consider trans people to have "created their own problems" just underlines the fact that you really don't know what the problem is and likely never will, so trot along your flat earth to the alchemist and let him get the leeches out.
Then tell me, what exactly is the problem?

And when they see fit to build new bathrooms...?

Well they probably will.
I picture a country where every warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, doghouse, schoolhouse, courthouse, clubhouse, birdhouse, cathouse, greenhouse, townhouse, penthouse, madhouse, jailhouse,dollhouse, glasshouse and slaughterhouse have an entire wing dedicated to putting all the different shithouses in, to accommodate everyone who's different.
you know, mens room, womens room, seniors room for women, seniors room for men, seniors room for transgenders,, childrens room both boys and girls .....and transgenderr children,
lets divide it by race too, all of the above for asian, black , white, ect. then by religion too.
Bisexual male, transgender bisexual male, Bisexual women, transgender bisexual women. Homosexuals X3, Transvestites X3,
And Gingers X3 with dim lighting of course.
A fat person bathroom X3, an expecting mothers bathroom, a transgender expected mothers bathroom.
I can fill this page with possibilities, but if anybody still can't see where this is heading, then ........


Hiliary 2020
Jeep, I think this should be my final post on this ( let the cheap shots begin).

If you say transgenders don't have a choice then ok, I'll take your word at it for the sake of..... .I'm not sure.
But I'll take your word.

I don't want anybody to feel uncomfortable. i personally have always had a problem pissing next to another.
But to build seperate bathrooms for transgenders, and especially to make it mandatory will will open the door for everybody demanding separate bathrooms.
it will happen, guarantee it.
i'm sure there must be other solutions than renovating every damn place that has a public bathroom in it.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
you mean paying as in monetarily?
if so damn right I'm paying you freaky bastard!
To add all those new bathrooms in every GOV. building would cost 100's of million dollars at least.
That kind of work ain't cheap by no stretch.
We're talking 10's of thousands if not more Latrines here soldier.
Then every damn private business and office will have to make another urination station too.
Now we might be getting into the millions of shitters.
To add a new crapper in each would cost about 10 grand each for that kind of renovation.
Now we're talking Billions of dollars because some humanoids choose to be different and gotta bitch about where they wanna blast a dookie or drain the lizard.
You think the businesses are going eat that cost? No way Hose A. theyre gonna pass it off to the consumer. Raise prices.

I know you leftys don't think about who's paying the bill much, mostly because it ain't you babe, just gimme gimme gimme.
But hate to break the news to you, things cost money - money that someone worked for .....and they shouldnt be forced to have to spend it on somebody with a sexual identity problem who can't decide where they want to defecate!

BTW, I'm still trying to locate this person.
Can anybody help me out?
You're hilarious, yet depressing at the same time.
You really must be an unhappy person, that you're so opposed to other people not being miserable you're willing to attack not only people who need a little extra help but also those willing to offer it.
I personally have always had a problem pissing next to another.
This could explain your hatred of everything; the knowledge that in comparison to all the others you're lacking in an area percieved to be so fundamentally important.
Also, fuck you.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I have the solution. All bathrooms are either unisex or pay toilets. Everyone can pee wherever they want. Well maintained and sanitary. You want your privacy and a nicer place to do your business then you pay. How does that sound? We don't have to build and search out 6 different toilet options.
Lmao at the idea that the only reason rape doesn't happen twice as much is because they're too afraid to go into the wrong bathroom.

And Alex, I used to think you just had some prickish vendetta against Manley, but now I realize you're a legitimate bigot, not unlike the high school tough guys that need someone to pick on because of their own insecurities. Which makes you a perfect example as to why lbgt folks should get their own restrooms: so they don't have to put up with assholes like you every time they have to take a leak.

You made one good point though: your opinion doesn't matter.