WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really need to see more movies!
I walked away from watching Transformer 2 as if it was the best movie ever made.
I'm sorry, what? She acted in that movie? I must've been distracted and missed it. :bootie:Megan Fox is hot, but her fantastic ass acts far better than she does.
Seriously! How about the important Autobots? The only one that they showed for 80% of the movie was Bumblebee. What about Jazz or Ratchet? Instead they decided that two ghettolicious Transformers would be a suitable replacement. :wtf:The action sequences are shot well, but the climactic battle at the end with Optimus lasts about 2 minutes, compared to about 20 minutes of screen time given to the "Twins", who, personally, made me want to hurt myself. How did anyone think they were a good idea?!
Also, why did it take them 20 seconds to transform? In the cartoons it took them maybe one second to transform. Why is it that in the movie it took them long enough to play a round of golf before they could transform?And where did the transforming "noise" go from the first film, in which they used it a few times?
That will never happen, if you are making a film of a comic or whatever you should aim to appeal to a larger audience not just the minority of hardcore fans. Star Trek for example, JJ Abrams admits he wasn't a devotee of Star Trek & the movie was better for it. On the other hand Zak Synder's Watchmen was awesome, but probably didn't appeal much outside its core audience.I have an idea that would make a lot of movies, television shows, books, video games and other things turn out better more of the time.
From not on when material for a certain genre or fictional universe is made whether it is something like Star Wars, Star Trek, people from comic books, people and worlds from popular fictional setting from books, Transformers or any of the other things from cartoons and the like. it should only real true hardcore fans of the material and people who are in tune to what the fans of those like that should be allowed to write for it. If you can get directors, actors, producers, programmers, and artist that are also like that all the better. I think if that was done it would dramatically cut down on stupid decisions made in the material that has those things, the end product would end up better, and fans would seldom get pissed off because of it. Plus one other important thing must be observed. The integrity of a piece of fiction or fictional world/genre should never be compromised in the name of maximizing profit or trying to make it dumbed down to appeal to a larger base who won't care about it after they are done watching it anyhow.
I know it will never happen as long as money is involved but I can always dream. I have seen more than my fair share of things I loved ruined over the years because of stupid creative decisions.
Sod that, man, the 1986 movie is probably the best animated film of the past 25, 30 years. It's a solid piece of science-fiction in its own right, and mass slaughter the insignificance of man are some heavy themes for six-year-olds to swallow, and it still manages to work on the kids' level and the grown-up level. These live-action films are a step backwards, and they don't even look as impressive visually. Plus, as much as I like Hugo Weaving, I'd take Orson Welles over him any day.
Orson Welles played Unicron in the cartoon movie,not Megotron or even Galvatron,so I don't understand your comparison.
Seriously! How about the important Autobots? The only one that they showed for 80% of the movie was Bumblebee. What about Jazz or Ratchet? Instead they decided that two ghettolicious Transformers would be a suitable replacement. :wtf:
Also, the Constructicons as a main enemy? I had the toy set when I was a kid, but I don't remember them making more than one or two appearances in the cartoon.
I'd consider Hugo Weaving the biggest 'name actor' in the live-action films, and Orson Welles the biggest in the 1986 one.