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Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

Berating a socially corruptable practice, an exercise in irrationality, is simply pressing us all for a higher standard. We do/did the same thing with racism.

We don't accept people to continue idiotic sabotages of intellectual discourse with oppressive dogmas

We don't tolerate voodoo or astrology as a viable decision-maker / logic solution, and we shouldn't accept any theocratic hegemon suppressing and repressing people through fear and manipulation

You know sometimes people are spiritual to make them feel better about themselves, their place in all this madness, and their fellow man.

Pissing on them with rants about their beliefs, what they're supposed to believe in, how they're supposed to believe, only weakens your argument.

So far you're succeeding in just that.:clap:
Rolling chicken bones is how I figure out who I should kill next. Don't 'berate' me, it hurts my feelings. This is how I make sense of the world
Berating a socially corruptable practice, an exercise in irrationality, is simply pressing us all for a higher standard. We do/did the same thing with racism.

We don't accept people to continue idiotic sabotages of intellectual discourse with oppressive dogmas

We don't tolerate voodoo or astrology as a viable decision-maker / logic solution, and we shouldn't accept any theocratic hegemon suppressing and repressing people through fear and manipulation

So... again, your basic point is that if everyone believed like you, the world would be a better place. Got it.

Roughly 90% of the world's population believes in some sort of God or Gods. You are voicing the ideas of a minuscule portion of society while at the same time claiming that people who don't adhere to your ideas are idiots. And you're the one talking about dogma? The only reason your dogma isn't seen as "oppressive" is because not enough people believe in it to give it the validity and the ability necessary to oppress anyone or anything. You and Bill Maher must get lonely up there on your high horse.

There are arguably more people in the world that believe that vaccines cause autism than don't believe in a God of some sort.

Just for some perspective here, to address your claim that "We (whoever we is?) don't tolerate voodoo or astrology as a viable decision-maker / logic solution:" As of 2000 there were close to 100,000,000 more followers of Tribal Religions, Shamanism and Animism than there were self described atheists. So apparently in this case, the "we that don't" are significantly outnumbered by the "they that do."

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Sure, fundie Christians are a soft target. Idiots of all sorts are. And these particular idiots I have a lot of experience with. But why should I "go after Islam"??? Just as I know that not every Christian (far from it, fortunately) is like the dude who wants to set the Korans ablaze - and his ilk - I also know that not every Muslim is a whack-job who wants to make sure that the US operates under Sharia law. Those who do think so can fuck off, but they're not dominant.

Keep in mind, I'm not going after "Christianity" as a whole here with this. Note that it says "Fundamentalist Christian." As far as I know there are many, many Christians who aren't fundamentalists.

Same goes with Muslims. I've known a handful of Muslims in my time, but none of them were fundamentalists. None of them were supporters, or even vaguely sympathetic of, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sharia law, etc.

I'm agnostic and frankly find every religion to be a bit frustrating and problematic in its superstitions and unprovable axioms, dogmas, and assertions. But I understand how matters of the spirit work, to some extent, so I tolerate people who make the personal choice to take a leap of faith. But that's all it is, a non-rational leap of faith. When people try to "prove" or defend with various tidbits of bullshit "evidence" how their faith is "the one true faith" (and I know from experience that practically every religion has this kind of zealot), and want to justify their oppressive social and political visions by claiming that's how the one true God wants it, that's when I get annoyed, and I want them to mind their own business and keep their beliefs away from me -and my government!

I care far more about what people DO with their religion (do they use it to help their fellow man, or to sow bigotry, hatred and division? for starters) than whether or not it's the "one true" religion or whatever nonsense.

I'm happy to laugh at, mock, or fight against Islamic fundamentalists, too, whichever fundies I happen to encounter, or be approached by (but honestly, the ones who have made more attempts to alter my life are the fundie Christians, so, for now, they are the butt of more of my jokes). If I encounter some Muslims who express a real desire to impose Sharia in the USA, then I'll do whatever I can to prevent that. If I want to draw a picture of Mohamed (haven't really cared to, thus far), I will. I have no urge to burn a Koran - or a Bible. They're interesting books, for a variety of reasons. Not sacred to me, but they are to some, and I'm not so juvenile as to just pick a "team" and then burn the other team's book just to be an antagonistic ass-clown.

"Rip[ping] on" a religion does not necessarily mean that one thinks something shouldn't be tolerated. I definitely believe that fundie Christians should be tolerated, like any other people. The important thing is that they're not permitted to subvert and dominate the government and turn it into a theocracy - of ANY kind. Toleration doesn't mean acquiescence to theocracy. So, I presume your "fuckin hypocrite assholes" wasn't directed at me...


Whatever you need to do to justify yourself. :dunno:

We all know what assumptions are.;)
That was pretty funny ha! I do know a few people like that, it's sad. Doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe or even what religion it is, there are people who will believe and or say anything to justify their points and discredit others for theirs. People so often seem to forget that part of what Freedom means is also allowing what you may not agree with to be made to the public, which means not stomping on others rights because you don't believe it to be true....
I can fall down into epileptic seizures if I don't take my medication.
Does that mean I have the power of Jee-zus in me? :rolleyes:
No: in the history of christianity epileptic people was good for bbq :flame:

This thread rocks!

If people ever figured out how completely retarded all forms of religion were, we'd have world fucking peace
if there was a unique religion and all the people believes in that religion, where is the difference?
beliefs aren't retarded by themselves, is the people that admins the religion that make the god thing suck.
Did you see angel heart?
They say there's just enough religion in the world to make men hate one another, but not enough to make them love


I'm watching some specialist videos
This thread rocks!

If people ever figured out how completely retarded all forms of religion were, we'd have world fucking peace

If people actually followed the tenets of their religion, there would be world peace. Unfortunately, it is Men who head up the religions and it is Men who drive their followers to suit themselves rather than their god (or gods).

One of my favourite quotes from The Hitchhiker's Guide -
And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change...

Both the top ten lists (The original and the Foolish Atheist lists) are based on fundamentalist views. Neither list allowing for any bend in belief.
For example, I can see that, if there is a God/gods, that both intelligent design and Darwinism can exist side by side. God creates life and then over millennia slowly changes the design so that those life forms adapt to their surroundings, or gives the life forms the ability to change in that way. Anyone who says that evolution is not real has not looked around. Bacteria and viruses constantly change and adapt - this folks, is evolution in action.