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Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

It's another one of those "sad but true" kind of things. I know some Christians that could probably say "yes" to all ten.

I'm not religious myself, but I enjoy learning about all religions and why people believe in what they do. One thing that I have learned is that all religions have people with that "my way only" view of the world. Such as fundamentalist Christians and Salafi Jihadis of Islam and so on. The really sad part is that most religions are judged based upon what these idiots say, when the reality is that most religious people are peaceful and will accept anyone as they are.
Well as a believer in Evolution/Adaptation and a Creator, I'll say that it's easy for some here to go after the soft target. It makes them feel warm and toasty inside.

Mind you they don't have the proverbial brass to confront Islam for many reasons.

Show me a liberal who goes after Islam (and I mean really pursues Islam's issues) and I'll buy that person a beer.

Sure, fundie Christians are a soft target. Idiots of all sorts are. And these particular idiots I have a lot of experience with. But why should I "go after Islam"??? Just as I know that not every Christian (far from it, fortunately) is like the dude who wants to set the Korans ablaze - and his ilk - I also know that not every Muslim is a whack-job who wants to make sure that the US operates under Sharia law. Those who do think so can fuck off, but they're not dominant.

Keep in mind, I'm not going after "Christianity" as a whole here with this. Note that it says "Fundamentalist Christian." As far as I know there are many, many Christians who aren't fundamentalists.

Same goes with Muslims. I've known a handful of Muslims in my time, but none of them were fundamentalists. None of them were supporters, or even vaguely sympathetic of, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sharia law, etc.

I'm agnostic and frankly find every religion to be a bit frustrating and problematic in its superstitions and unprovable axioms, dogmas, and assertions. But I understand how matters of the spirit work, to some extent, so I tolerate people who make the personal choice to take a leap of faith. But that's all it is, a non-rational leap of faith. When people try to "prove" or defend with various tidbits of bullshit "evidence" how their faith is "the one true faith" (and I know from experience that practically every religion has this kind of zealot), and want to justify their oppressive social and political visions by claiming that's how the one true God wants it, that's when I get annoyed, and I want them to mind their own business and keep their beliefs away from me -and my government!

I care far more about what people DO with their religion (do they use it to help their fellow man, or to sow bigotry, hatred and division? for starters) than whether or not it's the "one true" religion or whatever nonsense.

I'm happy to laugh at, mock, or fight against Islamic fundamentalists, too, whichever fundies I happen to encounter, or be approached by (but honestly, the ones who have made more attempts to alter my life are the fundie Christians, so, for now, they are the butt of more of my jokes). If I encounter some Muslims who express a real desire to impose Sharia in the USA, then I'll do whatever I can to prevent that. If I want to draw a picture of Mohamed (haven't really cared to, thus far), I will. I have no urge to burn a Koran - or a Bible. They're interesting books, for a variety of reasons. Not sacred to me, but they are to some, and I'm not so juvenile as to just pick a "team" and then burn the other team's book just to be an antagonistic ass-clown.

Fuckin hypocrite assholes. Piss and moan about how one religion should be tolerated then rip on another. You shits have no credibility except amongst yourselves.

"Rip[ping] on" a religion does not necessarily mean that one thinks something shouldn't be tolerated. I definitely believe that fundie Christians should be tolerated, like any other people. The important thing is that they're not permitted to subvert and dominate the government and turn it into a theocracy - of ANY kind. Toleration doesn't mean acquiescence to theocracy. So, I presume your "fuckin hypocrite assholes" wasn't directed at me...

Top Ten Signs You're a Foolish Atheist

10. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame Him for all the "evils" in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.

9. You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when creationists say that people were created in the image and likeness of God, but you have no problem with the evolutionist claim that we all evolved from slime by a cosmic accident.

8. You criticize fundamental Christians who believe the Bible, and say that it can't possibly be true because it's just a book written by mere men, yet you never question any of Darwin's writings or Richard Dawkins' books.

7. You can't seem to understand the primary differences between fundamental Muslims and fundamental Christians (hint: strap-on TNT. Plus - Muhammad says, “kill innocent people and yourself if you love me.” Jesus Christ said, “I’ll die for you because I love you”).

6. You say the Bible is full of fairytales and fables, yet you believe all life forms including plants, trees, insects, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals evolved from one species into another - As if evolution isn’t the biggest fairytale of them all.

5. You laugh at the Supernatural, even though scientists have calculated the odds of life forming by natural processes to be estimated less than 1 chance in 10 to the 40,ooo power – But you find nothing wrong with believing that billions of years full of random mutations would result in the impossible.

4. You accuse fundamental Christians of being intolerant, judgmental and hateful, while you foam at the mouth calling them freaking lunatics, ignorant, weak-minded, stupid fundies, and hateful bigots.

3. You ignore scientific concepts like cause and effect, and you don't realize that a closed system can be defined however the observer wants, so you throw out technological phrases to try to ignore the implications of thermodynamics by saying the laws of physics are not set in stone.

2. While all evidence, logic and reasoning point to a Creator and absolute truth, you prefer to hide behind relativism and a theory of evolution which does not, in fact, describe the creation of the universe at all, or why concepts of good and evil or morality exist.

1. Atheism fails to adequately explain the existence of eternal, unchanging truths, for it rejects the existence of an eternal unchanging mind. Atheism cannot offer man any eternal significance whatsoever. Temporary meaning in life is insufficient, for our accomplishments die with the death of the universe -- there is no ultimate purpose in a universe void of God.

"Rip[ping] on" a religion does not necessarily mean that one thinks something shouldn't be tolerated. I definitely believe that fundie Christians should be tolerated, like any other people.

Exactly... I personally believe that every religion is stupid (my personal belief ONLY) but if someone burns the bible I will seriously get pissed off. Why?.....Because I've spent about 3/4 of my life growing up as a catholic, if someone burns the bible, I see that as disrespect towards me and my family, even though I am an agnostic. My family..grandparents, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. deserve the right to have their religion tolerated, I may give my cousin a little shit and laugh at him for being a goodie two-shoes church boy, but religion is still his right and his beliefs, he shouldn't have to see a bible being burned just because someone disagrees with him. The same goes for people of every religion, muslim, christian, whatever, just because we laugh at these crazy Christians every once in a while, doesnt mean they shouldn't have the right to their own beliefs and it sure as hell doesn't mean we're hypocrites and we're "scared" of muslims because we don't support burning the quran or support letting them build a mosque wherever the hell they want.
You say the Bible is full of fairytales and fables, yet you believe all life forms including plants, trees, insects, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals evolved from one species into another - As if evolution isn’t the biggest fairytale of them all.


This is satire right?
This thread rocks!

If people ever figured out how completely retarded all forms of religion were, we'd have world fucking peace

Yeah I see your point, because people without religion are so peaceful, understanding and not the least bit condescending. Especially towards people who do have religion...

Is faith the "substance of things hoped for - evidence of things unseen"?

It is as you say it is.

But it is fundamentalist theology, born out of rationalizations of the world before enlightement. Why we continue to permit it today is insanity

So your basic point is that if everyone believed like you, the world would be a better place. Sounds pretty similar to what religious people say, just without the word "God" in it...
So your basic point is that if everyone believed like you, the world would be a better place. Sounds pretty similar to what religious people say, just without the word "God" in it...
What is it "I believe"?

(Just try to answer that first - I haven't asserted anything)

That which we can quantify and reason?
Or something I assert to be true that cannot be reasoned with?

The measure and standard you use to discredit all other religions(zeus, osiris, allah, FSM) but you're own, can also be used to nulify yours.
Yeah I see your point, because people without religion are so peaceful, understanding and not the least bit condescending. Especially towards people who do have religion...


You rule!!!!!!!! Good one man!!!!!
What is it "I believe"?

(Just try to answer that first - I haven't asserted anything)

Well you certainly have asserted, thus far, that religion is to blame for the majority of violence in the world, and that all people who follow a particular religion are idiots... I don't think its that difficult to infer what your stance on the issue at hand is.

That which we can quantify and reason?
Or something I assert to be true that cannot be reasoned with?

I'm not quite sure what you're directly referencing here, but I'm assuming you're talking about the existence of God, or a God? Where exactly is the quantifiable data that a God, or multiple Gods don't exist? Simply because something has yet to be unproven is not evidence that it doesn't exist.

The measure and standard you use to discredit all other religions(zeus, osiris, allah, FSM) but you're own, can also be used to nulify yours.
To quote you on this one "What is it I believe? Just try to answer that first - I haven't asserted anything." Nowhere have I stated that I follow any specific religion, nor have I made any statements about my belief or disbelief in God, or a God, or multiple Gods. I'm not trying to "discredit" or "nullify" anything here. I'm simply "asserting" that to berate people for having faith is just as close-minded and smug as judging people similarly for not having faith. Faith serves millions and millions of people on this planet very well, and those without faith, or a religion are in the minority. I just think its so morally pretentious to tell people with faith that they are idiots, especially when the number of people on this planet with faith/religion outnumber those who don't, in droves.
Berating a socially corruptable practice, an exercise in irrationality, is simply pressing us all for a higher standard. We do/did the same thing with racism.

We don't accept people to continue idiotic sabotages of intellectual discourse with oppressive dogmas

We don't tolerate voodoo or astrology as a viable decision-maker / logic solution, and we shouldn't accept any theocratic hegemon suppressing and repressing people through fear and manipulation