Top model hunt : KASY RHOADS

Ahoy there all cunty's. This is gonna be a real tough one, but worth it. I'm gonna steer in the models direction compared to the usual pornstars were always lookin up, reason being is that we just don't get enough models on any thread so I'd like to start with this one. This model is KASY RHOADS. Get the name and remember it. I'll leave to you decide if ya think she's worth maken the effort. A bit about what I know. Fuck-all in a nutshell, but what I do know is that she is on plenty search engines like yahoo, google, metacrawler etc. Plenty agencies have got her listed, some ave got plenty of non-nudes posted for downloads. They all say she done nude work, plenty of it too, but frankly none of em show shit. Help me out on this one fellow cunty's, I personaly think she is worth this thread and I don't mean for arguments sake, give a quick search find nothing, and give the old well tried my best, end of fucken story. In other words some one PLEEEAAAASE help me with dis fucken hard search!



  • 4017-23075-large.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 745
Heh heh what I tell ya fellow cunty's, aint she a beaut?

while were on website posting I thought I'd tell yous dat I first saw her in photography. In da previews area, she only had about 2 pics of her there. Yous can still go there but i doubt da good one is still available cause ya gotta know I was looken for more at da time. I think he's taken down a few but try ya luck anyhoo.
beauty? for the shape, yes but fot the appearance..I think she's average..but she is a model right? that means she got the fame there.
I'm curious as where did this particular shot come from. After all the above link has no nude shots of her, yet here we are with this one? seems to have only a couple, but at there is reference to which photographers she's worked with. Needs more research
Ah fer fuck sake, is dat da best all you cunty's out dere can do. I mean one of dem site sez dat she's got her tits pierced. Fuck I wanna see dat, so don just sit dere and wait fer me ta do all da woyk. fuck all you should join da hunt. Now get some links of her with more pics of her tits at least or get da pics demselves posted.
Now now, at this stage seeing her tits is good enough. Hopefully someone will find something out there. Further more hopefully someone aside from myself and most likely the thread starter are out there looking for her pics
here ya go! there have been plenty of nudes done by kasy. the most explicit collection i've found were available through jvcontent-which has since gone out of business. the pictures were distributed under the model name KC. I believe she has retired from the business. I haven't found anything new in a couple of years.

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Sorry about copyright violation. forgot about that. here's one I think is safe.
somewhere I have a licensing aggreement which should cover anything from this collection.

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She may be retired but we can still get them, we have to keep trying. Glad to see that theres more than a few of us working on this thread. moderators why do you remove those pics, damn it we need them. What the fuck did we do to deserve this?!