Top model hunt : KASY RHOADS

I assure you shes not. Have a look at some of her photos at that link above, there's not much there but just get a good look at that face and you will get my meaning. c7901 seems to have a fair idea about her, based on that I'm sure she has more photos of her out there but under a different name, fat chance we'll find that out as long as the moderators keep deleting everything that gets posted
As for you moderators, if your involving yourselves in our little quest here, would you at least have a bit of courtesy and help us out a little here like searching for some sites or perhaps finding out what her aliases are or even her history, rather than just constantly obstructing us, I mean why allow this thread to happen if your going to just treat it like a pin-cushion
A little more information for the picture hunt, gentlemen. jv-content was providing a lot of web sites with picture sets and video for a few years. several sites registered with AVS like adultcheck or proadult have used the KC sets as fill when they needed shots of a well built blonde in a non-hardcore situation. As for other photographers, unless they choose to put their entire portfolio online ( like tommy edwards ) we are pretty much SOL. You might trip over something occasionally while surfing-but i've looked everywhere and the trail has gone cold. The shot above was from photographer John Sather-who died in 2004. needless to say his portfolio is gone.