bareback with a longtime gf, condom with the rest cookies or candy bars
B bustybbwlover Jun 20, 2011 #7,541 bareback with a longtime gf, condom with the rest cookies or candy bars
B bustybbwlover Jun 20, 2011 #7,543 always the cow...mind you i like chicken but beef trumps it, roast beast is my favorite lunch meat burritos or enchiladas
always the cow...mind you i like chicken but beef trumps it, roast beast is my favorite lunch meat burritos or enchiladas
B bustybbwlover Jun 20, 2011 #7,547 cotton, i always feel like i'm going to slide of silk cases...and sheets yahoo mail or gmail
mokbel69 Jun 20, 2011 #7,549 crash - the reactions are always more interesting and I dont own stocks so what do I care lol razor blade or electric shaver?
crash - the reactions are always more interesting and I dont own stocks so what do I care lol razor blade or electric shaver?
J Jon S. Banned Jun 21, 2011 #7,555 My heart says doctor and cardio-diet dictates cottage cheese Drama or Comedy?