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This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Seams


Staff member


Nattering Nabob of Negativism


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
‘Total Chaos’: Texas Sheriff Bill Waybourn Responds To The ‘Defund Police’ Movement

Lunacy: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mi...antle-police-department-rethink-public-safety

Lisa Bender, President of the Minneapolis City Council, tweeted on June 3:
"If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it? Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system? "

[Full disclosure: I am a comfortable white person not asking to dismantle the police structure.]
The President of the Minneapolis City Council is suggesting garage break-ins are trivial? Are we supposed to live with the occasional burglary, assault, or battery? WTF? I can't wait to hear the cries about how fairness under the new system. Let the neighborhood, family-friendly gangs police themselves. Just as dumb as letting corporations regulate themselves.
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I don't think abolition of law enforcement is a good way to go, nor is it ever even going to be on the table. But I do like some of the ideas we're hearing about roles currently being fulfilled by law enforcement officers instead being performed by social workers. I think that would be a step in the right direction. That, combined with real accountability for law enforcement and a serious effort to end the warrior cop mentality.

I also really like that despite trump's best efforts, the people are being heard, and his lies are being exposed as quickly as he can invent them.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I don't think abolition of law enforcement is a good way to go, nor is it ever even going to be on the table. But I do like some of the ideas we're hearing about roles currently being fulfilled by law enforcement officers instead being performed by social workers. I think that would be a step in the right direction. That, combined with real accountability for law enforcement and a serious effort to end the warrior cop mentality.

I also really like that despite trump's best efforts, the people are being heard, and his lies are being exposed as quickly as he can invent them.
It does appear to be on the table in some locales - including a major US city.


Staff member
I don't think abolition of law enforcement is a good way to go, nor is it ever even going to be on the table. But I do like some of the ideas we're hearing about roles currently being fulfilled by law enforcement officers instead being performed by social workers. I think that would be a step in the right direction. That, combined with real accountability for law enforcement and a serious effort to end the warrior cop mentality.

I also really like that despite trump's best efforts, the people are being heard, and his lies are being exposed as quickly as he can invent them.
Yes and what about the looter and gang banger cop killing mentality of felons that have been in prison , we give them a pass right? Put yourself in the lmife of someone wearing the blue and you will see what it is to be a law enforcement officer. Just to cite as examples of how bad a democrap policy against a strong law enforcement is just look at Chicago and Detroit and both are democrap managed towns.


Staff member
Allen West: Big Tech Censors Lockdown Protestors But Amplifies Antifa And BLM Rioters

Antifa Exposed: Undercover Footage By Project Veritas Shows Violent Techniques Taught By Leaders

AG Barr Declares ‘We Have Evidence That Antifa’ Has Been ‘Involved In Instigating’ Violence During Riots

Minneapolis Seriously Considering Disbanding Their Police Force

‘Defund Police’ Movement Sweeps Leftist Politicians And Celebrities

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes and what about the looter and gang banger cop killing mentality of felons that have been in prison , we give them a pass right? Put yourself in the lmife of someone wearing the blue and you will see what it is to be a law enforcement officer. Just to cite as examples of how bad a democrap policy against a strong law enforcement is just look at Chicago and Detroit and both are democrap managed towns.

I pretty much agree with you, Georges. But we have to accept (because we've now seen it in a way that none of us can ignore) that there are bad actors in every group, including the cops. My family is full of law enforcement officers, though most are retired now. Everything from small town cops to big city cops to state troopers to federal law enforcement. And while none of them are saints, from what I know, they're mostly decent human beings who didn't hassle people just because they could (OK, there was one, but he got fired early on). But one thing they all had in common was their belief in "the code" or "professional courtesy". And just like gang members with their codes of silence, cops typically won't tell on other cops, no matter how egregious their acts. It was that gang mentality that convinced me that I wouldn't follow my uncle into law enforcement - even though I've looked up to him since I was a small child. When I was in L.A. back in the 80s, the Chief of the LAPD, Daryl Gates, had billboards on the sides of the freeways that said "Join Our Gang". He was trying to convince prospective gang members to work with the LAPD instead of the Crips, Bloods or whomever. The problem with the message was, he was asking people to trade one gang mentality for another. Is that really what we want???

Apart from the inherent lust and greed that's within most humans, I really don't know much about why people do what they do. But I'll go out on a limb and say that I don't think that defunding the police is any kind of a solution. Because, as you said, it's not like anybody is going to defund the criminals among us, are they? What would I do? Because so many cops seem to have either a gang or bully-boy mentality, I'd require all police recruits to first serve as firemen or EMTs for a good two years before they could strap on a gun. Before you could get the idea that you're "the law", you'd have to learn to find ways to work with and help people without being able to throw your weight around. And just like how the American mafia was broken in half by RICO, it's got to become easier for good cops to rid the ranks of bad cops. Cause let's be honest, you can't be a decent cop if you stand with a fascist degenerate. So let's make it easier for the good ones (which I think are the majority).

Just my 2 pennies.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Dallas Police Adopts 'Duty To Intervene' Policy To Prevent Abuse

Dallas police must intervene whenever a fellow officer is using excessive force, according to a new order from the city's police chief.

Chief Reneé Hall is implementing the "duty to intervene" policy for all of the city's sworn and non-sworn police officers, according to a statement released overnight Thursday.

The new general order, the department said, is meant to create a culture to prevent another death like George Floyd's, who was killed in Minneapolis police custody a week and a half ago. A video of the scene shows Derek Chauvin planting his knee on Floyd's neck while fellow officers stood nearby or helped restrain Floyd, who pleaded and said he couldn't breathe.

"Millions watched a Minneapolis police officer suffocate Mr. George Floyd to death by applying pressure with his knee on the victim's neck for nearly 9 minutes," the Dallas Police Department said. "Had the officer's partners intervened, the outcome might have been different."
He likes to choke out Antifa-gs with that arm - that's the one with the flag.

Did you know that the majority of all Americans used to be Antifa? Your country actually went to war with fascists. It was pretty much the beginning of the USA becoming a superpower.

But then republicans got their own fascist dictator and decided that they were suddenly ok with fascism. Don't really care about the constitution anymore, our dear leader will tell us what to believe and support from his bunker.

Now the remnants of the superpower that was the USA is in rapid decline, your beloved constitution violated daily, at the hands of your coward dictator and his cronies, and people like you cheer it on and praise him as a god as he sends your country down the toilet to enrich himself and his family.

Out here in Not America, we're all watching with great interest, and hoping that Americans can save their country from people like you, and this corrupt fascist regime. Hoping that history will put you and everyone like you on the same side as the confederates, a rogue state that tried to overthrow the United States from within, but was ultimately defeated by American patriots.


Staff member
Did you know that the majority of all Americans used to be Antifa? Your country actually went to war with fascists. It was pretty much the beginning of the USA becoming a superpower.

But then republicans got their own fascist dictator and decided that they were suddenly ok with fascism. Don't really care about the constitution anymore, our dear leader will tell us what to believe and support from his bunker.

Now the remnants of the superpower that was the USA is in rapid decline, your beloved constitution violated daily, at the hands of your coward dictator and his cronies, and people like you cheer it on and praise him as a god as he sends your country down the toilet to enrich himself and his family.

Out here in Not America, we're all watching with great interest, and hoping that Americans can save their country from people like you, and this corrupt fascist regime. Hoping that history will put you and everyone like you on the same side as the confederates, a rogue state that tried to overthrow the United States from within, but was ultimately defeated by American patriots.
See what your dear Leader Obama tried to implement to this country:
-implemented a social security where unwilling to work people are benefitting from free social security and healthcare taxes payed from hardworking citizens
-gun bans so that law abiding citizens can't buy weapons for their self defense
-did nothing to back law enforcement personnel when confronted to looters, rioters and antifa
-offered 1 billion $ in cash for Iran for enabling them to be a nuclear power
-didn't give a damn of Veterans
Was Obama ever a patriot ? No, he wasn't and never will be remembered as one. Did he even pledge the allegiance when he was elected ? No, he didn't but he made things like freeing 5 gitmo terrorits in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl and did many things that any left wing regime makes always things worse. Like Obammy did give a fuck of the consititution, did he ? No, he didn't. During 8 years, you have been in a muppetocracy where the fake new medias ass kissed Obama beak and claws and never ever dared to say the truth. The history of the Obama presidency will be forever the history associated an administration the Obama administration filled with beyond despicable and very highly biased dimwits not even worthy of their civil servant status. The Deepstate was backed up was Obama and his minions and like it or not, it is going to be ended. The radical democraps or the dixiecrats were the ones that backed up the KKK 4 decades ago but you seem to have forgotten that whereas I haven't .


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Staff member
I pretty much agree with you, Georges. But we have to accept (because we've now seen it in a way that none of us can ignore) that there are bad actors in every group, including the cops. My family is full of law enforcement officers, though most are retired now. Everything from small town cops to big city cops to state troopers to federal law enforcement. And while none of them are saints, from what I know, they're mostly decent human beings who didn't hassle people just because they could (OK, there was one, but he got fired early on). But one thing they all had in common was their belief in "the code" or "professional courtesy". And just like gang members with their codes of silence, cops typically won't tell on other cops, no matter how egregious their acts. It was that gang mentality that convinced me that I wouldn't follow my uncle into law enforcement - even though I've looked up to him since I was a small child. When I was in L.A. back in the 80s, the Chief of the LAPD, Daryl Gates, had billboards on the sides of the freeways that said "Join Our Gang". He was trying to convince prospective gang members to work with the LAPD instead of the Crips, Bloods or whomever. The problem with the message was, he was asking people to trade one gang mentality for another. Is that really what we want???

Apart from the inherent lust and greed that's within most humans, I really don't know much about why people do what they do. But I'll go out on a limb and say that I don't think that defunding the police is any kind of a solution. Because, as you said, it's not like anybody is going to defund the criminals among us, are they? What would I do? Because so many cops seem to have either a gang or bully-boy mentality, I'd require all police recruits to first serve as firemen or EMTs for a good two years before they could strap on a gun. Before you could get the idea that you're "the law", you'd have to learn to find ways to work with and help people without being able to throw your weight around. And just like how the American mafia was broken in half by RICO, it's got to become easier for good cops to rid the ranks of bad cops. Cause let's be honest, you can't be a decent cop if you stand with a fascist degenerate. So let's make it easier for the good ones (which I think are the majority).

Just my 2 pennies.
I appreciate the time that you took to reply. The Obama administration was the worst of the worst. Total respect for your family members for serving the country. People with morals are by default far more decent persons than looters or gang bangers. Drug trafficking, racketeering, drive by shootings, leading prostitution ring and money laundering are bad. I don't even think of cops snitching on other cops. But I think it is better to bleed blue and apply law and order as firmly as possible rather than to joining a bunch of thugs dreaming of easy money and who are involved in violence. Some cops served in the marines or rangers (I have met and known several of them back during my several trips in the USA), serving in EMT will add perhaps some restriction and thinking before firing but when you are a cop and in danger, the only way to defend yourself is by using your gun. How many do you think in law enforcement agencies support democrats? A very very small percentage. There are bad cops , so yes remove them from their function, prosecute them, withdraw the badge from them and don't pay their pension. Defunding gangs is another issue that should be taken very seriously and anyone who helps gangs should be prosecuted and fined financially. My two cents as well

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
This was funny but so over-the-top humiliating I almost felt sorry for the little mayor. Wonder how many times he got butt-raped on the way back to the car.

Did you know that your mom fucked retarded men?

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Just once, out of curiosity, I'd like to see you post an actual argument. Try making a point. Just pretend you are capable of thought.

Are you scared to attempt an actual argument? Worried you'll come across as ignorant and clueless as this?

See what your dear Leader Obama tried to implement to this country:
-implemented a social security where unwilling to work people are benefitting from free social security and healthcare taxes payed from hardworking citizens
-gun bans so that law abiding citizens can't buy weapons for their self defense
-did nothing to back law enforcement personnel when confronted to looters, rioters and antifa
-offered 1 billion $ in cash for Iran for enabling them to be a nuclear power
-didn't give a damn of Veterans
Was Obama ever a patriot ? No, he wasn't and never will be remembered as one. Did he even pledge the allegiance when he was elected ? No, he didn't but he made things like freeing 5 gitmo terrorits in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl and did many things that any left wing regime makes always things worse. Like Obammy did give a fuck of the consititution, did he ? No, he didn't. During 8 years, you have been in a muppetocracy where the fake new medias ass kissed Obama beak and claws and never ever dared to say the truth. The history of the Obama presidency will be forever the history associated an administration the Obama administration filled with beyond despicable and very highly biased dimwits not even worthy of their civil servant status. The Deepstate was backed up was Obama and his minions and like it or not, it is going to be ended. The radical democraps or the dixiecrats were the ones that backed up the KKK 4 decades ago but you seem to have forgotten that whereas I haven't .

Even though these arguments are ridiculous, easily debunked (and have been ad nauseam here), and often not based in any kind of fact or even relevance, at least the poor little fella is trying to make a case. You bring nothing to the conversation.