I'm glad this threaqd has taken off once again. Very interesting discussions, as always.
Actually, you all can throw my name into the hat as also disliking the current several years trend of seeing completely bald pussies, as it's not always a turn-on for me. I actually prefer the earily '90s and '80s style "Landing Strip" look, myself, which shows grooming skills but leaves some hair down there for daddy. I dunno, but this one will always be "to each they're own". I'm getting pretty tired myself of TOTALLY shaven pussies and wanna see a return to SOME hair, dammit. Just my two cents.
Glad low42 also agree's with me on some other things: Gonzo is fine, but keep the interview light and breif, under two minutes, and QUICKLY get to fucking & sucking, please. My patience and cup runnith over big time and easy.
Ha, glad someone else still knows what a quaif/pussy fart is. To this day, as I've said, I'm only seen about three in scenes, but fuck what an IMMDIATE TURN-OFF.
Faith Grant's other wise excellant overly long Captain Stabbin' scene was completely RUINED as she chouldn't keep it in and quaifed as the last lucky guy got to cum all over her asshole. WHY didn't they edit the sound out? Was it totally improssible? C'mon, ya don't have to be a major Hollywood/Los Angeles based production with George Lucas to do that, ya know. Just a thought.
Oh and two words: Ron Jeremy. Automotic disgust from me. Also, please producers and casting directors, keep him off of your already insipid reality television as well, cause he is uninteresting to many of us. Merci becoupe ...
Actually, you all can throw my name into the hat as also disliking the current several years trend of seeing completely bald pussies, as it's not always a turn-on for me. I actually prefer the earily '90s and '80s style "Landing Strip" look, myself, which shows grooming skills but leaves some hair down there for daddy. I dunno, but this one will always be "to each they're own". I'm getting pretty tired myself of TOTALLY shaven pussies and wanna see a return to SOME hair, dammit. Just my two cents.
Glad low42 also agree's with me on some other things: Gonzo is fine, but keep the interview light and breif, under two minutes, and QUICKLY get to fucking & sucking, please. My patience and cup runnith over big time and easy.
Ha, glad someone else still knows what a quaif/pussy fart is. To this day, as I've said, I'm only seen about three in scenes, but fuck what an IMMDIATE TURN-OFF.
Oh and two words: Ron Jeremy. Automotic disgust from me. Also, please producers and casting directors, keep him off of your already insipid reality television as well, cause he is uninteresting to many of us. Merci becoupe ...