Lack of eroticism will turn me off. I want to watch people having sex and enjoying it, not two pieces of meat. And only do anal if both parties are comfortable with it, I'd say about 90% of anal scenes seem forced and awkward, maybe more than that. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all.
Agreed with long blowjobs, also blowjobs where the woman is gurgling and choking on the dick, that just disturbs me and is almost like torture fetish stuff.
People who are too fucking loud, either a guy who will ramble on or a girl who is screaming and yelling constantly. This plays into the whole lack of eroticism thing I mentioned.
Another thing is formulaic porn. I mean standard progression, bit of foreplay, oral from each, then fucking, then cumshot. Christ, it DOES NOT HAVE TO PROGRESS THE SAME EVERY TIME. I am fine with a shorter scene if it means making it look less forced/standardized.
So basically I'm not even into porn that much anymore because of this
