One legged asian chicks,singing show tunes,with an eye patch
I see your point BB. Why not go further? Sterile, blind, and vomiting albino midget nuns doing scat on heroin! Brilliant!But that has always been your problem PK, you can never see the big picture.
Not if we blackmail him. We have his bestiality tape remember?
S_C you're such a n00b! When you're dealing with little people, you always wear steel toed boots to kick away and angry midgets coming your way and you must carry a wooden or metal bat on your person at all times to swing wildly if you're suddenly swarmed by the little bastards.
You don't go into a cock fight cold, otherwise you'll shrivel and die without any hope of getting any good whacks in.
One legged asian chicks,singing show tunes,with an eye patch
Of course! More pirate porn? Why didn't I think of that? I am the pirate king after all. Throw in a parrot and you got yourself a quality porno.One legged asian chicks,singing show tunes,with an eye patch
Of course! More pirate porn? Why didn't I think of that? I am the pirate king after all. Throw in a parrot and you got yourself a quality porno.
Of course! More pirate porn? Why didn't I think of that? I am the pirate king after all. Throw in a parrot and you got yourself a quality porno.
Keywords:4 words......Leashed.Quacking.Pirate.Hookers.
tennis balls
We could make several movies using these variations.