The worst threads EVER thread. (Includes pron threads).

I don't get you, you just like every other jerk on here, that gives me a hard time. The sad part is: I don't even be talking to you, just be minding my own business. The only-time we ever talk was: You ruined my thread/coming on my thread, about the Hart Family. I didn't even deserve it.

Not really funny, very insulting.
You had to choose me, I'm surprised you even said my threads, because you and I don't really talk much.
Since, you said my threads are worst. I would say your threads are worst, as well.

That's a-ok. I won't report you for it.

You two kiss and make up now!!!! :mad:

Member 1098

Closed Account
You two kiss and make up now!!!! :mad:

Nope and never, because it's nothing like having someone don't even hardly know very well, just want to give me a hard time. Everyone on here, is giving me a hard-time. I don't do anything, just simply minding my own business.

So to answer that question, I will say no. People that talk trash, and just say very cruel things about me, I never make up with someone that gives me a hard time, never will even request as a friend, or accept them as a friend.

The answer is: No

I'm not kissing/making up with someone.


Closed Account
Nope and never, because it's nothing like having someone don't even hardly know very well, just want to give me a hard time. Everyone on here, is giving me a hard-time. I don't do anything, just simply minding my own business.

So to answer that question, I will say no. People that talk trash, and just say very cruel things about me, I never make up with someone that gives me a hard time, never will even request as a friend, or accept them as a friend.

The answer is: No

I'm not kissing/making up with someone.

Nichelle - rep count 63 283. (At the moment). Looks like someone is popular. Never mind STDiva. He becomes grumpy when he's bored, or if he misses his favourite TV program.