The "Where are you from?" Thread

Norway, as stated.

(...Actually had to google translate a German sentense there. Sort of embarrasing...)
Canada - Somewhere in Ontario
I was born and raised a U.S. military brat and basically lived all over so I'm not really "from" anywhere. Sad, really.

As to where I reside now? Well that's classified.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I was born in Texas and have lived within a mile of where I grew up my whole life. Lots of pine trees where I live.
Re: The "Where are you from?" Thread

So sagt Bruno aus Osterreich, von Wien, wisst du ihn?

I assume you were going for "weisst du ihn," since wissen only becomes wisst in the plural, and in connection to knowing a fact, not a person. E.g. "Wisst ihr wo ich wohne?" - do you (plural) know where I live?

To answer your question, I've never been to Vienna, nor have I met any of Sacha Baron Cohen's fictional characters. I assume that's the Bruno to which you refer.....

Where I'm F'ing from?
You tawkin' to me?
New Yawk

Long Guyland New Yawk