It was well written and well delivered, but I don't think I heard anything I haven't heard before from other administrations.
Apart from the plug for his golf course.
Describing the horrors of life in N. Korea from the accounts of those who lived it. Like the woman whose newborn baby was taken away in a bucket to be disposed of because it was part Chinese. So add ethnic cleansing to the crimes of the Kim regime.
It was well written and well delivered, but I don't think I heard anything I haven't heard before from other administrations.
Apart from the plug for his golf course.
Describing the horrors of life in N. Korea from the accounts of those who lived it. Like the woman whose newborn baby was taken away in a bucket to be disposed of because it was part Chinese. So add ethnic cleansing to the crimes of the Kim regime. Or the 9-year-old school boy who was severely beaten for not being able to recite some trivial detail of Supreme Leader. Comparing the literal and figurative darkness of North Korea to the freeadom, prosperity and vibrancy of the South.
And when President Trump warns the Kim regime "Do not underestimate us, do not try us," unlike whatever similar stern warnings that may have been issued by previous administrations, there's a believability now. Or at least an uncertainty.
Those 3 carrier battlegroups though.
Powerful speech by President Trump in Seoul just now.
President Trump has been afforded an honor by China that no other foreign leader has before:
Has he actually DONE anything to deserve this honor? (apart from serving Xi 'the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen').
Yeah, to hell with respect for customs. They're just more PC cuckoldry.
Has he actually DONE anything to deserve this honor? (apart from serving Xi 'the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake you've ever seen').
Of course they're going to play to his ego. Just like the Saudis. As the article notes, we'll see whether or not that ends up getting them more of what they want.
He's done more than Obama did to deserve his Nobel Peace Prize.
oh shit, oh snap.
so on one hand, President Trump is not worthy of that honor, and on the other, the Chinese would give that away, cynically.
Did he use a teleprompter?