Something extraordinary is going to have to be done to undo the damage republicans have done. I don't support the idea of expanding the court, it's just going to lead to a process where the party in power does it every time to get the balance they need. But neither can this minority rule be allowed to continue to remove rights that the majority support.
I like the idea of 18 year limits for SC justices, which would eventually lead to every president getting to nominate a couple. Then it becomes just another policy plank in the platform, every candidate names their handful of picks and stacking the court isn't a thing anymore.
It's sad and worrying to see how quickly the US has fallen under this right wing authoritarian government. I know republicans have been laying the groundwork for this for decades, but until trump came along nobody really believe it could get this bad so quickly. The checks and balances have failed, because the constitution didn't consider that all coequal branches might be corrupted by the same people at the same time.
I'm really torn on who I'd like to see win in November. On one hand, it's important to get rid of trump to stop the freefall, but on the other hand, Joe's most endearing quality is not being the worst option, and if dems don't take the senate it's at least 4 more years of treading water while the country tries to deal with all the bombs trump has left lying around. I almost feel like the US needs another 4 years of this, because it really doesn't appear that you've collectively learned your lesson, but then I think, if a person hasn't learned by now, what could possibly make them learn?