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The Trump Presidency

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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What lies? What do you mean? The Texan Republicans were willing to lie about terminating the life of an unborn baby? It's a pretty straight up thing, and it's legal in Texas, so I don't see how they could lie about much of it.

It's the lies they tell about everything else to accomplish the goal of repealing Roe v. Wade that's disgusting. What happens between a woman and her doctor isn't the far right's business.


It's the lies they tell about everything else to accomplish the goal of repealing Roe v. Wade that's disgusting. What happens between a woman and her doctor isn't the far right's business.
I don't think Roe v Wade is at risk of ever being rolled back. It's an issue that resonates with both parties, for already obvious reasons, and they both court that element within their parties, primarily to raise funds. My gf was inundated with fundraising appeals from women's rights groups, etc, during the Kavanaugh inquisition, err, confirmation hearing. They all said similar things about back alley abortions, etc, and that's a degree of backward that neither party wants or would seek (Republicans have unwed teen daughters, too), just as nobody wants an abortion. It's scare tactic, just as the right uses gross out tactic billboards in the South.

They're all lying. Which ones are you aligning yourself with, is the choice that you're talking about.


Nobody wants abortions for various reasons, but republicans will make it an issue leading up to elections.
The right "pro life" is hypocritical because countless thousands of republicans have secretly gotten abortions. Their daughter went on a "vacation".
Getting an abortion is an extreme decision, usually there is a good reason, but if the abortion is prevented and the child is born, republicans don't care anymore, and the mother and child are on their own with no support from any republican groups.

What lies are the left saying about abortion?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Just in the last week Trump has, among other despicable acts-

1. Admitted he wants to defund Social Security & Medicare.

2. Moved closer to destroying the constitutionally mandated United States Postal Service through his new Post Master General who is heavily invested in private competitors of the USPS firing of 23 top USPS officials.

3. Signed unconstitutional and illegal executive orders usurping the power of the purse that is constitutionally given to Congress.

4. Is actively being helped by Russia in his campaign, particularly, though not exclusively through two prominent U.S. Senators, namely Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

But sure, vote for The Orange Pig because, "owning the libs" is yall's top priority, just be aware that this stuff doesn't just affect us dirty libruls.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Just in the last week Trump has, among other despicable acts-

1. Admitted he wants to defund Social Security & Medicare.

2. Moved closer to destroying the constitutionally mandated United States Postal Service through his new Post Master General who is heavily invested in private competitors of the USPS firing of 23 top USPS officials.

3. Signed unconstitutional and illegal executive orders usurping the power of the purse that is constitutionally given to Congress.

4. Is actively being helped by Russia in his campaign, particularly, though not exclusively through two prominent U.S. Senators, namely Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

But sure, vote for The Orange Pig because, "owning the libs" is yall's top priority, just be aware that this stuff doesn't just affect us dirty libruls.

Who is going to have the balls to push back on #3? Should we put a request in to change the thread title to The Trump Reign? He is acting every bit the 'dictator' the right called Obama.
Trump derided Obama’s executive orders as ‘power grabs.’ But in each year of his presidency, Trump has surpassed Obama’s total over the same time span

It wasn't too long ago that Donald Trump derided presidential executive orders as "power grabs" and a "basic disaster."
He's switched sides in a big way: In each year of his presidency, he has issued more executive orders than did former President Barack Obama during the same time span. He surpassed Obama's third-year total just recently.

Back in 2012, Trump had tweeted: "Why Is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?"
That criticism continued once he entered the presidential race.
"The country wasn't based on executive orders," Trump said at a South Carolina campaign stop in February 2016. "Right now, Obama goes around signing executive orders. He can't even get along with the Democrats, and he goes around signing all these executive orders. It's a basic disaster. You can't do it."

But Trump appears to have learned what his predecessors discovered as well: It's easier and often more satisfying to get things done through administrative action than to get Congress to go along, said Andrew Rudalevige, a professor at Bowdoin College who studies the history and effectiveness of presidential executive actions.
"Most candidates don't realize the utility of executive actions while campaigning," Rudalevige said. "When they become president, they quickly gain an appreciation of how difficult it is to get things done in government."

The White House declined to comment on Trump's use of executive orders. He surpassed Obama's third-year total when, in the last two weeks, he issued five executive orders relating to Medicare, government transparency, federal spending and imposing sanctions on Turkish officials.

An executive order can have the same effect as a federal law — but its impact can be fleeting. Congress can pass a new law to override an executive order and future presidents can undo them.

Every president since George Washington has used the executive order power, according to the National Constitution Center, and some of those orders played a critical role in American history. President Franklin Roosevelt established internment camps during World War II. President Harry Truman mandated equal treatment of all members of the armed forces through executive orders. And President Dwight Eisenhower used an executive order to enforce school desegregation in Little Rock.

When Obama became frustrated with how difficult it was to push legislation through Congress, he warned Republicans he would take executive action when he considered it necessary.
He famously declared in 2014: "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help they need. I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

Few candidates for office have placed so much emphasis on criticizing a predecessor's executive orders as Trump did. He reasoned that Obama's use of executive orders made him look like a weak negotiator. But Trump himself has had little success with Congress in that regard. His biggest legislative achievement so far, a $1.5 trillion tax cut, failed to gain one Democratic vote.
Trump has so far issued 130 executive orders. By comparison, Obama issued 108 in his first three years.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Just in the last week Trump has, among other despicable acts-

3. Signed unconstitutional and illegal executive orders usurping the power of the purse that is constitutionally given to Congress.

Joe Travis reminded us on another thread that the Pentagon - not Mexico - is paying for the wall. Better to keep illegal immigrants out than providing additional healthcare to vets.

Trump's Executive Order uses FEMA disaster relief funds for unemployment insurance. With 2.5 months left in the hurricane season, what could possibly go wrong?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Joe Travis reminded us on another thread that the Pentagon - not Mexico - is paying for the wall. Better to keep illegal immigrants out than providing additional healthcare to vets.

Trump's Executive Order uses FEMA disaster relief funds for unemployment insurance. With 2.5 months left in the hurricane season, what could possibly go wrong?

That Joe brings up some good points. I'm still waiting for @JoeTravis to address how Democrats lie about abortion, it's one of my favorite topics. :love:


Staff member
We're getting the president we deserve. Four years ago it was Hillary v Trump. If we didn't figure it out after that one, when will we learn?

In 2016, it was the known v unknown. We chose the unknown. It's now known v known. I may not like Biden for president, but I dislike Trump as president. At least Biden will pick an education secretary who cares about education, an EPA chief who cares about the environment, and not a Purdue to run the BigAg department. One can only defend Biden as not-Trump.

As a life-long Republican (mid-50s), this will be my first vote for a Democratic presidential nominee. [I've opted Libertarian for president the past 3 cycles.]
I voted Obama and then Hilary.
Obama disappointed me in his pure political stance. In my opinion, many of my cohorts who idolize him fall for his very impressive rhetoric. He is partisan. That isn't all bad, but it when t is disappointing. I know the argument is that he has never had a choice. The world isn't perfect and neither am I.

I held my nose, slit my throat, and voted for Hilary. It didn't matter, as a New Yorker, I could vote for Jesus Christ and assuming he wasn't a Democrat, my vote would automagically go to the Democratic candidate.

This year....I can't vote for Biden. I've followed him too long. He is a liar. He is a sexist. He is corrupt as they come. Worst of all, he is weak. Combine all of those things and you might as well buy Chinese War Bonds.

So, I'm in a bit of a quandary.


No matter what Biden is or has done, he is still way better than Trump.
Trump has deep ties to the American mafia and Russian/Putin mafia.
The mafia is a parasitic disease, thru Trump the mafia has infested and done irreparable damage to the US government.
Four more years of the Trump mafia disease in the white house will guarantee and accelerate the collapse of the US economy and society.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Biden is weak, corrupt, sexist, and a liar.

Biden was not my first choice for Obama's VP, let alone for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nominee, and he may be weak, corrupt, sexist, and a liar, traits Trump categorically eclipses him in, but there's one thing Trump IS that Biden IS NOT, and that is obviously, pathetically, and eternally criminal, along with everyone in his crime syndicate and anyone that doesn't see that a lifelong shady real estate con artist and mafia tool is not working in the best interests of this country and is, instead using the power of his ill-gotten position to further enrich himself and his cronies should not vote, should seek the help of professionals in both the optometry and psychological communities.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I voted Obama and then Hilary.
Obama disappointed me in his pure political stance. In my opinion, many of my cohorts who idolize him fall for his very impressive rhetoric. He is partisan. That isn't all bad, but it when t is disappointing. I know the argument is that he has never had a choice. The world isn't perfect and neither am I.

I held my nose, slit my throat, and voted for Hilary. It didn't matter, as a New Yorker, I could vote for Jesus Christ and assuming he wasn't a Democrat, my vote would automagically go to the Democratic candidate.

This year....I can't vote for Biden. I've followed him too long. He is a liar. He is a sexist. He is corrupt as they come. Worst of all, he is weak. Combine all of those things and you might as well buy Chinese War Bonds.

So, I'm in a bit of a quandary.
Like you said, you're in NY. It is going Democrat without much doubt - much like California. Trump is more of a liar, a sexist, and corrupt than Biden. It's not even close. Trump is not as strong as he portrays himself. How many time has he touted once stance only to take another? He talks to a victim of gun violence and wants gun control. The NRA gets involved and all of a sudden - no gun control.

Vote Howie Hawkins or Jo Jorgensen.
Like you said, you're in NY. It is going Democrat without much doubt - much like California. Trump is more of a liar, a sexist, and corrupt than Biden. It's not even close. Trump is not as strong as he portrays himself. How many time has he touted once stance only to take another? He talks to a victim of gun violence and wants gun control. The NRA gets involved and all of a sudden - no gun control.

Vote Howie Hawkins or Jo Jorgensen.

I think NRA and Trump support of NRA is all about the votes.

If you ever think I'm defending Trump, it is because I did a poor job in communicating or you misunderstood something I said. :)


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I think NRA and Trump support of NRA is all about the votes.

If you ever think I'm defending Trump, it is because I did a poor job in communicating or You Misunderstood something I said. :)
You didn't say you supported Trump and I didn't interpret it as such. You did use use the language of Trump supporters in deriding Biden though. (Refer to Dick's posts.)

In recognition of your quandary, I gave you two 3rd party options. I'm in Colorado which will likely go Biden, but the Senate vote will be tighter.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Why didn't The Orange Pig charge the gunman? He said he would charge a gunman after the Parkland school shooting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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