The Russians killed Kenny!


Is somewhere outhere.
They probably killed it because everyone liked it.But because the profits
will go to the US instead of the old USSR they'll just ban it...Money hungry
bitches :2 cents:


Postal Paranoiac
I've always said South Park was anti-Russian! :rolleyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
"It offends the honor and dignity of Christians and Muslims alike," Moscow prosecutors said in a statement. "It could just have easily included Jews, Scientologists, Catholics, Mormons and Moonies all of whom have been mercilessly targeted by American series."

First of all, it's a fucking comedy. People need to have a sense of humor about shit, seriously.

Secondly, if you find it to be offensive...DON'T WATCH IT. I don't like seeing scenes in movies or TV shows that involve rape, so if it pops up on screen I DON'T WATCH IT. I don't call the producers and cry about how offensive it is to me and I certainly don't try to get it pulled off the air or off of the big screen. I just turn my head and DON'T WATCH IT.

Banning the show is going way over the top, if you ask me.
It is going way over the top, but without getting too political, there seems to be a push from the top to shove them back to a more old-style Soviet-type Russia. I certainly agree that the show pushes the envelope sometimes, but like the good Chef Chi Town says- it's comedy, and no one is being forced to watch it.

More like going back to Czarist Russia maybe,doubt soviets would have been as worried about offending all those religious groups.Every society has there own values and limits.We used to have porn on satelite in the US in the 80s but it got taken down due to the efforts one southern preacher who lobbied against it.South park is no less offensive then porn IMO at times.And the porn you had to subscribe and pay for so that filtered out anyone who didn't want to see it.Not that I think South park should be banned but lets not think the Russians are the only ones who try to ban some things.Everybody does to one degree or another.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
In Soviet Russia, South Park bans you!
There is always someone somewhere who can make anything seem bad or at least try to. I agree with chef, if you dont like something dont watch it.
that was not initiative of the government or public prosecution, so I do not think there is any link between russian politic system and that case.

this channel was a target of charges from different religious organizations, church and social action organizations - in other words - from bunch of fucking assholes and hypocrites.

they lodge complaints against this channel many times before, almost every cartoon is a subject of discussion, cuz it offends some fucking confession, promote violence or has other type explicit content. They aint got no sense of humor, that's for sure. Dumb idiots. And this time judicial decision was in their favour... Why? I do not know. I think it is the problem of society: this loud minority of "fighters for morals" is always very active, even if the amount of the people with their point of view is smaller than amount of those who like that cartoons. I blame religions and stupid religious fanatics in all the stupid things.

How the hell I hate this "antismut crusaders" all over the world, trying to impose their false and not fair vision of what is good and what is bad. I wish a big fat dick to destroy their asses every time I hear about another ban or censor prescription.
they ban south park, but every christian in the world went to see the Passion, which was basically a snuff film. Not that I think that movie should have been banned, I thought it was genius. the goriest movie, I just wish that it had all the sex that's in the bible too, that would have really been great, and it made 700 million dollars. Plus it points out how hypocritical Christians are. too bad the whacko that made it actually believes in it, that's the only bad thing. I should have made that movie. that would have rocked.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I heard a Rumor that some dogs in my neighborhood just saw Old Yeller and they're not happy with how dogs were portrayed in it, so they're starting a petition to get it removed from all video libraries.
Old yeller is the most depressing movie ever made.
you suck kenny. poor piece of crap
they ban south park, but every christian in the world went to see the Passion, which was basically a snuff film

I never understood why the christian liked the Passion movie because it was the gospel according to Marquis de Sade.