The Russians killed Kenny!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I never understood why the christian liked the Passion movie because it was the gospel according to Marquis de Sade.

I never understood how anyone liked The Passion. That movie was terrible.
Article said:
It shows a number of regular and guest characters including Satan, Adolf Hitler and Mr. Hankey, an anthropomorphised human feces, performing in a Christmas variety show. An accompanying CD is available to buy.

I love that line. Pretty funny paragraph too!
Just now I saw the title of this thread and it said to me: The Russians Killed Kennedy!

I was like :eek:

it must be a sign that I'm being contacted by a higher intelligence. too many cosmic coincidences.
Just now I saw the title of this thread and it said to me: The Russians Killed Kennedy!

I was like :eek:

it must be a sign that I'm being contacted by a higher intelligence. too many cosmic coincidences.

Your not alone I though the same thing. I thought, oh shit! really?! so Oliver Stone wasnt right after all. :dunno: who knew?