Ace Boobtoucher
Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
May the memory of the fallen Marines be a blessing.
It's time to re-arm our armed forces.
It's time to re-arm our armed forces.
[...] Islam is not evil but there is a very vocal and demonstrative element of that faith that does represent pure evil. It must be recognized and eradicated. [...]
If Islam wants to be saved in the USA, it needs to save itself.
That's not the answer. We allegedly live in a free society where people can worship any or no God they choose. Shooting people because they look different or worship a deity you don't believe in would make us no better than the Nazis. Many of the terrorists we will have to deal with will be clean shaven (the Boston bombers, for instance), Caucasian converts. Recent converts to Islam are usually radicalized pretty easily.
Being scared of these assholes is exactly what they want. Terrorists terrorize for a reason, even if it's not clear or rational. I choose to mourn the casualties and then I choose to be angry. It's still not the best emotion but it's a better reaction than fear. Don't give them that power to get into your head and make weak decisions.
We do not have the politicians with the spine to do it now but there needs to be serious consideration of a moratorium on all immigration like we had in the past except for special circumstances. It can either happen now or forced upon us later, but it will happen. I just hope we do it by being proactive instead of waiting for an event so catastrophic or a wave of terror that it leaves us no alternative. I am not just saying those from the middle east but all immigration. There will be those that balk at this for many reasons but the United States is not obligated to accept any would-be immigrant, student, workers or tourist. Stopping it now, will at least allow us to get a handle on the situation as it stands now.
That's not the answer. We allegedly live in a free society where people can worship any or no God they choose. Shooting people because they look different or worship a deity you don't believe in would make us no better than the Nazis. Many of the terrorists we will have to deal with will be clean shaven (the Boston bombers, for instance), Caucasian converts. Recent converts to Islam are usually radicalized pretty easily.
Being scared of these assholes is exactly what they want. Terrorists terrorize for a reason, even if it's not clear or rational. I choose to mourn the casualties and then I choose to be angry. It's still not the best emotion but it's a better reaction than fear. Don't give them that power to get into your head and make weak decisions.
I know many Muslims who vehemently disagree with this violence in the name of Allah yet....why do they not speak out?
Unfortunately it doesn't help when hundreds of verses in the Quran call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. In the Quran muslims who do not join the fight are called hypocrites, close to unbelievers (maybe this plays a part in why there is no massive protest from muslims against extremism?). Many of these verses are not restrained by historical context or surrounding text (as for example in the old testament), meaning they are word of Allah. Because of that I'm not to happy with the sentence "Islam is not evil" as there is something fundamentally wrong with the ideology. However most muslims are moderate and interpret the Quran in a personal way, much like christians do with the bible, so I understand why you might say it's not evil. But the thing is that I don't see how a religion with an ideology that is so war-based could save itself and portray itself as a peaceful religion.
I can source you to thousands of examples where they have and do.
Unfortunately they don't seem to be considered particularly newsworthy.
One fairly recent example that did create headlines was the King Of Jordan's response to the ISIS murder of a captured Jordanian pilot.
Then they should be demonstrative enough to make themselves newsworthy. Otherwise, I fear that more radical solutions will be sought (i.e. internment camps, etc) as these random acts of terror continue to proliferate.