This is a sentiment I see a lot of, and I want to issue another word of warning. You may not be wrong; I don't know. But once again, careful: media is a business in which fear sells, and in this respect the idea of an entire evil religion is very lucrative. I've heard over and over again, "Where is the Muslim outrage? Why aren't they disavowing/disassociating/condemning the terrorists?"
Yet, has anyone explicitly said they aren't? Or is it just not being covered? I live at the moment in a city with a very high Muslim population and I've seen them protesting against terrorists just as so many people feel like they're obligated to. But maybe that was just a rare thing; maybe it's happening frequently (I don't go through the city center that often). I don't know. But I do know that the narrative the media is selling is just that: a product. Read the label very carefully to make sure it isn't over the daily recommended serving of bullshit.