The official "Mob" thread.

Miss Andi Land...i prefer vampire movies but not that romantic shitty twilight....Underworld,Bram Stoker Dracula,now those rock.
Also other good qualitty movies like The Exorcism of Emilly rose,or Sinister, The others, are in my HD,amongst others.
But all kinds of movies are good for me,biblical,epic,thrillers,real stories.... as long as its not musicals as i have no patience for those.
bout mob movies,well the Godfather is legendary,but there are many other this vampire enjoys.

Just a lill bio so u girls know how the mob began.

On the first contest Miss Freeones,the official thread was a looota fun,not just posting pics and ooohs eas really entertaining with real interaction between fans and OSCM s ,even jokes were told,discussions,funny pics ,supporting girls with imagination,lets just say the first was the best.
But moving on....over halfway through the contest i posted something saying....I know it sounds pathetic,but im gonna miss interacting with these beautifull ladies when the contest is over.
Then someone replied...If thats being pathetic then Im pathetic too,and a third guy said the same,i think it was mr Hitman....
So i said..Dammn this is starting to become a mob,the Pathetic mob.
Others joined with same positive thinking and atittude and amongst the founders are Mr Vern and Mr LArss that created the mob's thread.
We ve had our ups and downs,some left angry like Mr CEL,wich was worthy in some good ideas,but was not very nice towards one of our top Mob ladies,and being rude to a mob girl can get ur ass kicked out of the mob.
The "NAme" issua also came with some claiming not to be confortable with the name "Pathetic" one hand it made sense cause it was plain fun,and we picked up unknown girls like Miss Hybrid and others and helped them climbing up. (miss H. do not insert a joke bout climbing please.),allthough we also had some huge stars like bree olson....just the same i understood most did not feel well with the Pathetic name,so nowadays we call it more "The MOb"..allthoug Miss Bree olson did trty to rename us ,"The Westside Muthafuckass"...ahem guess Our beloved retired Godess loved the

Ups - Our girls won Miss FO1, MISS Miss FO2 we won all categories...only lost best newcommer in a painfull moment as we had Kortney KAne so close to win it,and no voting discipline made her drop to second,and in Miss FO 3 we saw our Miss Hybrid dearest win 3 categories as i told her in the beggining...and Ariel Rebel win Best Adult in a huge effort to offer our dear Miss Rebel that crown

Downs - In order for the mob to grow,we needed to open our wings outsife Fo as many girls are not active here....well we created a blog and it failed BIG the blog ended.
- The mob thread freezes a lot outsdie miss fo season,thanx to the most active mob ladies like brianna lee,lilita borgia and a few others it doesnt die,but pretty much stolls a bit,allthout we are here to support you and vote for you at any contest on the net.
- lacking of voting discipline in some key moments.Honestly when it comes to stage 3 really pisses me off to see mobsters voting on non mob girls,and that has coasted us dearly in the past,yes we are in democracy,but if its gona be each one for itself then it wont worth it.
- mea culpa too...having a blog with over a million visitors to run,and my real life also doenst allow me to have the free time i should have to work for the mob,but we ll see.

Still,bottomline,The Mob,or The pathetic mob,as u prefer is a nice place,hot,sexy,devious,kinky sometimes,but allways cheerfull where u can have some laughs ,support and real interaction,with no bullshit or any troubles...make it ur home ,and hope you enjoy it ,both mobsters and mob ladies.
So i raise my glass to all mobsters and mob ladies and say a big "Thank you VEry MUCh"....have fun.....and remember..."Fuck Hard or go Home"....hehehehhe...what? i had to say somthing nasty or my vampire reputation would fall.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Hope the Mob has a lovely weekend : )

It's kind of a bummer that less active OCSWMs are ahead of me in best OCSM.

Jaana I totally can understand that. But unfortunately not all people who are entitled to vote for BOCSM actually check out the boards.
I myself signed up over 1 year before ever actually reading the boards or writing on them. Yet as a registered member I would've been entitled to vote already back in 2011 (not sure if there was an OCSM Category back then, I totally missed the Contest). So I think that many "registered" yet not active Members vote for those Babes who they are more familiar with, those who they have seen elsewhere and stuff. It's not always fair, I know. But as other Girls have pointed out a few times, it's not so much about winning as it is about getting a lot of free publicity and more people getting to know you and your work. ;)

Just a lill bio so u girls know how the mob began.

On the first contest Miss Freeones,the official thread was a looota fun,not just posting pics and ooohs eas really entertaining with real interaction between fans and OSCM s ,even jokes were told,discussions,funny pics ,supporting girls with imagination,lets just say the first was the best.
But moving on....over halfway through the contest i posted something saying....I know it sounds pathetic,but im gonna miss interacting with these beautifull ladies when the contest is over.
Then someone replied...If thats being pathetic then Im pathetic too,and a third guy said the same,i think it was mr Hitman....
So i said..Dammn this is starting to become a mob,the Pathetic mob.
Others joined with same positive thinking and atittude and amongst the founders are Mr Vern and Mr LArss that created the mob's thread.
We ve had our ups and downs,some left angry like Mr CEL,wich was worthy in some good ideas,but was not very nice towards one of our top Mob ladies,and being rude to a mob girl can get ur ass kicked out of the mob.
The "NAme" issua also came with some claiming not to be confortable with the name "Pathetic" one hand it made sense cause it was plain fun,and we picked up unknown girls like Miss Hybrid and others and helped them climbing up. (miss H. do not insert a joke bout climbing please.),allthough we also had some huge stars like bree olson....just the same i understood most did not feel well with the Pathetic name,so nowadays we call it more "The MOb"..allthoug Miss Bree olson did trty to rename us ,"The Westside Muthafuckass"...ahem guess Our beloved retired Godess loved the

Ups - Our girls won Miss FO1, MISS Miss FO2 we won all categories...only lost best newcommer in a painfull moment as we had Kortney KAne so close to win it,and no voting discipline made her drop to second,and in Miss FO 3 we saw our Miss Hybrid dearest win 3 categories as i told her in the beggining...and Ariel Rebel win Best Adult in a huge effort to offer our dear Miss Rebel that crown

Downs - In order for the mob to grow,we needed to open our wings outsife Fo as many girls are not active here....well we created a blog and it failed BIG the blog ended.
- The mob thread freezes a lot outsdie miss fo season,thanx to the most active mob ladies like brianna lee,lilita borgia and a few others it doesnt die,but pretty much stolls a bit,allthout we are here to support you and vote for you at any contest on the net.
- lacking of voting discipline in some key moments.Honestly when it comes to stage 3 really pisses me off to see mobsters voting on non mob girls,and that has coasted us dearly in the past,yes we are in democracy,but if its gona be each one for itself then it wont worth it.
- mea culpa too...having a blog with over a million visitors to run,and my real life also doenst allow me to have the free time i should have to work for the mob,but we ll see.

Still,bottomline,The Mob,or The pathetic mob,as u prefer is a nice place,hot,sexy,devious,kinky sometimes,but allways cheerfull where u can have some laughs ,support and real interaction,with no bullshit or any troubles...make it ur home ,and hope you enjoy it ,both mobsters and mob ladies.
So i raise my glass to all mobsters and mob ladies and say a big "Thank you VEry MUCh"....have fun.....and remember..."Fuck Hard or go Home"....hehehehhe...what? i had to say somthing nasty or my vampire reputation would fall.

Mr. Antonio, I beg to differ a bit on Miss FO3 a.k.a. Miss FO 2012. While our marvellous Miss Hybrid was in the final of 3 Categories (Miss FO, Best Euro, BOSCM) she only won 2 of those titles. And the (pathetic) Mob losing out on the Main Category.
Awesome Ariel Rebel did take the Crown for Best Adult Model, a title she truly deserved considering her successful career in that area. Beautiful Briana Lee took Best Cam Girl, and Siri XXX became Best Newcomer (though I don't remember if she became a Mob Babe before or after her victory). Lovely Lolita Borgia, who also was a Newcomer, though fairly unknown to the FO Crowd at the beginning, and in a small niche of Adult Modelling, made it all the way into the Final Round as Newcomer (if I recall correctly).

You're absolutely right, many times we have no voting discipline, and I myself must make my mea culpas - even in the current contest and just yesterday. But as a good (and not so pathetic) Mobbster I stick by my word. Miss H has my vote for Round 3 in the Main Category. Another vote will probably go either in rotation or to one Mob Girl in Newcomer/Adult Model, the third vote is still not fully decided on.

What upsets me at the moment, is that we're not doing enough to get more Mob Babes into the 3rd Round in various Categories. If we could manage to get the majority of Babes in the Finals to be Mobpettes, then the chances of the Mob taking Categories would be higher. At the moment, with 2-3 Mobpettes in the Top-15 of each Category it's more difficult.

At times I wonder, we have so many awesome Mob Ladies, but do we still have enough voting Mobbsters?



Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
I am a huge movie nerd Andi Land. I'm hoping to get some older gangster movies Public Enemy or the original Scarface. Favorite mob movies would be Casino, Reservoir Dogs, Eastern Promises, Scarface(1983) Godfather

Nice! All good choices... although I have to confess, the only thing I remember about Eastern Promises was the full frontal male nudity. :D

Oh absolutely, love those mob movies, especially the classics:
"The Godfather Trilogy" (though I still get upset every single time when Apollonia is blown to bits and pieces, that woman on Michaels side would've been a thousand times better than that idiotic Kay; of course Fredo's killing is also somewhat of a bummer, I mean the guy was not fully accountable for what he did; then there's the shooting of Mary - another big blow, she gets killed while the wuzz Anthony lives); "Scarface"; "Once Upon a Time in America"; "Road to Perdition".
But also some Italian Tv-Movies/Miniseries on real-life mobbsters.

Well, thanks for the spoiler! Lol, I haven't sat through the entire Godfather trilogy... it's been on my to-do list for years!

i only watch cheesey movies. I have a hard time sitting through movies thata re actually good because I can't riff on them.

I can relate to that... cheesy movies can be so much fun to watch! Especially the ones that are unintentionally cheesy, those are the best to riff on! Lol

Oh, I like the Godfather, Good Fellas, and I love watching Soparano reruns!

YES! Goodfellas is my all time favorite mob movie!

Miss Andi Land...i prefer vampire movies but not that romantic shitty twilight....Underworld,Bram Stoker Dracula,now those rock.
Also other good qualitty movies like The Exorcism of Emilly rose,or Sinister, The others, are in my HD,amongst others.
But all kinds of movies are good for me,biblical,epic,thrillers,real stories.... as long as its not musicals as i have no patience for those.
bout mob movies,well the Godfather is legendary,but there are many other this vampire enjoys.

Interesting... I'm into vampire movies too, but the older classics like the original Dracula from 1930, and some modern ones like Van Helsing. :)

Ok, this is why I asked if you guys & girls were into mob movies... One of my site Members happened to meet the actor Frank Vincent awhile back, who had roles in Goodfellas, Casino, the Soprano's, etc... Anyway, knowing that I was a big fan of Goodfellas, he got his autograph for me and I thought I'd share it here, since it's somewhat relevant to the title of the thread. :)

It's almost impossible to read in this pic, but it says: "Andi, Go get your fucking shine box!" (if you haven't seen Goodfellas, this probably won't make any sense... but I just about died laughing! :D)


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oh miss Andi Land.... underoworld...van long as kate Beckinsale is in the movie its all good by me.

Yes Mr buggster,ur right,lets try to keep the biggest number of mob babes in each category,how many votes will we have in round 3? ...2 or 3?

And ur double right, Another issue is the mobsters...some comeand go,post here and disappear,thats why in the future it would be intersting to have interestin to have a place wit private exclusive goodies for our mob ladies to interact with mobsters,and of course they would commit to vote and support our ladies in return for that interaction...we ll see...and nope Siri want in the mob back then,but im glad she is now.

Miss Maggie Green ur beautifull
Well, thanks for the spoiler! Lol, I haven't sat through the entire Godfather trilogy... it's been on my to-do list for years!

I'm really sorry Andi :uohs: it's just with the trilogy being such classics I forget that there might still be people who haven't seen them fully yet :shocked:



Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I remember back to the days of the pathetic mob foundation.

I was there. Your support of me was pathetic, hence the pathetic mob name

I just hope for this one moment in time when we have a mobette , the original Queen one at that, in the the frame, that the mob can stick together.

Miss Mob Queen
the mob wil proove its value on stage 3,like mr buggster said we ll take more now on achiveing the biggest number of mob babes on the last stage so theyt get more exposure.
On stage 3 lets go for the crowns....

MR Vern...thanx so much for the tip on that movie...ill check it.
Also i do advise Sinister,really creepy,there s a movie that is not sooo good thought its ok,and sarah butler makes the whole movie worth while..."I Spit on your grave".....

Now back to campaign and voting....btw im leading a possible interview/post with danielle that will include probably a donation widget for those that wish to donate for her to abble to do her first ganbang scene....does gangbang also sounds like mob movies?...hehehe

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
It's Best Cam Girl and Best Adult Model that I'm concentrating on this year. How great would it be for me to hang on to the Cam Girl crown! You have no idea how happy I would be!! :nanner:

But honestly, just getting through to the final round would be amazing! That's when it's the most difficult cause people have so few votes, which sucks by the way. Surely everyone should be allowed to vote for at least 1 person in each category in the last round?! :dunno:

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The official "Mob" thread.

oh miss Andi Land.... underoworld...van long as kate Beckinsale is in the movie its all good by me.

Yes Mr buggster,ur right,lets try to keep the biggest number of mob babes in each category,how many votes will we have in round 3? ...2 or 3?

And ur double right, Another issue is the mobsters...some comeand go,post here and disappear,thats why in the future it would be intersting to have interestin to have a place wit private exclusive goodies for our mob ladies to interact with mobsters,and of course they would commit to vote and support our ladies in return for that interaction...we ll see...and nope Siri want in the mob back then,but im glad she is now.

Miss Maggie Green ur beautifull

Aww thank you!

- - - Updated - - -

It's Best Cam Girl and Best Adult Model that I'm concentrating on this year. How great would it be for me to hang on to the Cam Girl crown! You have no idea how happy I would be!! :nanner:

But honestly, just getting through to the final round would be amazing! That's when it's the most difficult cause people have so few votes, which sucks by the way. Surely everyone should be allowed to vote for at least 1 person in each category in the last round?! :dunno:

I think you've been leading Best Cam Girl for the entire contest so far? I'd put my money on you!
Fellow Mobster, the Buggster has again voted and posted his votes of the Day on this here Day 3 of Round 2 to get to Round 3.

Yesterday I have posted some of our beloved Mobpettes who are outside of the Qualifying Top-15 spots in different Categories (at the time of posting) today I will bring you a similar report, including those Mobpettes[/I] who are in the Top-15.

Miss FreeOnes 2013:
Miss Hybrid - #3
Siri XXX - #6
Xo Gisele - #12

Briana Lee - #17
Vanilla DeVille - #23
Mariah Milano - #25
Taylor Stevens - #28
Danielle FTV - #30
Mandy Flores - #33
Ariel Rebel - #39
Maggie Green - #41
Andi Land - #42
Harley Spencer - #50

Best Euro Babe:
Miss Hybrid - #1
Rebekah Dee - #6

Best Cam Girl:
Briana Lee - #1
Xo Gisele - #2
Taylor Stevens - #3
Vanilla DeVille - #11
Maggie Green - #13
Jaana Ruutu - #14

Spexy Ashleigh - #19
Jane Burgess - #25
Holly Rydem - #27

Best Adult Model:
Briana Lee - #1
Andi Land - #2
Xo Gisele - #3
Taylor Stevens - #4
Ariel Rebel - #9
Lolita Borgia - #10

Spexy Ashleigh - #24
Holly Rydem - #30
Bella Bellini - #33

Best Newcomer:
Jaana Ruutu - #2
Lane Sisters - #10

Best OCSM:
Miss Hybrid - #1
Briana Lee - #2
Mandy Flores - #3
Andi Land - #7
Maggie Green - #8
Harley Spencer - #9
Siri XXX - #10
Mariah Milano - #12
Danielle FTV - #13
Lolita Borgia - #14
Spexy Ashleigh - #15

Xo Gisele - #16
Taylor Stevens - #22
Holly Rydem - #24
Jinxy Pie - #27
Jaana Ruutu - #30
Ariel Rebel - #33
Vanilla DeVille - #38
Rebekah Dee - #42
Bella Bellini - #45
Jane Burgess - #47

We have quite a few of our lovely Mob Ladies in qualifying Positions, but we also have many who are struggling on the lower positions. Remember, our objective should be to get as many Mobpettes as possible to the Final Round. I know that it is nearly impossible to help all our lovely Ladies with only 5 Votes a Day, but lets still try our best to show all of our wonderful Babes our love.


*Note1 - all positions are relative to the time of writing
*Note2 - if I have missed any Mobpette I do apologize, please let me know so that I may add her/you in eventual future updates


Official Checked Star Member
I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself... Just found out about the "Mob" just now... Thanks TheVern for letting me know about the Mob... Hope every ones having a great weekend...

XOXO Alicia Secrets


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I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself... Just found out about the "Mob" just now... Thanks TheVern for letting me know about the Mob... Hope every ones having a great weekend...

XOXO Alicia Secrets

Hi Alicia :wave: welcome to the Mob - great that you've found us :)

And what a wonderful picture :drool2:
