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Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Hmm..... (C&P from various sources)

  • The Sagittarius woman speaks her mind, is a sociable and adventurous character and determined to live life to the fullest.
  • She also values independence and freedom and has a dislike of feeling trapped or obligated.
  • A clear-hearted individual who speaks her mind and heart out, Sagittarian female is the most blunt and straightforward person of all the zodiac signs.
  • When she is not in the best of moods, be sure to hear extremely harsh and insensitive sentences. When angry, a Sagittarian female can make any person feel sad and dejected. She can give the most sarcastic of remarks, but can also forget things early.

..... so, not to be messed with... ?

There is a load of stuff there about the independence and the traveling and need to explore new things, which fits my best girl mate (birthday 12th Dec) to a tee as well. Scary.

Happy, here are some quotes on Sagittarius male for you...

Your Sagittarius guy has a strong intellect, penetrating thought process and continual curiosity about the world around him. Your man is ready for a deep discussion on ethics, morality, politics, philosophy, or religion, so go ahead one night and tackle The Meaning Of Life. His most attractive qualities are his faith and optimism, and his customary cheer will endear him to you.
Sag is great because they always tell the truth, but sometimes hearing unvarnished truth can be rough on the rest of us. They have no sense of diplomacy, so if you ask their opinion, be ready to hear it! In love, Sag needs lots of sex and sports but he has an equal need for an intellectual partner. He will want his woman to stay up to date on political issues and trends and he will enjoy lively and even heated debates.
Like a knight, the Sagittarius man loves to charge off on his worldly quests, then return to share his delightful tales with anyone who will listen. A jack-of-all-trades (and a master of one or two), he’s ravenous for knowledge and experiences. Sagittarius rules travel and the higher mind, and he’s always expanding his repertoire with books, classes, hobbies, friends, and globe-trotting.

You tell me....

EDIT - in the interests of fairness I looked at some quotes for Virgo man in relationships too.

As the zodiac’s sign of selfless service, he needs to be needed, to serve and protect. Relationships give Virgo a sense of duty and pride.
Co-dependence is the Virgo man’s co-pilot. Many of his relationships start while he’s helping a “friend” get back on her feet. He has a knack for finding women who’ve fallen on hard times: divorce, death of a loved one, recovery from abuse or alcoholism.
In his own way, the Virgo man feels that he’s performing a public service helping a woman leave a bad marriage. He’d never fancy himself a homewrecker. After all, she was already sniffing around for a side dish. He was just being helpful.
He will squander his gifts by playing the enabler and co-dependent hero. He’ll take on women’s problems, when he should really march them to the nearest therapist’s couch. And he will walk away from amazing women—with whom he is highly compatible—simply because they don’t need his rescuing.

FUCK ME, that's so true it hurts.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

That sucks. I still can't get my head around why there is such a gigantic difference in upload and download speeds in this day and age. I'm sure there is a techie that could tell me, but meh.

It doesn't help that all large ISPs in the US are virtual monopolistic companies that rake in huge profits margins and have little incentive to improve their speeds, price their services in line with the rest of the developed world, or expand their coverage.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Hmm..... (C&P from various sources)

  • The Sagittarius woman speaks her mind, is a sociable and adventurous character and determined to live life to the fullest.
  • She also values independence and freedom and has a dislike of feeling trapped or obligated.
  • A clear-hearted individual who speaks her mind and heart out, Sagittarian female is the most blunt and straightforward person of all the zodiac signs.
  • When she is not in the best of moods, be sure to hear extremely harsh and insensitive sentences. When angry, a Sagittarian female can make any person feel sad and dejected. She can give the most sarcastic of remarks, but can also forget things early.

..... so, not to be messed with... ?

Hmm... I'm not so sure about that forth point. But the rest of that? Yeah, that seems to hit the mark.

Happy, here are some quotes on Sagittarius male for you...

Ah, I didn't know it was different across genders.

You tell me....

Well, let's see...

Your Sagittarius guy has a strong intellect, penetrating thought process and continual curiosity about the world around him. Your man is ready for a deep discussion on ethics, morality, politics, philosophy, or religion, so go ahead one night and tackle The Meaning Of Life. His most attractive qualities are his faith and optimism, and his customary cheer will endear him to you.

Hmm... I'm not entirely cheery (I actually earned "Happy" as an ironic nickname... it stuck :dunno:). Though that's possibly a factor of history and circumstance. I'd question the strong intellect part. I don't feel overly intelligent, but people tell me I am. The rest is definitely me...

Sag is great because they always tell the truth, but sometimes hearing unvarnished truth can be rough on the rest of us. They have no sense of diplomacy, so if you ask their opinion, be ready to hear it! In love, Sag needs lots of sex and sports but he has an equal need for an intellectual partner. He will want his woman to stay up to date on political issues and trends and he will enjoy lively and even heated debates.

Well, I do tend to be very honest about who I am, but a lot of that is quite simply that I really can't change it. I am who I am. I'm not sure about the diplomacy part. It's tough to tell whether you're diplomatic or not since that's something judged by other people. I do like lots of sex, and I do appreciate an intellectual partner. I also enjoy debates, but I don't expect anyone to debate with me or follow any particular interest of mine. I'm not sure about the association of love and sports there. Is sports being used as a euphemism for something? If it's a reference to actual sports... that is so not me.

Like a knight, the Sagittarius man loves to charge off on his worldly quests, then return to share his delightful tales with anyone who will listen. A jack-of-all-trades (and a master of one or two), he’s ravenous for knowledge and experiences. Sagittarius rules travel and the higher mind, and he’s always expanding his repertoire with books, classes, hobbies, friends, and globe-trotting.

Well, I don't globe-trot. Though I might be more prone to do that if I had someone to do it with. And my circles of friends (well, real friends) tend to remain small, mostly because my condition can tend to drive people away or keep them at arms length. I do have a tendency to on occasion charge off like a knight though. I get accused of "white knighting" a lot, and I'll often even defend people I dislike if I feel they're being wronged. I have a healthy sense of moral outrage, which I guess maybe shouldn't be surprising... my real name literally translates to "warlike servant of Christ", so I guess I was born to crusade. :dunno:

Hmm, so it seems pretty hit or miss. Though being a little broken could have something to do with that (not sure how or if conditions like mine factor into this type of thing), and of course it kind of relies on my impression of myself... which might not be overly accurate. I don't think I've ever been a very good judge of me.

I don't think feisty is the right word. There's a lot I can say about this but I'm playing Skyrim right now so I'm a bit distracted. I'll come back either tonight or tomorrow and post a bunch about this.

Okie dokie.

Man, I should really finish Skyrim one of these days. I have it, and all of the DLC, but it keeps getting put off for various reasons...
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7631276, member: 579739"]Keep spilling our secrets and I'll leak that video we made. You don't want everyone to see that purple strap-on ass pounding do you?

Actually, I think I'd be okay with that.



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Oh, and I was totally looking for that Skoora sketch before when dirk and I were tossing KITH skits back and forth at one another in a thread here. Couldn't for the life of me find that sucker on youtube... good job jitna! :clap:

the nerdist youtube channel has been going through all the kids in the hall skits with little interviews at the end. theres a bunch of good ones.

it boggles my mind that people dont know Kids in the Hall. i used to watch them all the time in high school.

another great Dave Foley thing is Newsradio. an excellent sitcom that took place surprisingly in a news radio station. it also starred the late great Phil Hartman.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Some of my thoughts on astrology...

The descriptions of our signs are generally pretty accurate, but the specifics can't be taken too seriously. For example, my sign is supposedly very interested in sports, which is completely wrong. I hate sports. In school, gym was my absolute least favorite class, I hated playing any of the sports or games, I sucked at them, and I hate watching sports. The only ones I find entertaining are hockey, figure skating, and a few less televised/organized sports, like skate boarding or roller blading, but even with that I'll rarely go out of my way to watch them.

But most of the traits assigned to my sign are correct:

- Brutally honest. This is true, but I've leaned to watch what I say and think things out more carefully so that I don't sound too offensive.

- Full of energy and life. For me, it's only true depending on what exactly the subject at hand is. Dancing? No. Singing? No. Frisbee? No. Volleyball? Fuck that shit. I consider this trait to be more about my passion for so many things in life that others might not be quite as interested in. For example, I get extremely excited to go to the beach and I'm perfectly content to just sit for hours watching the waves. To most people, that's not being full of energy or life, that's boring. In my mind, it's the fact that I'm so passionate about even the most simple of things that makes me lively. And when it is something about energy, I am usually the most energetic person in the room. Like drinking and parties. If I'm at a party that I'm enjoying, I want to stay there and stay up all fucking night, whereas other people can only last about half the amount of time that I can. Take when I used to do drugs for example. On any given day that a friend and I would eat whatever particular drug, I'd be the one wanting to stick it out until the last little itsy bitsy visual trailed away, whereas whoever I was with wanted to conk out as soon as it started sizzling down. So to me, yes, I am lively and full of energy, but not in the way most people consider.

- Very friendly with both sexes- Yes, this is true, though while I don't always tend to get along with many girls, I am friendly with them.

- Likes to travel. Yes! I want to see the whole world before I die. I hate the actual act of traveling, but I love getting to the destination and once I'm there, I never want to leave, more so than others.

- Practical and sees the world the way it is. Completely accurate. Take politics for example. I've noticed that many people who talk about politics will bring up minuscule little details and statements that a particular politician said at some point, twisting the words around to mean something they don't. It's ridiculous. The only reason people do that is because they already dislike said politician in the first place, so now they're going out of their way to find any little detail they possibly can to shove their opinion down people's throats. I prefer to look at the big picture- what do I believe in and what would I like to see get done? That's it. Simple. Practical. I don't bother with all these trivial little details like many others do.

- True idealist. Yes. Absolutely. Taken as a quote: "She doesn't care about the diplomacy demanded by the society." 100% true. I don't give a fuck.

- Straightforward attitude can get her into trouble. Yes.

- Can get careless with money. While I do try to watch my money, this is to an extent true because unlike some others, I tend to care more about getting what I want now and enjoying things in life now while I can. Fortunately for me, right now I don't have to worry about rent because I don't have any, so this works for me at the moment.

- Won't take orders from anyone. Actually I will, but I'll be very bitter and pissed off about it. I don't like being talked down to, treated like a little slave, having things demanded of me. I do what I want when I want, and if you want me to do something, you better be willing to hear my perspective first and ask me nicely about it.

- Restless. This is true. I constantly feel like I need to be doing something, whether it's just watching a movie or doing work, just something. I can't sit and do nothing. I especially hate waiting for checks at restaurants because I can't stand just sitting there waiting doing nothing.

Oh and yes, I absolutely can be very mean and harsh when someone pisses me off, but I tone it down as much as I can because I am very aware of that about myself. I used to be terrible with it. Any little thing that pissed me off, be it a boyfriend ditching me to go hang out with his friends, my grandmother asking me to do the dishes, or someone calling me a name, I'd go completely ballistic about it, hurling around insults, throwing tantrums, screaming at the top of my lungs, calling names. I can get really nasty. But after having dealt with so much bullshit in my life, many of those little things don't bother me as much anymore so I'm able to let it slide easier. But if anyone were to really piss me off, you bet your ass I'd make them feel sad and dejected.

But something I've learned with astrology and horoscopes is that you can't take it too seriously or literally, you need to read between the lines, and think about how it applies to you, don't listen to specifics because it doesn't work like that.
In addition, if you read about the details of some of the other zodiac signs, you'll notice that many of their traits apply to you as well. If you read through every single zodiac sign, you're bound to find at least one attribute that fits your personality.

You can also take a look at your compatibility charts. Not all of them are the same. For example, I found one chart that says I'm compatible with pisces and capricorn, and incompatible with libra and scorpio, while another chart says I'm best with aries and leo and worst with cancer, capricorn, aquarius and pisces. It just doesn't match up. So I don't bother with that.

So while I find a lot of this very interesting, I'm also skeptical of it.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

the nerdist youtube channel has been going through all the kids in the hall skits with little interviews at the end. theres a bunch of good ones.

Yeah, I'm aware of that, but it didn't come up when I ran a search. Not sure if it was recent addition, or what... but I looked for it, and it didn't show.

it boggles my mind that people dont know Kids in the Hall. i used to watch them all the time in high school.

Yup. Me too. Though in the States wasn't it mostly relegated to HBO? I think that would explain why it never really hit it big. In the late '80s-early '90s I don't really think HBO was reaching an incredibly wide audience.

another great Dave Foley thing is Newsradio. an excellent sitcom that took place surprisingly in a news radio station. it also starred the late great Phil Hartman.

Yeah, that was another good show. :) Well, except for Andy Dick. I could have done with less Andy Dick in News Radio. :1orglaugh


Hmm... on a non-KITH-related note: Yeah, so M12 obviously went off the rails recently in this thread (again), and I was curious as to how bad it got because, well, I tend to skim most of his posts, since they can often be a little hard to read. So I decided to go back and take a look at all the crazy in this thread that isn't mine, and, well... I wasn't planning to respond to anything he cooked up, but wow, this...

What egoistic guy is that you have there? Rather take me. (Okay or HHJJ. :o)

... that requires a response, and I now wish I'd read that when it was initially posted.

No dude, don't bring me into your stuff. I know you probably meant this as some odd kind of ham-fisted bro-ish proverbial fist bump, but I am not that guy.

Wow, I don't even know where to begin. I think Harley is great, I really do. She's an excellent woman, and I like her as a person. Because of that, I want her to be happy. I think she's been through a lot of shit in her life and I think she deserves some happiness. I think the world owes her that much. The guy she's with makes her happy. That's a good thing. So even in jest (assuming that's what you were doing, I really don't even know how your mind works) don't bring me into any suggestions involving her tossing her guy. I don't want that, and I don't appreciate being associated with that sentiment, even if it's a joke.

Hell, even if he weren't in the picture, and by some miracle Harley were into me... I'd still have serious doubts that I'd consider dating her. Not because of her, she's amazing, but because of me. She's had a tough go of it, especially in relation to love. As a result she has some self-esteem and trust issues (this is the kind of thing you'd learn if you paid attention to her posts, or if you read her journal). As such, I'd tend to think she'd need a guy who can be sensitive to that. Me? I have Asperger's. Part of what that means is that I can't read people properly, and I have trouble expressing my emotions. That part of me is just broken. So while I am a sensitive guy in theory, in practice I'm (occasionally) shitty at being sensitive when someone needs me to be. So even if I were given the opportunity, I don't think I could ever be there for her the way someone should be, at least not in the moment which is always when people need it. And she deserves that, and without a lot of help I don't think I could ever be that guy.

So no she really shouldn't "take me." I have no problem admitting that she probably needs a better man than me, and she seems to have found that and I wish her all the best there.


So while I find a lot of this very interesting, I'm also skeptical of it.

Hey, that's how I feel about religion and politics! :D


Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Hmm... on a non-KITH-related note: Yeah, so M12 obviously went off the rails recently in this thread (again), and I was curious as to how bad it got because, well, I tend to skim most of his posts, since they can often be a little hard to read. So I decided to go back and take a look at all the crazy in this thread that isn't mine, and, well... I wasn't planning to respond to anything he cooked up, but wow, this...

... that requires a response, and I now wish I'd read that when it was initially posted.

No dude, don't bring me into your stuff. I know you probably meant this as some odd kind of ham-fisted bro-ish proverbial fist bump, but I am not that guy.

Wow, I don't even know where to begin. I think Harley is great, I really do. She's an excellent woman, and I like her as a person. Because of that, I want her to be happy. I think she's been through a lot of shit in her life and I think she deserves some happiness. I think the world owes her that much. The guy she's with makes her happy. That's a good thing. So even in jest (assuming that's what you were doing, I really don't even know how your mind works) don't bring me into any suggestions involving her tossing her guy. I don't want that, and I don't appreciate being associated with that sentiment, even if it's a joke.

Hell, even if he weren't in the picture, and by some miracle Harley were into me... I'd still have serious doubts that I'd consider dating her. Not because of her, she's amazing, but because of me. She's had a tough go of it, especially in relation to love. As a result she has some self-esteem and trust issues (this is the kind of thing you'd learn if you paid attention to her posts, or if you read her journal). As such, I'd tend to think she'd need a guy who can be sensitive to that. Me? I have Asperger's. Part of what that means is that I can't read people properly, and I have trouble expressing my emotions. That part of me is just broken. So while I am a sensitive guy in theory, in practice I'm (occasionally) shitty at being sensitive when someone needs me to be. So even if I were given the opportunity, I don't think I could ever be there for her the way someone should be, at least not in the moment which is always when people need it. And she deserves that, and without a lot of help I don't think I could ever be that guy.

So no she really shouldn't "take me." I have no problem admitting that she probably needs a better man than me, and she seems to have found that and I wish her all the best there.

Wow, that's really... just wow. I'm a bit speechless right now, so I'm just gonna say that what you said there was very touching.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7632297, member: 579739"]Wow, that's really... just wow. I'm a bit speechless right now, so I'm just gonna say that what you said there was very touching.

Well, you deserve some happiness, and I'm glad you've found it. We should all be so lucky. :)

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Checked out the latest video (you look magnificent as always, Harley). The "hourglass" toy is... kinda neat. :)

Isn't it? I thought so too, never seen one like it before.

Speaking of videos. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do one for next week. I really want to, but I've been having this issue for the past 4-5 days ever since I had sex on Monday. The area between my vag and ass is like really swollen and puffy and painful. It's like puffy line running between my vag and ass and won't go away. It's happened before after rougher than usual sex, but didn't ever last this long. I've looked online to see if I could find out what it is, but nothing useful came up, nothing was exactly like what I have going on down there. Anyway, for a video I don't know it'd be very comfortable to play around with myself with this going on.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Isn't it? I thought so too, never seen one like it before.

Yeah. Though it maybe looks like it would be... a little uncomfortable. But as a guy that's maybe tough to judge. :dunno:

Speaking of videos. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do one for next week. I really want to, but I've been having this issue for the past 4-5 days ever since I had sex on Monday. The area between my vag and ass is like really swollen and puffy and painful. It's like puffy line running between my vag and ass and won't go away. It's happened before after rougher than usual sex, but didn't ever last this long. I've looked online to see if I could find out what it is, but nothing useful came up, nothing was exactly like what I have going on down there. Anyway, for a video I don't know it'd be very comfortable to play around with myself with this going on.

While I am always of the frame of mind that more Harley is always better, I'm also of the frame of mind that an uncomfortable Harley is not a good thing :(. So I don't know about any of your other members, but I'm not gonna sweat it :) (you may have noticed that, while chatty, I'm not a particularly demanding or high maintenance fan :D).

Hmm, regarding the issue, have you tried Preparation H? It may not be hemorrhoids, but that stuff still helps with swelling, and it also has some petroleum jelly in it, so if it's sensitive to contact that might offer some bit of relief even if it doesn't help with the actual problem. :dunno:
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Isn't it? I thought so too, never seen one like it before.

Speaking of videos. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do one for next week. I really want to, but I've been having this issue for the past 4-5 days ever since I had sex on Monday. The area between my vag and ass is like really swollen and puffy and painful. It's like puffy line running between my vag and ass and won't go away. It's happened before after rougher than usual sex, but didn't ever last this long. I've looked online to see if I could find out what it is, but nothing useful came up, nothing was exactly like what I have going on down there. Anyway, for a video I don't know it'd be very comfortable to play around with myself with this going on.

you better make sure u get better, if it causes pain, then better let it get better. :)

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

Yeah. Though it maybe looks like it would be... a little uncomfortable. But as a guy that's maybe tough to judge. :dunno:

While I am always of the frame of mind that more Harley is always better, I'm also of the frame of mind that an uncomfortable Harley is not a good thing :(. So I don't know about any of your other members, but I'm not gonna sweat it :) (you may have noticed that, while chatty, I'm not a particularly demanding or high maintenance fan :D).

Hmm, regarding the issue, have you tried Preparation H? It may not be hemorrhoids, but that stuff still helps with swelling, and it also has some petroleum jelly in it, so if it's sensitive to contact that might offer some bit of relief even if it doesn't help with the actual problem. :dunno:

The hourglass dildo definitely wasn't the most comfortable of toys. It didn't hurt, it was just kind of awkward with all the deep ridges on it so it was a bit difficult to slide in and out.

I figured that you wouldn't mind much if I went without a video next week, but I don't know about the others. They don't talk to me much, if at all. I've had people who joined my site then asked for a refund and withdrew their membership because they weren't satisfied with the twice weekly updates, and back when I didn't do videos they were unhappy with only one update per week and no videos. So.... yeah, members can be pretty picky. If I go without a video next week, I'll have Joe add an extra week to everyone's membership to make up for it and try to make the following week's video longer than usual.

EDIT: My 3,000th post! :D
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

The hourglass dildo definitely wasn't the most comfortable of toys. It didn't hurt, it was just kind of awkward with all the deep ridges on it so it was a bit difficult to slide in and out.

Yeah, kinda seemed like that might be the case.

I figured that you wouldn't mind much if I went without a video next week, but I don't know about the others. They don't talk to me much, if at all. I've had people who joined my site then asked for a refund and withdrew their membership because they weren't satisfied with the twice weekly updates, and back when I didn't do videos they were unhappy with only one update per week and no videos. So.... yeah, members can be pretty picky. If I go without a video next week, I'll have Joe add an extra week to everyone's membership to make up for it and try to make the following week's video longer than usual.

I'm pretty easy going. :dunno: I hope it works out with everyone else.

Though a longer video the following week does sound intriguing... after all I do have that whole "more Harley is always better" thing going on. :D

Oh, regarding your problem, if you're going to Google it the term you're probably going to want to use is "perineum". That's the medical term for the area (though most people don't know that and just call it the gooch). Don't know if that will help in your search, but I guess it can't hurt.

EDIT: My 3,000th post! :D


Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

you better make sure u get better, if it causes pain, then better let it get better. :)

Yes, that is the goal :)

Yeah, kinda seemed like that might be the case.

I'm pretty easy going. :dunno: I hope it works out with everyone else.

Though a longer video the following week does sound intriguing... after all I do have that whole "more Harley is always better" thing going on. :D

Oh, regarding your problem, if you're going to Google it the term you're probably going to want to use is "perineum". That's the medical term for the area (though most people don't know that and just call it the gooch). Don't know if that will help in your search, but I guess it can't hurt.


Yes, I know it's called the perineum. But gooch? I've never heard that one before, the only slang word I've heard used for it is taint. I tried googling all sorts of things, like "swollen perineum", "Swollen painful perineum", "swollen between vagina and anus", etc. The results I found were not like what I have, like I found hemorrhoids, skin tags, vulvodynia, cysts, hernia, cystocele, etc. I've come to the conclusion that it's probably just due to having sex longer, harder, and not as lubricated as it should be. If it's not lubed up enough, it causes extra friction against my skin which irritates it and can cause things like tearing, chaffing, or in this case, swelling. I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about and it probably isn't terribly uncommon, so I'm just gonna wait it out and take it easy.
Re: The Official Harley Spencer Thread!

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7633973, member: 579739"]Yes, I know it's called the perineum.

Really? You know, aside from a gynecologist I used to date, you are actually the first person I've spoken to who actually knows that term. Seems most people think gardening when you say perineum. :1orglaugh

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7633973, member: 579739"]But gooch? I've never heard that one before, the only slang word I've heard used for it is taint.

You've never heard gooch? Huh, that one is pretty popular. Taint, yeah that's the other popular slang term.

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7633973, member: 579739"]I tried googling all sorts of things, like "swollen perineum", "Swollen painful perineum", "swollen between vagina and anus", etc. The results I found were not like what I have, like I found hemorrhoids, skin tags, vulvodynia, cysts, hernia, cystocele, etc. I've come to the conclusion that it's probably just due to having sex longer, harder, and not as lubricated as it should be. If it's not lubed up enough, it causes extra friction against my skin which irritates it and can cause things like tearing, chaffing, or in this case, swelling. I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about and it probably isn't terribly uncommon, so I'm just gonna wait it out and take it easy.

Yeah, that's probably all it is. Maybe you should invest in lube and use it liberally... :dunno: ... better safe than, uh, swollen?