I think Texas should be #1. Just my opinion.
USC is too high
I don't think so. After crushing the Buckeyes I think they were feeling like they'd all but already won the national championship. The loss to Oregon State was a major wake up call. They seem to be really dialed in again since, and of course they have at least as much talent on that roster as any team in the nation. Texas and Alabama are both going to lose at least once. Penn State's got the easiest schedule of the top three but they could drop a game, too. Put it all together and the Trojans might find a way to make it to the title game after all.
How is OHIO FUCKING STATE ranked higher than LSU? This is exactly why college football rankings are completely useless and stupid.
Ohio state is ranked too high. They got thumped by USC at the beginning of the season but now their inching up the polls because they haven't played shit. The same thing goes on year after year in ohio state's favor that's the reason why they get destroyed each year in a natl' championship game they shouldn't have ever been in. Wake-up pollsters!!
Funny, but people throwing crap on the Buckeyes, but nothing on USC. How many PAC 10 teams are in the Top 25? 1 besides USC, Cal at 25....
I heard all about last year about a weak Big 10.. I agree it has not been the powerhouse in years. But come on!