Ace Bandage
The one and only. hoosiers are a sensitive lot. Is THIS better???
Much better.
I knew Russel was going to be a bust when he was drafted. I also know (wish and pray) that Tebow will be a bust. hoosiers are a sensitive lot. Is THIS better???
The Chargers were kinda forced into taking Leaf after Manning went off the board.
I also know (wish and pray) that Tebow will be a bust.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when some team picks him up and he's a beast.
I'll admit I don't know for sure but I'd still be willing to bet that Timmeh has already got you beat in that praying department.
I too hope he fails. Can't stand him.
The chances of Sam Bradford living up to the hype are not good...:thefinger
Much better.I just didn't want anyone to get the impression that Leaf was taken before Manning. At the time, people said the Colts were crazy for taking Peyton. Leaf was supposed to be the sure fire superstar. And he might have been if he learned to throw the ball to his own damn guys instead of the other team. I think that picking Manning turned out okay...
Most busts are on teams that suck anyway. Look at the busts recently. Russell, Couch, Carr, Alex Smith, Quinn etc. Then look at the QB's that have succeeded. Rothleisburger, Rivers, Manning, Rodgers, Sanchez, Henne, Ryan. Decent teams. Some championship caliber. The guys that succeed were given a chance to develop. Not just thrown to the wolves with no O-Line, running game or receivers. I think the front office is to blame for most busts in sports, not the player.
I think you might be too quick to say that Sanchez has succeed. With the exception of a handful of games last year Sanchez was terrible, and was one of the worst starters in the league. It is still to be seen if he will succeed in the long term. For a long time Rothleisburger was pretty bad also, and the team won more despite of him with a strong defense than anything he ever did. Last year was his first real good year. (It might have also been his last to.)