The New Zealand "Smacking" Law




whats wrong with smack :confused:

Oh nothing, it's just that if I were to ever hear of somebody "smacking" their
kid, I would think that the smacker was the one with the problem.
It just sounds like wanton child abuse. You smack disobedient dogs, not fellow human beings. :o

Will E Worm

That's a smart move, trying to take away parent's rights to discipline their own children. :nono:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think this law can be a tricky one to carry out.

If the occasional slap, mostly in affect, would be instantly subject to prosecution, this would cause a killer whale to the legal system. And it just isn't possible to erase.

I worked with kids, and there were cases when, say a boy keeps on kicking others. Or he keeps on kicking me, every time I turn around. That actually happened. I tried to sit down with another kid and talk, because she had some troubles.

After the fifth kick and having told him to leave us alone for four times, I turned around and slapped him. I couldn't help it.

But this law can lead to parents feeling like they are allowed to beat their children. And that is something that just is not okay.


Die For Me
If the occasional slap, mostly in affect, would be instantly subject to prosecution, this would cause a killer whale to the legal system. And it just isn't possible to erase.

Occasional slaps would be a prosecutable offense with this law I'm pretty sure.
Thats part of the reason why everyone is against it


Closed Account
My mother beat me within an inch of my life with a sjambok - a whip. Ahhh....good times.


Even so, allowing little snotty nosed brats to go snitch on their own parents? Wtf?
Hell yeah ! Teach kids that if you're mad with someone then hit them, especially if you're bigger and stronger than them.

Dead on comment.:thumbsup:You get threads here asking whether anyone has ever hit a woman and of course all say no that's wrong but yet some think it's ok for adults to hit children.It's not based on any rational thought process to come to those different conclusions.It's just what they have been conditioned to beleive is acceptable.
Dead on comment.:thumbsup:You get threads here asking whether anyone has ever hit a woman and of course all say no that's wrong but yet some think it's ok for adults to hit children.It's not based on any rational thought process to come to those different conclusions.It's just what they have been conditioned to beleive is acceptable.

That isn't a fair comparison. Logically they come from radically different thought processes. Things like spanking and other things like that aren't the same as beating somebody. Not to mention that a child can be much more shaped by the conditions you put it under, which is why it's done. I doubt that the overwhelming majority of parents that do it actually derive any pleasure from striking their child. You can punish a child with appropriate non-serious physical punishment and not have to do it out of uncontrolled rage or for some sadistic pleasure. Out of the people I have known that were spanked as a child almost all of them grew up to be nice respectful people that didn't use violence when it wasn't needed. On the other hand I know a lot of children that were allowed to do anything they wanted, or had some toy taken away from them or were given time outs when they did something wrong that grew up to be complete assholes or had some sense of entitlement over the people around them because they thought they were conditioned with getting way with stuff almost all the time with no real repercussions.


Hell yeah ! Teach kids that if you're mad with someone then hit them, especially if you're bigger and stronger than them.

I always thought its ok just to give a kid a little smack , as long as you werent taking liberties

But reading your comment has made me think about it again , you know I have never thought about it , from the point of view you suggested , but you are 100% right its a good point you have made :thumbsup:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Growing up in the 70's and 80's I look at corporal punishment a little differently then the law makers would probably appreciate. My mom would grab whatever was handy to dole out a whipping. Hot Wheels tracks, willow tree branches, you name it.

No permanent scarring (well maybe a little emotional scarring) except the residual thoughts whenever I'm about to fuck up and it keeps me from straying off the straight and narrow....sometimes.

A parent grabbing their kid and giving him/her a little swat on the fanny can be instrumental in synching up their moral compass. There's a point where it becomes abusive that I couldn't rightly describe but I know it when I see it.

the other day I threw a flip flop at my 12 year old nephew because he was acting like a, well, 12 year old boy, and I thought he was going to burst into tears. I don't think we're raising a generation of sissies or anything, but I remember walking four miles to school every day, regardless of the weather(and in Iowa, that's no joke). His school's less than two miles away and he whines when no one's available to give him a ride.

I can empathize with the lawmakers' desire to protect children but some of those decisions should be left for the parent to decide.


Closed Account
Animals discipline their offspring. Some of course eat them, but that is a different matter. Just a nip or maybe a swat when the annoyance becomes too much. I read somewhere that giving a whack with a rolled up newspaper is quite effective. It doesn't hurt, but it sounds like it does.
Smacking a child as a form of discipline when they are very young is OK, but once they are old enough to understand what they have done its better to discipline them in other ways. I'm not sure it does kids any good if, in order to teach them about right & wrong, you hit them when they have done something wrong? Violence is OK?!? :dunno:
I also think it doesn't really work, when I was hit as a kid I forgot about it 5 minutes later, but when I had other forms of punishment - not allowed to go out with my friends, sent to bed early etc it had a lasting effect.