The 'Name the Prick' Thread

I wouldn't. Too many fans expect their heros to be at their beck (pardon the pun) and call. The famous have just as much right to privacy as 'commoners'.
Stars owe no one, anything.
However, that doesn't give them the right to be rude or condescending for no reason either.

I think they owe quite a bit actually. Their fans are the ones that line their pockets, afterall.
I think they owe quite a bit actually. Their fans are the ones that line their pockets, afterall.
I buy CD's because I want to hear the music. Not so I can do artist's a favor. I am buying it for selfish reasons, so why does the artist owe me anything? It's a simple business transaction. They produce a product and I buy it.
So if I buy a chocolate bar I love, does that mean the head of Hershey's owes me an autograph whenever I feel like it?

The head of Hershey's, btw, is apparently a woman that walks around town in just a bra with no top, lol.
Just "Friday" would be better but "FOMM" is ok,but it did take me a while to realize that it was a reference to me as well.But I would hate to further disappoint anyone and seem to be a picky "prick" about it.:1orglaugh

FOMM sounds quite nice. It suits you well.
I would've hoped that you had figured it out by now though, you've been being called it since at least July 2007. ;) :1orglaugh

Also now is no time to start getting picky about it.
If you were to get upset at the people calling you FOMM you would have a pretty long list...

Belgnass, Blueballs, Coors, dickvancock, DonostiaFox, DrMotorcity, Facetious, georges, gmaxman1212, hothannah, Jagger69, L3ggy, LadyLove, local568, maildude, maleonetwo, meesterperfect, ninetysixcavy, Roughneck, Smitty, tartanterrier, titsrock, Torre82min, and YMIHERE

I wouldn't like being called 'FOMM' myself. Sounds like a government agency, lol.

Federal Office of Municipal Migratories

Hey. Don't pick on FOMM's name. :nono: lol ;)

Land Bank of the Philippines
Louisiana Board of Pharmacy
Local Broadcast Procedure
The sore loser Cuba's Angel Matos, who kicked the ref in the Olympics medal Taekwondo match.

Papa Smurf. When I was younger, my younger brother would always hog the TV on Saturday mornings to watch the fucking Smurfs. . . I always wanted Gargamel to eradicate those little blue bastards!!!
Beck - I ran across him at a concert I had payed to see and asked for an autograph on one of his CD's. He just grabbed his guitars from his bus and walked off to the sound check. Guy is royal prick.

Well, based on my own personal experiences working for him, I would say that that is an inacurate assessment of what Beck is like. I've worked 4 or 5 of his shows, and he's never been a prick. In fact, a couple of times he's gotten cases of beer for the local crew. For an artist to say that the local crew gets beer on his dollar is extremely rare. He's quite shy, and that might come off as him being a prick, but he's never pulled any bullshit like some other prima donna rockstars that I've worked for in the past. You want to talk about a real prick? Talk about Marilyn Manson, Billy Corgan, John Mellonhead, Prince, Madonna, Cher, Noel and Liam Gallagher, Victoria Beckham, Tokio Hotel, Jared Leto, Kenny G, Slash, the list is endless, but, in my personal experience, it doesn't include Beck. :2 cents:

Also, Beck doesn't grab his guitars off the bus. They arrive at a venue in big, heavy road cases, otherwise known as Cadillacs in the industry, and are unpacked and tuned by the guitar tech. He might have a guitar that he practices with on the bus, but that would not be the guitar that he would use for sound check, as the ones actually used are set up on a guitar boat in guitar world, which is usually offstage left. ;)
bill o'reilly. he hit on my grandma
"Name the prick" --- whom to start with .... let's see ... Yves Leterme,Pieter De Crem, Bart De Wever, Filip De Winter, Hugo Coveliers,franck Vandenbroecke (they are Belgian Politics)
as far as international goes Jean Marie Le Pen, Balkenende, Blair, Bush, Mc Cain, Merckhel (or whats her name, german Kanseler)
Non Politics Madonna, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Victoria Beckham ... shit until now only woman ... Uhm ... Uhm ... Jennifer Lopez ... ahh yes how could I forgot him : Steven Seagal ...

More to come ...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My ex-best friend is a fucking bitch. I can't really say "prick" because she's a girl, plus...fucking bitch is more accurate.

You hit on Duke's gramma too?

I think the Michael Moore thing gets another mention because he said that a hurricane bearing down on New Orleans at the start of the RNC proves that there is a god. Wow- what great guy. Never mind all those people who already survived the worst disaster to ever hit their city, just before another one hits, as long as the Republican convention is disrupted by it.

There's no good way to spin taking delight in misery of others at the mercy of nature- he's a prick.

Once fat scum sucking pig is always a fat scum sucking pig, that is what Michael Moore is.
I think the Michael Moore thing gets another mention because he said that a hurricane bearing down on New Orleans at the start of the RNC proves that there is a god. Wow- what great guy. Never mind all those people who already survived the worst disaster to ever hit their city, just before another one hits, as long as the Republican convention is disrupted by it.

There's no good way to spin taking delight in misery of others at the mercy of nature- he's a prick.


Can't wait for comments like .... "... but ... but ... but ... some other religious guy said something like that during Katrina (which of course we hated because it was so insensitive) that means when Michael Moore does it it's ok and so very very funny".

Saying things like that makes both insensitive pricks.