The 'Name the Prick' Thread

Another prick which comes to mind is O.J Simpson
I've always heard from multiple people at different times that Tom Savini is a real prick and all around asshole.

Also heard that ever since the Hellboy movies took off that Mike Mignola has become a prick as well,but I can't confirm this one.
I will not go through that very lengthy piece by Hitchens and try to point all the areas where I think he does exactly what he and you accuse Moore of doing ......

Why are you comfortable when Moore does it? ;)

Sorry FOMM. I did not mean to set you off on a 9/11 tirade.
Remember the purpose of the thread...
My point was actually something more simple and obvious. Moore passes himself off as "mild mannered" but in fact is a propagandist that uses insinuation, innuendo, specific images (man clutching a gun, injured baby, Bush on a golf course, etc...), and "set-up" interviews often taken out of context to emotionally sway his audience.

Even if someone believes every word Moore says, it is easy to see why someone would think he is a prick. That's all.
Back on topic, former Chicago Bull Scottie Pippen. The guy, known as "no tippin Pippen," is an arrogant a-hole. He likes to play the "do you know who I am?" card quite a bit.

I have heard the same thing on more than one occasion.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
The FCC arer a bunch of pricks, just to get that out in the open.
Name the prick eh .. OK is it Will Ferrell?
More on Michael Moore.

It was revealed in "Sicko" Moore had anonymously sent a $12,000 check to help out the sick wife of a person who had an anti Moore website called "Moorewatch".Here is a link to that site and the woman acknolwedging how gratefull she was for the check that paid her health care premiums and helped them weather the financial stress her illness was causing.Here is how she feels about him.

"But before I write word one on any subject, I have something extremely important to say. To Michael Moore… thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generous gift you gave to my husband and me anonymously last year. The $12,000 you anonymously sent us paid for our health insurance premiums and gave us the financial breathing room to both deal with our debts and also relieve the ever mounting stress with which we struggled daily. Since we received that check I have silently thanked my anonymous “guardian angel” countless numbers of times, and it is good to now finally be able to have a real name to go with that title. Though you and I may not agree on many intellectual or political issues, I have always been and will always be thankful for your gracious gift. I hope that you will see any debates I may have with you or your work on this site to be mere intellectual criticisms that have no reflection whatsoever on my gratitude to you as an individual. "

Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "prick".


what the fuck you lookin at?
My boss is a fucking dick! Does that count?
Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "prick".

A lot of people donate money that are pricks. That really isn't a qualification for being nice. I look better on a person that makes minimum wage and donates 10 dollars to a local food pantry than anything where somebody with a lot gives away a little. I can think of countless rich people that donate some of their money or have donated some of their money throughout history. (probably mostly for good PR despite what they say) Some of them in one way or another were some of the worst people at what they did. I'm not going to praise Rockefeller or Carnage after forever corrupting capitalism (Or even Bill Gates in the future when he gives a way most of his fortune after he gets the benefit of it all his life), for example, just because they gave a lot of money away at the end. I don't think I should look past Moore's multitude of faults because he happens to do a couple nice things. Even then despite the fact those type of people give away money almost all of the people that donate large sums of money don't do enough remotely make up for the damage they have done. I don't see a difference here.
More on Michael Moore.

It was revealed in "Sicko" Moore had anonymously sent a $12,000 check to help out the sick wife of a person who had an anti Moore website called "Moorewatch".Here is a link to that site and the woman acknolwedging how gratefull she was for the check that paid her health care premiums and helped them weather the financial stress her illness was causing.Here is how she feels about him.

"But before I write word one on any subject, I have something extremely important to say. To Michael Moore… thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generous gift you gave to my husband and me anonymously last year. The $12,000 you anonymously sent us paid for our health insurance premiums and gave us the financial breathing room to both deal with our debts and also relieve the ever mounting stress with which we struggled daily. Since we received that check I have silently thanked my anonymous “guardian angel” countless numbers of times, and it is good to now finally be able to have a real name to go with that title. Though you and I may not agree on many intellectual or political issues, I have always been and will always be thankful for your gracious gift. I hope that you will see any debates I may have with you or your work on this site to be mere intellectual criticisms that have no reflection whatsoever on my gratitude to you as an individual. "

Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "prick".

so you buy his theories even if his sources are not verified and fully legit?:rolleyes: I have the impression to discuss with Brino again:rolleyes:
More on Michael Moore.

It was revealed in "Sicko" Moore had anonymously sent a $12,000 check to help out the sick wife of a person who had an anti Moore website called "Moorewatch".Here is a link to that site and the woman acknolwedging how gratefull she was for the check that paid her health care premiums and helped them weather the financial stress her illness was causing.Here is how she feels about him.

Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "prick".

Moore revealed his "anonymous" donation in his movie "Sicko."?! Isn't the whole point of an "anonymous" donation for it to be ...well... "anonymous"? Not proclaimed to millions at the box office? Are you even listening to yourself?

FOMM. Why must you disappoint me so.
Do you really feel that this is a balanced assessment?
Are you sure that you are being an impartial observer?
Can Moore do no wrong in your eyes?

Are you certain your judgment of Moore isn't just a teensy bit clouded by the fact that you agree with his views? Are you taking part in just a little bit of liberal bias perhaps?

#1 The value of Moore's Donation:

Net worth of Michael Moore: more than 50,000,000
Micheal Moore's net worth
$12,000 = .024 percent of Michael Moore's net worth.

Equivalent for a person with a net worth of $20,000?
.024 percent X 20,000 = $4.80
The equivalent of (1) Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino
Price of a Java Chip Frappuccino
Thanks Michael ... you are so generous! ;)
(assuming it wasn't another selfish propaganda stunt for "Sicko")

(actually the value of Moore's donation in terms of generosity is far lower than $4.80 because the marginal value of a dollar for Michael Moore is far less than for the other person)

#2 The Validity of the Michael Moore "can never be called a prick because he was a nice guy once" defense? aka
Does a person who does a nice thing ..such as ... say ... making a donation... permanently absolve themselves from being considered "prickish" for the other acts they have done?

Lessee.... who can we use as an example....

...And while she is dead now while living Leona Helmsley was called the 'the queen of mean".Treated her employees like crap and said once when she got in tax trouble that "only the little people pay taxes".She was one little gold digging bitch.

ok ... let's use Leona Helmsley

Leona Helmsley
Net Worth: $5 billion
Leona Helmsley net worth
Donation: $4 billion to the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Leona Helmsley - The Largest American Charitable Contribution of 2007 - Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University / Slate
Equivalent: 80%
(1) 2008 Suzuki SX4 Sport with Navigation
Far more generous than Moore. (by a factor of more than 3333)

This figure does not include....
$70-million to New York-Presbyterian Hospital
$5 million to the American Red Cross
$5 million to New York City firefighters

Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "bitch"?

While I wouldn't be so bold..
I am happy to discover that henceforth you will defend the generous (and infamous) "Queen of Mean" Leona Helmsley with even greater vigor than you have done in service of Michael Moore.
Moore revealed his "anonymous" donation in his movie "Sicko."?! Isn't the whole point of an "anonymous" donation for it to be ...well... "anonymous"? Not proclaimed to millions at the box office? Are you even listening to yourself?

FOMM. Why must you disappoint me so.
Do you really feel that this is a balanced assessment?
Are you sure that you are being an impartial observer?
Can Moore do no wrong in your eyes?

Are you certain your judgment of Moore isn't just a teensy bit clouded by the fact that you agree with his views? Are you taking part in just a little bit of liberal bias perhaps?

#1 The value of Moore's Donation:

Net worth of Michael Moore: more than 50,000,000
Micheal Moore's net worth
$12,000 = .024 percent of Michael Moore's net worth.

Equivalent for a person with a net worth of $20,000?
.024 percent X 20,000 = $4.80
The equivalent of (1) Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino
Price of a Java Chip Frappuccino
Thanks Michael ... you are so generous! ;)
(assuming it wasn't another selfish propaganda stunt for "Sicko")

(actually the value of Moore's donation in terms of generosity is far lower than $4.80 because the marginal value of a dollar for Michael Moore is far less than for the other person)

#2 The Validity of the Michael Moore "can never be called a prick because he was a nice guy once" defense? aka
Does a person who does a nice thing ..such as ... say ... making a donation... permanently absolve themselves from being considered "prickish" for the other acts they have done?

Lessee.... who can we use as an example....

ok ... let's use Leona Helmsley

Leona Helmsley
Net Worth: $5 billion
Leona Helmsley net worth
Donation: $4 billion to the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Leona Helmsley - The Largest American Charitable Contribution of 2007 - Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University / Slate
Equivalent: 80%
(1) 2008 Suzuki SX4 Sport with Navigation
Far more generous than Moore. (by a factor of more than 3333)

This figure does not include....
$70-million to New York-Presbyterian Hospital
$5 million to the American Red Cross to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
$5 million to New York City firefighters

Pretty nice thing to do for someone who is being called a "bitch"?

While I wouldn't be so bold..
I am happy to discover that henceforth you will defend the generous (and infamous) "Queen of Mean" Leona Helmsley with even greater vigor than you have done in service of Michael Moore.

Ok whatever nothing is going to convince some of you I guess.Here I thought the point of this thread was to display people who in inter-personal interactions could be fairly described as "pricks".While I may not like Carnegie and his history in buisness I never heard that about him as well as I have never heard it about Bill Gates,or again Moore for that matter.And have never heard of them publically acting in that way eitheir.But Helmsley and Pippin I have heard they act in such a way.But maybe I just missed the point of this thread.:dunno:
BTW, Friday on My Mind; does FOMM meet with your approval as a way to be refered to? Just wondering.

And I just now figured out who FOMM is, lol.
BTW, Friday on My Mind; does FOMM meet with your approval as a way to be refered to? Just wondering.

And I just now figured out who FOMM is, lol.

Just "Friday" would be better but "FOMM" is ok,but it did take me a while to realize that it was a reference to me as well.But I would hate to further disappoint anyone and seem to be a picky "prick" about it.:1orglaugh
[B][URL=" said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 2449734, member: 44516"]Just "Friday" would be better but "FOMM" is ok,but it did take me a while to realize that it was a reference to me as well.But I would hate to further disappoint anyone and seem to be a picky "prick" about it.:1orglaugh

I wouldn't like being called 'FOMM' myself. Sounds like a government agency, lol.

Federal Office of Municipal Migratories
No. 'Beck' Beck. This prick.

I just don't get it. If I were ever famous, I would sign every autograph, engage every fan, just realize how fortunate I was, but it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant and superficial some people can really be.

I wouldn't. Too many fans expect their heros to be at their beck (pardon the pun) and call. The famous have just as much right to privacy as 'commoners'.
Stars owe no one, anything.
However, that doesn't give them the right to be rude or condescending for no reason either.