The Know-Nothing Generation

There is actually ample reason to talk about the "Know-Nothing Generation", for it is proven that intelligence (especially social and emotional intelligence) have gravely shifted and changed over the last decade.

But first I have to say something about the "genetics argument". There are endogenous and exogenous factors that play a role in the development of a child's intelligence. Every behavioural scientist and psychologist knows that. You can't just say 'genetics plays no role', but saying 'genetics is all there is' is equally wrong.

So, what are the factors that lead to the "Know-Nothing Generation"? One is surely the parents, voluntarily or involuntarily:
It's a sociological fact that in most post-modern societies like Britain, the US or (especially) Japan and Germany the higher your education and the harder your career, the lesser are the chances of you producing offspring. It's a result of the posttransformative phase in the demographic development of capitalist societies. That development has been proven for every country with an economic and social system like the ones in Germany, Japan, Britain, the US or France. Only few countries that are bordering said development have managed through political and economical reform to prevent it or at least handle it. Prominent example is Norway.
Thus, smart, socially adept or intelligent parents not producing any offspring is certainly one reason for the decline in intelligence among the current and the coming generations in industrialized and post-industrialized countries.

Than there is the grave lack of second chances and socially tolerated moratoria for young people in many societies (especially Japan) which makes it harder for many young people to find their way and develop their full potential, which again leaves many intelligent young people behind, whereas kids with more ability to assert themselves are punching through. Sadly, on most occasions that only favors the bullies, not the brainies.

Also there is the "media problem". Social networking like facebook or other internet activity is educating children equally as or even more powerful than their own parents (for several reasons). The main problem is that these new social networks don't communicate or convey social skills or emotional intelligence. Children that develop intelligence through interaction ergo have a predisposition to underdevelopment under those circumstances. Same thing goes for children who can always do as they please or are raised by a TV. German and Japanese psychologists call this process "Verwöhnungsverwahrlosung" (spoiling through neglect and waywardness). Intelligence is formed through neglect and through morally and intellectually void self acquirement and adoption instead of purposeful and directed learning or skill-acquirement.

Another factor, which is strongly interwoven with the previous mentoined one, is the development of many schools especially in the US or Japan (even though Japan manages to keep it somewhat under control, which in return again causes problems like hikikomori). The school as purely spatial construct for the purpose of education has been transformed into a Lebensraum/living space since the 1970s. The problem is that most schools only poorly adapted to those new conditions. For example: Authority figures in schools are becoming less influential because they are constantly undermined by parents, politicians and students. But at them same time children are spening at least as much time with these powerless authority figures as they spend with their parents, who still might have a certain amount of influence. Or: Schoolyards are becoming "law and moral free" zones, because students don't have to be concerned with consequences.
Thus, the development of social skills and intelligence makes halt at the pre-conventional level or at the early stages of the conventional level on Kohlbergs scale of moral development and moral reasoning and are unable to conquer the second and third Piaget (the "Adaptive Model of Intellectual Development", which triggers intellectual growth, and the "Logical Model of Intellectual Development", in which intellectual development becomes an upward expanding spiral in which children must constantly reconstruct the ideas formed at earlier levels with new, higher order concepts acquired at the next level).
Let us not underestimate the "pussy factor" as well... people are just becoming whiny pussies these days, so when faced with adversity, they give up and whine about how their failure is not their fault and blame "someone else." This attitude is creating a bunch of fat, stupid kids with an inferiority complex who can't blast their asses off the couch and away from the TV/Computer. :2 cents:
Interesting you chose not to simply ignore the post or add it's creator to your ignore list ...but since we're here now, the No. 1 reason why it came up is because of Bachmann, Palin, etc.... The No. 2 reason why it came up is because there are different people who've commented in the thread who have different opinions. That was but one.:2 cents:

The GOP has nothing to do with this. Try and leave your political discrimination at the door of the thread.

And there were two posts before your GOP and no one mentioned political sides until your post came along.
The GOP has nothing to do with this. Try and leave your political discrimination at the door of the thread.

And there were two posts before your GOP and no one mentioned political sides until your post came along.

So WHAAAT!!! :confused::confused:

Others have given their examples of how it's exemplified...I gave mine..try and leave your opinions of my opinions at the door. No one mention what they thought of other posts until you came along whining about mine. Sheesh! GAFL.
So WHAAAT!!! :confused::confused:

Others have given their examples of how it's exemplified...I gave mine..try and leave your opinions of my opinions at the door. No one mention what they thought of other posts until you came along whining about mine. Sheesh! GAFL.

No. Your post is the third post and you immediately bring up the fact that GOP is re-elected and upset about marijuana not being legalized in California. The only other post before your post about politics is in Spreeuw's post in parenthesis, of which I made bold.

And all I put was someone actually had to bring up the GOP. You came in and started in on your usual quoting fest of saying the other is wrong and you are always right.

And below are the first posts and yours being the third where you whine about GOP being back in power and weed not being legalize and somehow you connect that with bad parenting. In the third post of the thread. Right off the bat you immediately attack the GOP. And no one else brought up politics except for you and it is your usual hatred of the GOP.

Instead of blaming technology as the reason a kid can't tie his shoes or zip his jacket how about we blame the parent for not teaching the child?,nin-esy-112510.article

Oh no, not some more generation style psychology.
The generation thesis (be it concerning politics, ethics or skills) has been refuted many times...
Altough parents ofcourse influence their children, I don't think you can generalise it in this way.

Tend to agree. We have a know nothing culture which spans multiple generations. Evidenced by the fact that we re-elected GOPers and can't even fully decriminalize weed in one of the most progressive states in our union.

Maybe it is all the drugs.:facepalm:
No. Your post is the third post and you immediately bring up the fact that GOP is re-elected and upset about marijuana not being legalized in California. The only other post before your post about politics is in Spreeuw's post in parenthesis, of which I made bold.

And all I put was someone actually had to bring up the GOP. You came in and started in on your usual quoting fest of saying the other is wrong and you are always right.

And below are the first posts and yours being the third where you whine about GOP being back in power and weed not being legalize and somehow you connect that with bad parenting. In the third post of the thread. Right off the bat you immediately attack the GOP. And no one else brought up politics except for you and it is your usual hatred of the GOP.

Again, so fucking what?? It's my opinion how it's manifested. Before and since your tracking on who said what, others gave their opinions of how it's manifested in this thread and/or from where it stems.

Jeez kid, grow up and use the ignore feature if you don't like or understand what I post.:dunno:
Oh nice. Grow up. The best you can come up with. All I put was someone actually brought up the GOP. Not my fault you're going to be bitchy for next two years because GOP is in power. And you have a problem when someone make you out to be wrong and you can't handle it until you tell them to grow up or whatever other insult you can give them or continuing to quote until the other person becomes the bigger individual and just leave the quote war.
More example of the know-nothing gen...whiny little princesses who can't handle being quoted, accuse others of what they're commonly guilty of then go whining to moderators on porn forums because they can't seem to find the ignore feature.
Yeah and your constant replying when no one even initiated debate with you really shows you in good light. Look how you acted the moment someone posts indirectly, nothing crude being said, just a simple statement about your off topic post about GOP being back in power and weed being voted down and you go on saying other people brought up politics as you did before you in this thread when it is only you. When you are proven wrong you resort to insults.

Yeah. You're real mature. Anymore insults? I mean you're already shown wrong. So why not just keep insulting since that is all you ever have.

I'm mature enough to maintain my own on the board to where I don't have to ignore someone. You however can ignore just as easy but choose to continue to quote and when shown wrong will simply insult.
Actually, there are several links between the American "Know-Nothing Generation" and politics, especially the Republican Party.

If you take the part about schools and educaton I mentioned in my previous post as an example:
A large part of Republican voters and party members (especially the ones from two specific social backgrounds) have an attitude towards dismissing teachers as authority figures and discarding school as a place where the moral and intellectual development of children is decisively formed. Being role models for their children, children often adopt these attitudes which in return limits their will or even their ability to fully develop intellectually, emotionally and morally.
That is a proven fact. Shell and Pisa studies have repeatedly shown this to be true. A certain attitude in parents often gives birth to a certain development in children.

Don't get me wrong. You can find those types amongst Democrats as well (for different reasons and with different consequences), but the majority of people with a certain negative attitude towards school, education or intellectualism are those people who predominantly vote Republican.
Actually, there are several links between the American "Know-Nothing Generation" and politics, especially the Republican Party.

If you take the part about schools and educaton I mentioned in my previous post as an example:
A large part of Republican voters and party members (especially the ones from two specific social backgrounds) have an attitude towards dismissing teachers as authority figures and discarding school as a place where the moral and intellectual development of children is decisively formed. Being role models for their children, children often adopt these attitudes which in return limits their will or even their ability to fully develop intellectually, emotionally and morally.
That is a proven fact. Shell and Pisa studies have repeatedly shown this to be true. A certain attitude in parents often gives birth to a certain development in children.

Don't get me wrong. You can find those types amongst Democrats as well (for different reasons and with different consequences), but the majority of people with a certain negative attitude towards school, education or intellectualism are those people who predominantly vote Republican.

Shhh gibbon! It's dark in some places in the world and there are bat-like humans who like it that way...cha-cha.:o
are we really talking about politics in this thread?

We weren't per se until someone took to a harmless quip (of which there are several harmless quips here) about it and wanted to start playing post tag over it.

Fear's bound to get worse as soon as the collective armies from both sides start the high-fiving and adding their :2 cents:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
A mere observation- The GOP aren't "in power".

The GOP share power in Congress. Obama's still the president and as Mike Huckabee pointed out recently on The Fox Hayride, anytime the legislative and executive branches get into a fight the executive always wins.

Could that be an example of disparity of intellect between political opponents? Probably not, as it's merely anecdotal, but it's timely none the less.