The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

And another Blind follower who does not even look up the meaning of the word or the article that I just posted and the link to the story, before jumping in an correcting me.

Drop the name calling, don_equis

I'm not insulting you, neither Obama/Democrat blinded - you make assumptions there. I know you arent republican but please, because i somewhat defend something doesnt make me a pro-Obama or something alike. Please take this into consideration.

And actually, i see nothing about Hillary Clinton in the link you provided.

I wasnt asking for a link about what is a spiritual seance...
And another Blind follower who does not even look up the meaning of the word or the article that I just posted and the link to the story, before jumping in an correcting me.

seance or séance [say-onss]
a meeting at which a spiritualist attempts to communicate with the spirits of the dead <---the source!
She was asking for a serious source on Hillary Clinton trying to communicate with the dead, NOT on what a seance is. My goodness, you're even thicker than I thought!! (And that's saying something) Just like a Republican (which you say you're not, but which you most likely are) you twist things around in an effort to turn things to your advantage - too bad for you it doesn't work so well with people who don't have to use monkeys to type Internet responses for them. I guess the same can't be said of you, right?
In his book "The Choice," Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward described how Clinton consulted with a spiritual adviser who led her through imaginary conversations with her personal hero, Eleanor Roosevelt. Newsweek magazine, which was promoting the book, characterized the visits as "seances," a term that White House officials quickly tried to squelch.
"These were people who were helping her laugh, helping her think," said Neel Lattimore, Clinton's spokeswoman. "These were not seances."

Ok. So we have Bob Woodward claiming there was a spiritual adviser. According to many, Bob Woodward is questionnable as he have been suspected of exaggeration, inconsistency, fabrication ( in his books. Hence, the need for at least another non-partisan source to support the claims.

The term seances, as the article saying, was used to promoting the sell of Bob Woodward's books.

Yet, the proofs arent solid. And looks more like a publicity stunt than anything else.

Im not saying Hillary Clinton havent made seances - we are just lacking what could be required to affirm it.

And its well documented regarding Nancy Reagan.
She was asking for a serious source on Hillary Clinton trying to communicate with the dead, NOT on what a seance is. My goodness, you're even thicker than I thought!! (And that's saying something) Just like a Republican (which you say you're not, but which you most likely are) you twist things around in an effort to turn things to your advantage - too bad for you it doesn't work so well with people who don't have to use monkeys to type Internet responses for them. I guess the same can't be said of you, right?

You have issues with monkeys? Come up with something interesting to debate instead of insults that makes you sound childish.
You have issues with monkeys? Come up with something interesting to debate instead of insults that makes you sound childish.


Any decent points you may make are getting drowned out in a morass of juvenile sounding, anger driven dribble.

I hope you don't treat your kids this way.
You better be able to back up your statement. Because lots of people in my generation are very aware of whats going on. The only problem is that idiots in previous generations with such strong beleifs are trying to control our generation into this mindless direction. I'm highly offended that you think I have shit for brains. Honestly, I think the older generatinos have shit for brains, because they're all lead to believe that God is real and all mighty, and that the government will take care of us all, and that we should just worry about working and contributing to society. They believe that communism is bad, and republic is good. FYI the so called democracy that we live in is just as fascist as Nazi Germany.

So fuck you for thinking I have shit for brains and thinking that I'm un-educated. Fuck you for being so close minded and linear. If you think it's so bad that our generation is uneducated, then do something about it.

The general American population of my era is highly uneducated because of the systems that your generation and older have voted on, let slide, and CONTUNUALLY followed their leadership. Like fuck, it's not our fault that the world is so fucked up, and it's not our fault that we aren't "informed" as you think. It's your fault. Why the fuck would you let so many politicians lie to you day in and day out, and believe them?

Do you understand how many decisions are made behind your back by your politicians? Why the FUCK do you think the government is in control? Do you think it's for your well being? You are just a fucking pawn, and the government is using you to denounce my generation. Cuz basically my generation is/was the last hope for rebellion against what horrible wrong the government does, yet everyone thinks that my generation doesn't deserve to be listened to.

So THAT'S the real reason why we are "un-educatated and un-informed". Because people like you think we are.

And you know, if so many people didn't hate eachother for what they believed in, we would be much better off. Instead of hating other people, hate the government and the very few men that control all of us. Hate the monetary system, not your fellow man. Otherwise you should jsut hate yourself for being such a fuckface.
In my previous posts, I said that many post 1986 born people have shit for brains but I didn't targeted you or anyone else if you reread what I wrote. So easy to take everything personally.:mad:
In my country France, the post 1986 born people voted for Sarkozy, now they are wiping tears.
Also in all honesty, voting for voting by using the logic let's vote all the same, isn't necessarily right. I educated myself not only by going to school but by being an autodidact. If you are enough determined and hard working, you will have it. Remember that none owes you nothing. You can have a brilliant carreer if you are willing to you work hard and make the difference.
You think that only politicians lie? Financial people and other high positioned people in other fields are liars too. Always put the words of someone else in question when they seem too good to be true.
I have seen a lot with people of your generation in my own country. Very often, quite a lot of people of your generation are irrespectful towards their elder peers, don't necessarily know how to deal with difficult and unpredictable situations and very often quite lazy. The monetary system is not to be hated, it is just a regulator of the economy. I am for to be a pawn, I don't need the governement to help me to denounce your generation.


Closed Account
He is Barack Obama....He is our next president....He will fuck up....

.....but it won't be as bad as George W. Bush.....

This message is brought to you by the Bush Is For Wankers Club (BIFWC)

:banana: :banana: :banana:
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In my previous posts, I said that many post 1986 born people have shit for brains but I didn't targeted you or anyone else if you reread what I wrote. So easy to take everything personally.:mad:
In my country France, the post 1986 born people voted for Sarkozy, now they are wiping tears.
Also in all honesty, voting for voting by using the logic let's vote all the same, isn't necessarily right. I educated myself not only by going to school but by being an autodidact. If you are enough determined and hard working, you will have it. Remember that none owes you nothing. You can have a brilliant carreer if you are willing to you work hard and make the difference.
You think that only politicians lie? Financial people and other high positioned people in other fields are liars too. Always put the words of someone else in question when they seem too good to be true.
I have seen a lot with people of your generation in my own country. Very often, quite a lot of people of your generation are irrespectful towards their elder peers, don't necessarily know how to deal with difficult and unpredictable situations and very often quite lazy. The monetary system is not to be hated, it is just a regulator of the economy. I am for to be a pawn, I don't need the governement to help me to denounce your generation.

Well, I just re-read what you wrote, and I've read it twice before posting.

georges said:
But I can't expect any intelligence from post 1986 born people and people who are undereducated and who have shit for brains. Socialists are the plague of Europe. The post 1986 generation is afraid of conservatism and afraid of harsh unpredictable situations, they need to be assisted like goddamn fucking parasites.

Where does it say many? So yes I take it as a personal attack because I'm unlike your generalized post 1986 generation. It's really too bad you think that we're all good for nothing "parasites". I was brought up on good morals and principles and of course I have opinions of my own. So of course I'm gonig to be pissed off that you generalize an entire generation based on the degenerates you see. Personally, those idiots sicken me because of the bad name they give me. But it's not our fault. Thanks to the media, and the increasing busy-ness of parents, kids of my generation, and newer, are becoming more and more zombie like. Lots of us question why we should do this and that, but we are all told that we have to conform to societies ways, and that we should just accept thing the way they are. We aren't allowed to be listened to. Kids have the most open and virgin minds, and yet all the lies and rules cloud their minds and produce little robots. Telling someone they aren't allowed to think openly is against human rights. You've heard the says "children are to be seen and not heard" correct? Do you think that's because they don't know anything yet and that anything they say is obsurd? To me it means that someone doesn't want children to question what they are doing, because they are afraid the children will find out and get upset about it.

If you really want to see kids smarten up, give them the truth and shut off the TV's. It's not about how stupid kids are, because in reality no one is stupid until they are unfluenced. We are all born the same way, we all start out screaming and crying, and we are all inquisitive and open to learning new things when we are babies and small children. What we learn at those tender ages is what we become. And it's not our fault as to who we become, it's the fault of the parent.

So yeah, I gave you negative rep because you completely offended me, especially by name calling my entire generation. Maybe you should really think before you say anything so rash. Take a long look at whats around you and what's causing all of it before you start denouncing people.

Instead of hating on a younger generation, try to teach the truth.

Honestly, we could do away with the monetery system and the governments, because they are what holds the human race back. It's not about governing people and control people, it's about expanding peoples beliefs and ideas into greater things. It's about celebrating how incredibly intelligent and complex our species is. We can achieve so much if no one had to worry about how much money they made, or whether or not their government is gonig to make the right choice. A select few people shouldn't make choices for everyone. Everyone should make choices for themselves.

So why don't we all just kiss and make up and have a great big orgy.:lovecoupl
Well, I just re-read what you wrote, and I've read it twice before posting.

Where does it say many? So yes I take it as a personal attack because I'm unlike your generalized post 1986 generation. It's really too bad you think that we're all good for nothing "parasites". I was brought up on good morals and principles and of course I have opinions of my own. So of course I'm gonig to be pissed off that you generalize an entire generation based on the degenerates you see. Personally, those idiots sicken me because of the bad name they give me. But it's not our fault. Thanks to the media, and the increasing busy-ness of parents, kids of my generation, and newer, are becoming more and more zombie like. Lots of us question why we should do this and that, but we are all told that we have to conform to societies ways, and that we should just accept thing the way they are. We aren't allowed to be listened to. Kids have the most open and virgin minds, and yet all the lies and rules cloud their minds and produce little robots. Telling someone they aren't allowed to think openly is against human rights. You've heard the says "children are to be seen and not heard" correct? Do you think that's because they don't know anything yet and that anything they say is obsurd? To me it means that someone doesn't want children to question what they are doing, because they are afraid the children will find out and get upset about it.

If you really want to see kids smarten up, give them the truth and shut off the TV's. It's not about how stupid kids are, because in reality no one is stupid until they are unfluenced. We are all born the same way, we all start out screaming and crying, and we are all inquisitive and open to learning new things when we are babies and small children. What we learn at those tender ages is what we become. And it's not our fault as to who we become, it's the fault of the parent.

So yeah, I gave you negative rep because you completely offended me, especially by name calling my entire generation. Maybe you should really think before you say anything so rash. Take a long look at whats around you and what's causing all of it before you start denouncing people.

Instead of hating on a younger generation, try to teach the truth.

Honestly, we could do away with the monetery system and the governments, because they are what holds the human race back. It's not about governing people and control people, it's about expanding peoples beliefs and ideas into greater things. It's about celebrating how incredibly intelligent and complex our species is. We can achieve so much if no one had to worry about how much money they made, or whether or not their government is gonig to make the right choice. A select few people shouldn't make choices for everyone. Everyone should make choices for themselves.

So why don't we all just kiss and make up and have a great big orgy.:lovecoupl

I don't like to be too severe jibjib but I prefer to be honest than lieing to someone. I am one of the most straightforward people on this board, the old members know me very well. Some former events when I was a student and at my previous work, lead me and my other colleagues to ask ourselves if many 1986 post born people will ever know the sense of responsibility and sense of duty without discussing the rules. At work, I have seen always the same people coming late when there were no traffic jams or public transportation and I have also seen people not assuming their faults and rejecting them on others when they couldn't handle their responsibilities they were given because they were too high. People are entitled to an opinion, I am not discussing about it, what I am discussing about is when it comes to make strategical decisions or assuming responsibilities that is when it gets tough. Of course to be curious and have knowledge on various subjects helps but the experience whether it is professional or personal helps to make better decisions. Myself, I will not trust someone who has not a significant experience if he has to deal with serious responsibilities. Not everyone has a forward thinking vision and not everyone can deal with an extremely unbearable management or work with a harsh management. To insure you, I have seen some people in their 30's who were dumber than a brick. I never watch TV, I read the newspapers. TV is a waste of time and money for me. Plus TV makes people dumber and more illiterate. Discussing with other older people who are knowledgeable about political or other subjects can help and can give you more knowledge about what is going on. An interactive discussion with other people will be always more enriching and more instructive than watching an image where the brain doesn't work.
When I will see something positive, I will point it, don't worry.
About parents I will tell you one thing, that making children and being not able to educate them is very cruel, insulting and irresponsible. I was remembered this years ago "Any fool with a dick can make child, only a real man can raise his children." Good parents care about their kids but good and dedicated parents are not that common nowadays.
In all honesty jibjib, I am sadly not a teacher because you need loads of patience and I am not a very patient person in general.
The monetary system doesn't disturb me to be honest, what is disturbing me is that sometimes government forcing people to do what they don't want is absolutely not what we need. I do agree however that everyone should be responsible for their own.
georges? Maybe you should wait until AFTER your morning coffee before you go online. ;)
That's 3 semi-hate filled posts in 3 threads from you today in just 33 minutes.

At the time when Brino and Nightfly used to be here, they got replied every time I felt there was a need to.
Semi hate, don't you think you exaggerate a little bit? I was just very angry.
Reading your comments, i think you understand as much how things works in social-democracies as you think people in social-democracies understand US politics.

According to your statements, you have more prejudice (irrational, emotional hate) than understanding. Its your legimate right to have such kind of opinion, of course. But don't bash uneducated statements from the other side then.

I will give you my very honest two honest modest cents.
If you think it is a good thing to deduct a part of the salaries of hard working people and then redistribute to low income people, I think it is not. Forced charity doesn't work. Some people are really unwilling and lazy to work and often people who live in the bad suburbs are more attracted to easy money like drug retail and criminal activities than by trying to make higher studies and have a honest payed job. Also, it is unfair to give social helps and health care to people who don't deserve it and who have it at the expense of the others without working. I made a harsh critic. I have seen this kind of system in my country where honest citizens payed during 27 years from 1975 till 2002for some people who never tried to work or were unwilling to work. How did those people got social helps, apartments before hardworking citizens? Thanks to the 19.6% of social charges deducted of the salaries and redistributed to the low income class. Now that the social assisting has stopped, those people are living on the edge. Social assisting is what has bankrupted France, but during 27 years we had socialist governments, so what could you expect.
What about my point of view?

I must have said 6 times that the tax system in the US takes from the middle class and redistributes it up to the top corporations and earners in the form of tax breaks. Why is it so difficult to see that the point of higher tax on those making over $250k (as a guideline) does not mean encouraging people to be lazy and go on welfare. :rolleyes:

Repeat, make it 8x. Wny don't I get a break from supporting AIG, Lehman Brothers, and now maybe GM, Ford and Chrysler who dug themselves in this mess with no help of mine, why do I have to SAVE THEM?

I now said 8 times that the tax system in the US takes from the middle class and redistributes it up to the top corporations and earners in the form of tax breaks. Why is it so difficult to see that the point of higher tax on those making over $250k (as a guideline) does not mean encouraging people to be lazy and go on welfare. It's called the working poor. :rolleyes:

People can't afford to buy groceries with gas recently at $4 a gallon. But just keep on taxing the lower middle class?
And, the whole bailout business it starting to show what a fiasco that is.

If I bet the farm in Las Vegas and blow it all, does that mean the Mirage Hotel, should forgive all debt, while I continue to live in my penthouse suite, eat fine food and drink champaigne? :rolleyes:

I think I'll go out and buy that Ferrari I always wanted, maybe the middle class can help me out by funding more bailouts for my failing Fortune 500 company I drove into bankruptcy while floating away on my golden parachute. It's only fair?



Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
In my previous posts, I said that many post 1986 born people have shit for brains but I didn't targeted you or anyone else...

I have seen a lot with people of your generation in my own country. Very often, quite a lot of people of your generation are irrespectful towards their elder peers, don't necessarily know how to deal with difficult and unpredictable situations and very often quite lazy. The monetary system is not to be hated, it is just a regulator of the economy. I am for to be a pawn, I don't need the governement to help me to denounce your generation.

For those who missed, georges and I discussed this in another thread where I threw up nice helping of evidence showing his vilified generation to be actually quite a bit more civil than he'd like to think - he disregarded the evidence.

To reply directly, what should we be respecting from our elder peers, hmm? There's plenty to, of course, but there's also plenty that isn't worthy of respect. As jibbijib said, we (referring to us younger folk, or the Millennial generation of which I'm among the oldest if you consider the generation starting sometime in the later 80's) didn't make these problems. But we do get stuck with them.

(Unnecessary disclaimer: of course, there are folks from every age/generation that go against the general trends or give one reason to think ill of a larger body of folk. It may be that every young folk georges has met has been a righteous prick, as I have met many of all ages - but from looking at the numbers in the US, he's simply wrong. See aforementioned thread here.)

What about my point of view?

I must have said 6 times that the tax system in the US takes from the middle class and redistributes it up to the top corporations and earners in the form of tax breaks. Why is it so difficult to see that the point of higher tax on those making over $250k (as a guideline) does not mean encouraging people to be lazy and go on welfare. :rolleyes:

Repeat, make it 8x. Wny don't I get a break from supporting AIG, Lehman Brothers, and now maybe GM, Ford and Chrysler who dug themselves in this mess with no help of mine, why do I have to SAVE THEM?

I now said 8 times that the tax system in the US takes from the middle class and redistributes it up to the top corporations and earners in the form of tax breaks. Why is it so difficult to see that the point of higher tax on those making over $250k (as a guideline) does not mean encouraging people to be lazy and go on welfare. It's called the working poor. :rolleyes:

People can't afford to buy groceries with gas recently at $4 a gallon. But just keep on taxing the lower middle class?

Don't worry AFA, I have been paying attention to your repeated point, even if no one else has. And it's a very valid point in the...idealism war between Democrats and Republicans. If the Democrats are the take-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor Socialists, than the Republicans are the take-from-the-middle-and-give-to-the-rich party (both gross generalizations, of course). With that in mind, let's not even debate which one we'd prefer, ethically: let's look at which one is cheaper. What do you think costs us more? The millions of people leeching off welfare and other social services, or the billions being more or less stolen at the tops of the corporate chains?

I'd put my money on the CEOs and their ilk (though not really; they have enough as it is!).
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For those who missed, georges and I discussed this in another thread where I threw up nice helping of evidence showing his vilified generation to be actually quite a bit more civil than he'd like to think - he disregarded the evidence.

To reply directly, what should we be respecting from our elder peers, hmm? There's plenty to, of course, but there's also plenty that isn't worthy of respect. As jibbijib said, we (referring to us younger folk, or the Millennial generation of which I'm among the oldest if you consider the generation starting sometime in the later 80's) didn't make these problems. But we do get stuck with them.

(Unnecessary disclaimer: of course, there are folks from every age/generation that go against the general trends or give one reason to think ill of a larger body of folk. It may be that every young folk georges has met has been a righteous prick, as I have met many of all ages - but from looking at the numbers in the US, he's simply wrong. See aforementioned thread here.)

Don't worry AFA, I have been paying attention to your repeated point, even if no one else has. And it's a very valid point in the...idealism war between Democrats and Republicans. If the Democrats are the take-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor Socialists, than the Republicans are the take-from-the-middle-and-give-to-the-rich party (both gross generalizations, of course). With that in mind, let's not even debate which one we'd prefer, ethically: let's look at which one is cheaper. What do you think costs us more? The millions of people leeching off welfare and other social services, or the billions being more or less stolen at the tops of the corporate chains?

I'd put my money on the CEOs and their ilk (though not really; they have enough as it is!).

No, no! Don't put your money on the CEO's, that's where it' all goes historically. People that can't balance their own checkbooks let alone run multi billion dollar corporations. They must be socialists as Joe the Plumber said. They redistribute the wealth. :dunno:

Why oh why didn't I buy stock in Halliburton when Cheney got in. :eek:

Around here, people fight and seem worried about getting just the right stations tuned on the car radio, when the stupid car has had no engine or transmission the past 8 years. :rolleyes:
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I will give you my very honest two honest modest cents.If you think it is a good thing to deduct a part of the salaries of hard working people and then redistribute to low income people, I think it is not. Forced charity doesn't work. Some people are really unwilling and lazy to work and often people who live in the bad suburbs are more attracted to easy money like drug retail and criminal activities than by trying to make higher studies and have a honest payed job. Also, it is unfair to give social helps and health care to people who don't deserve it and who have it at the expense of the others without working. I made a harsh critic. I have seen this kind of system in my country where honest citizens payed during 27 years from 1975 till 2002for some people who never tried to work or were unwilling to work. How did those people got social helps, apartments before hardworking citizens? Thanks to the 19.6% of social charges deducted of the salaries and redistributed to the low income class. Now that the social assisting has stopped, those people are living on the edge. Social assisting is what has bankrupted France, but during 27 years we had socialist governments, so what could you expect.

It's a respectable point of view. So i take back my comments. :thumbsup:
Did anyone read about the GOP filing a lawsuit to overturn the 2002 Ban on "Soft Money" because the GOP "needs as much money as we can get in order to rebuild our party"...THe Supreme Court upheld the ban in 2003, but, for reasons unknown to me, the GOP lawyers believe "this time, things will be different"?

If this "soft money" ban (which John McCain hailed as critical for campaign finance reform, btw) gets overruled...the GOP and Lobbyists will be ONEINTHESAME...literally.