The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread


Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million illegals - not a peep was heard from conservatives.

George Bush supported a 2007 bill that could have provided legal status to up to 20 million illegals - barely a peep was heard from conservatives.

Obama supports a very limited form of conditional amnesty (The Dream Act) and conservatives brand him The Great Satan.

Too funny :1orglaugh

Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million illegals - not a peep was heard from conservatives.

George Bush supported a 2007 bill that could have provided legal status to up to 20 million illegals - barely a peep was heard from conservatives.

Obama supports a very limited form of conditional amnesty (The Dream Act) and conservatives brand him The Great Satan.

Too funny :1orglaugh

Don't confuse conservatives with facts.


My Penis Is Dancing!

Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million illegals - not a peep was heard from conservatives.

George Bush supported a 2007 bill that could have provided legal status to up to 20 million illegals - barely a peep was heard from conservatives.

Obama supports a very limited form of conditional amnesty (The Dream Act) and conservatives brand him The Great Satan.

Too funny :1orglaugh

Don't confuse conservatives with facts.

You mean liberals. :tongue:

See? You confused one of them already.
Obama's doing GREAT and doing everything right for America. I wish I was American because I would be so proud to have a great president like Barack Obama. :yesyes:



Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 4 million illegals - not a peep was heard from conservatives.

George Bush supported a 2007 bill that could have provided legal status to up to 20 million illegals - barely a peep was heard from conservatives.

Obama supports a very limited form of conditional amnesty (The Dream Act) and conservatives brand him The Great Satan.

Too funny :1orglaugh

You are right. It was a different nation and time back then though, but you are correct. Elites in this country are all holding hands. That's why the McCain-Kennedy Bill S1033 had both a conservative and liberal authoring it. They also happened to both be worth millions.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
It will be interesting to see how the State of Arizona "Illegal Alien bill" gets continuallly challenged.

^If we didn't have Mexican illegals here.. then three quarters of Southern California's wealthy would be out garderners, household workers, servants, and other undesirable jobs.
It will be interesting to see how the State of Arizona "Illegal Alien bill" gets continuallly challenged.

^If we didn't have Mexican illegals here.. then three quarters of Southern California's wealthy would be out garderners, household workers, servants, and other undesirable jobs.

True. Those Mexicans are working though. In my state, illegal Dominicans are here in droves and they DO NOT work (The vast majority) , suck the system dry, produce babies like rabbits, and offer nothing but crime in return.
It will be interesting to see how the State of Arizona "Illegal Alien bill" gets continuallly challenged.

^If we didn't have Mexican illegals here.. then three quarters of Southern California's wealthy would be out garderners, household workers, servants, and other undesirable jobs.
No, they'd have to pay fair market wages instead.

There is a two-fold problem in the US:
1. Americans who don't pay undocumented workers what they are worth
2. Americans who enact legislation that also makes it desireable for undocumented residents to not work

I don't have a problem with illegal immigrants per se, much less the ones who actually do have taxes withheld and pay for services. Those are not exactly undocumented workers, as they do pay and help fund the country. Unfortunately, people don't differentiate them.

I have a problem with Americans who illegally hire undocumented workers and pay them far, far less than the going, market rate. That hurts everyone, especially when they don't withhold anything. When Bill Clinton (who was unaware) appointed a woman from California who had two illegal immigrants, paid jack under-the-table with 0 withholdings, guess what happened to her? Although she didn't get the public servant position, she went back to her 6-figure job and the illegals were deported. How's that fair? It's that, "oh, I didn't do anything wrong" attitude of Americans is the problem.

I also have a problem with Americans who keep voting in legislation to give free services to undocumented residents. That's like rolling out the red carpet. It's one thing to have illegal immigrants in the country, but another to promote free services. The US was not founded on giving away public services, in fact, it's part of our problem right now, entitlements. I can complain about Democrats and Republicans left and right, but this is the one area where I really can't stand about many (not all, bless the ones who are the opposite) Democrats, they literally are trying to build a constituency out of undocumented residents.

Reagan, Bush Sr., W. and Obama (let's give him some credit) have done their best to try to make this about illegal immigrants who are documented, and are paying their share. That's what the US is all about.

Countr--er, "States" like California are the ones fucking up bad. They are not enforcing federal laws on hiring, and they are providing all sorts of services. 1-2 whammy that is sending their country into the toilet. If they'd start enforcing laws and getting people either documented or, in many cases, cut off from public services, they'd swing their budget 30-40%.

Americans have "had enough" with other Americans who take advantage of the system, vote for those who want to built a constituency of non-Americans and, in general, keep using their money to subsidize this. In many cases it's heavily the middle class who is subsidizing this non-sense, and they grow tired of it.

As I always say ...
- Democrats think of Big Business, Lawyers and building a larger, illegal constituency first
- Republicans think of even Bigger Business, well before Smaller business, but at least all Americans first

I don't like either of them, especially since the Republican Congress under Bill Clinton, who was just as complicit, started the whole H1B Visa program -- which is basically an underpaid, but documented, indentured servitude program, where the migrant worker is dinged both by a US-side contractor and a foreign-side contractor -- all for Big Business. But make no mistake, there are too many Democrats who are not looking to the issues they are causing by accommodating undocumented residents who can very much vote.
im waiting on Sarah Palin to throw the Old legalize weed card....its coming..i can see it..goooooo SARAH!!!:yesyes:


''Obama's popularity has dropped so much, Kenyans are claiming he was born in the US.''

- Jay Leno

Poll: Support for Obama falling even in California
Associated Press
Posted September 14, 2011
— A Field Poll released today shows support for President Barack Obama is falling even in reliably Democratic California, where the shaky economy and persistently high unemployment have created pessimism about the future.

Just 49 percent of registered voters say they are inclined to re-elect Obama, 5 points higher than the number of those who say they are not. In 2008, Obama beat Republican John McCain by a 24-point margin in the state.

The Field Poll finds the Democratic president's job-approval rating in California has slipped to 46 percent, about the same as those who disapprove. Just three months ago, Obama's approval ratio was 54 percent to 37 percent.

One out of five Democrats disapproves, an increase of 10 percentage points since June. Support for Obama has slipped 13 percentage points since then among non-partisan voters, a bloc that will be key to winning the presidential contest in 2012.

Many voters say they are growing disenchanted with Obama's handling of the economy. For the first time since he took office, a majority say they disapprove of how he has addressed the issue while 40 percent say they approve.

California's unemployment rate rose back to 12 percent in July, the second-highest in the nation behind Nevada. Nearly 2.2 million Californians remain out of work.

That has led to an increasingly pessimistic view of the future.

Nearly seven in 10 registered voters told pollsters they believe the country is seriously off track, the largest percentage since the 2008 presidential election that swept Obama into office. Just two in 10 say the country is moving in the right direction, a new low.

''Obama's popularity has dropped so much, Kenyans are claiming he was born in the US.''

- Jay Leno

Poll: Support for Obama falling even in California
Associated Press
Posted September 14, 2011
— A Field Poll released today shows support for President Barack Obama is falling even in reliably Democratic California, where the shaky economy and persistently high unemployment have created pessimism about the future.

Just 49 percent of registered voters say they are inclined to re-elect Obama, 5 points higher than the number of those who say they are not. In 2008, Obama beat Republican John McCain by a 24-point margin in the state.

The Field Poll finds the Democratic president's job-approval rating in California has slipped to 46 percent, about the same as those who disapprove. Just three months ago, Obama's approval ratio was 54 percent to 37 percent.

One out of five Democrats disapproves, an increase of 10 percentage points since June. Support for Obama has slipped 13 percentage points since then among non-partisan voters, a bloc that will be key to winning the presidential contest in 2012.

Many voters say they are growing disenchanted with Obama's handling of the economy. For the first time since he took office, a majority say they disapprove of how he has addressed the issue while 40 percent say they approve.

California's unemployment rate rose back to 12 percent in July, the second-highest in the nation behind Nevada. Nearly 2.2 million Californians remain out of work.

That has led to an increasingly pessimistic view of the future.

Nearly seven in 10 registered voters told pollsters they believe the country is seriously off track, the largest percentage since the 2008 presidential election that swept Obama into office. Just two in 10 say the country is moving in the right direction, a new low.


Things 'change'....

Like, there once was a POTUS..Bush 1..
Who polled as high as the sun..

8 months later, the electorate turned hater thus ending his second term run.

(How much time does O have for 'change'?:tongue:)