wrong!great movie.
And those films are?........
: takes out pen and paper :
I truly don't understand why Martyrs was ever made. Besides letting us know the makers have a sick and depraved kind of creativity it's completely pointless. It's nothing more than misogynistic torture porn and has nothing to do with horror. Drag me to hell, The thing, alien, A nightmare on Elm street, that's horror.
I didn’t thing Martyrs was great, it fell apart totally in the final act but it was unsettling & uncomfortable viewing which is what it was aiming for.
It depends on the intention though doesn't it. The Others (which by the way was a bit of a rip off of The Innocents) was indeed a great movie but it was a different type of horror to something like Martyrs. The tone/style of The Others just would not have worked.Making a truly scary movie without showing anything is a much bigger accomplishment imo. The Others is a good examle. They created a very eerie atmoshpere without any gore, everything was done with the power of suggestion. That takes real talent.