The Human Centipede

I truly don't understand why Martyrs was ever made. Besides letting us know the makers have a sick and depraved kind of creativity it's completely pointless. It's nothing more than misogynistic torture porn and has nothing to do with horror. Drag me to hell, The thing, alien, A nightmare on Elm street, that's horror.

You don't know why Martyrs was made and you claim it's misogynistic, yet a a movie about a pedophile who tortures and murders teenagers as they sleep is A-OK?

I'd comment about the misogyny accusation, but I really don't want to spoil anything for the people who haven't seen it. Defending that bogus charge requires examining the last 30 minutes of the film. But I will say that anybody who watched this movie and thinks it fits in the torture porn genre either has issues of their own or they're just looking for something to bitch at.
To me Martyrs was just an exercise in lazy film making. Two girls go on a vengeance trip, one gets killed and one gets caught by some secret society looking for answers as to what comes after death. They constantly beat her up, skin her alive and leave her to die. A 10 yr old could do better.

A woman doesn't give a gypsy a loan. The gypsy curses the woman and then dies and haunts the woman until she dies. Done. There's Drag Me to Hell, everybody.

You can make any movie sound trivial and lazy when you condense it down to irrelevance. What a ridiculous thing to say...:rolleyes:
To me Martyrs was just an exercise in lazy film making. Two girls go on a vengeance trip, one gets killed and one gets caught by some secret society looking for answers as to what comes after death. They constantly beat her up, skin her alive and leave her to die. A 10 yr old could do better.

Wait a sec, did you even watch the movie? Boiling down the first act by saying it's about "two girls going on a vengeance trip" is not just silly, it's entirely wrong.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Making a truly scary movie without showing anything is a much bigger accomplishment imo. The Others is a good examle. They created a very eerie atmoshpere without any gore, everything was done with the power of suggestion. That takes real talent.

If you want a classic horror film without any special effects and no gore. I strongly recommend the original version of The Haunting.
LaLiLuLeLohan said:
You don't know why Martyrs was made and you claim it's misogynistic

According to the director it was just an exercise in film making. Bet let me guess, you're one of those people who wants to see some sort of deeper meaning where there is none gettting all philosophical and analyzing brutal violence.

I'd comment about the misogyny accusation, but I really don't want to spoil anything for the people who haven't seen it. Defending that bogus charge requires examining the last 30 minutes of the film. But I will say that anybody who watched this movie and thinks it fits in the torture porn genre either has issues of their own or they're just looking for something to bitch at.

A sick cult kidnappes and tortures girls and women thinking that if they torture them long and painfully enough they become martyrs and get to see what comes after death. That's not only misogynistic but it's also an incredibly dumb premise. The title is also completely misleading as martyrs are those who chose to suffer voluntarily in order to bear witness for their faith, a cause etc.
A sick cult kidnappes and tortures girls and women thinking that if they torture them long and painfully enough they become martyrs and get to see what comes after death. That's not only misogynistic but it's also an incredibly dumb premise. The title is also completely misleading as martyrs are those who chose to suffer voluntarily in order to bear witness for their faith, a cause etc.
Why did you feel the need to spoil the film for those that have yet to watch it?


I rented Martyrs after reading about it here.

It was not scary or horrific, it was mildly shocking and somewhat gross. The vengeance scene at the beginning was cool, but overall this movie was not that great IMO. To me it was about as good as the 'Hostile' movies.
One scene that does make me cringe everytime I see it is in Touristas. The scene where the doctor performs surgery on the girl while she's awake makes me feel uneasy every time for some reason.

That scene bothered me too, just the perspective it put you in was perfectly cringeworthy. Nothing has bothered me more than the castration scene in Hard Candy though, every man should cringe at that shit.
I honestly believe that The Human Centipede is the best horror movie ever made. True horror that doesn't rely at all on "BOO!"
I am wanting to see Happiness of the Katakuris so badly.

I am going to get Audition, too. I love his stuff. Funny how he can make one film about the craziest shit you can imagine and then make a child's film.

Scary, to me, are movies in which the premise has real world plausibility. Based on that concept, "Audition" is one of the scriest movies I've ever seen. I contemplated not dating after I watched that movie. As far as "horror" films go, its up there right next to "Misery" in my book.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Making a truly scary movie without showing anything is a much bigger accomplishment imo. The Others is a good examle. They created a very eerie atmoshpere without any gore, everything was done with the power of suggestion. That takes real talent.

The best is The Haunting
I just can't believe this is for real and is actually commercially distributed... when I first saw this thing I thought it was either an indie film or people just made the trailer on their own for kicks.