The Europeanization of America and How to Stop It.

Will E Worm

ohh and Lurkingdirk is sleeping is seems:wave2:

He only does that when he hates something.

Looks like he doesn't like anything.

Liberals can't contribute anything they criticize, point fingers, and call names.



Jeez Will E, did you have a shitty christmas or something? We're trying to have a little fun here and you're acting like you got a kick in the nuts in your stocking. Chill out dude. Whatever happens (in America or elsewhere), it won't be because of what was or wasn't posted here.

Will E Worm

Jeez Will E, did you have a shitty christmas or something? We're trying to have a little fun here and you're acting like you got a kick in the nuts in your stocking. Chill out dude. Whatever happens (in America or elsewhere), it won't be because of what was or wasn't posted here.

What? :rolleyes:

Still, people that like other countries and their policies should move to whatever country they like.


:sing: You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
And as charming as an eel,
Mr. Grinch!
You're a bad banana,
With a greasy black peel!
You're a monster, Mr. Grinch!
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders.
You've got garlic in your soul,
Mr. Grinch!
I wouldn't touch you
With a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!
You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch!
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile,
Mr. Grinch!
Given the choice between the two of you,
I'd take the seasick crocodile!
You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch!
You're a nasty, wasty skunk!
Your heart is full of unwashed socks.
Your soul is full of gunk,
Mr. Grinch!
The three words that best describe you
Are as follows, and I quote,
"Stink, stank, stunk!"
You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch!
You're the king of sinful sots!
Your heart's a dead tomato,
Splotched with moldy, purple spots,
Mr. Grinch!
Your soul is an apalling dump-heap,
Overflowing with the most disgraceful
assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,
Mangled-up in tangled-up knots!
You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch!
With a nauseous super naus!
You're a crooked jerky jockey,
And you drive a crooked hoss,
Mr. Grinch!
You're a three-decker sauerkraut
and toadstool sandwich,
With arsenic sauce!
Baill Inneraora and Mayhem if you like Europe so much no one is stopping you from moving. :wave2:

Well Will E, since:

• More Americans voted for Barack Obama last year than any other candidate in America’s history.
• Since Democrat’s have won landslides in the last two cycles.
• The Courts still say it is unconstitutional for you to force your narrow minded, un informed and down right irrational belief system on my kids (and others) in public school systems.

No one is stopping you from leaving.

Will E Worm

Baill Inneraora

More Americans voted for Barack Obama last year than any other candidate in America’s history. Then they all lined up for their government check, cheese, and chicken.

Also, Obama's ratings continue to fall.
Looks like he will be a one term failure. :thumbsup:

Since Democrat’s have won landslides in the last two cycles.
With no results and a lot of lies. People are regretting their votes.

The Courts still say it is unconstitutional for you to force your narrow minded, un informed and down right irrational belief system on my kids (and others) in public school systems.

Who cares about the public school system. It's illegal to force people to send their children to a state run school to begin with.

Also, public schools indoctrinated children into beliefs that are wrong and anti-American.

The Six are
Educate for liberty. The classroom should foster understanding and appreciation of founding principles. Instead, high schools tend to minimize or disparage the story of America's founding. They justify neglect of the founding by arguing it's outdated and difficult to explain. Or they give short shrift to the principles of constitutional government and fixate on the Founders' acknowledged flaws.

Engage the American mind. Despite constant scorn by academic elites and popular media, most Americans still believe our country is something special and still respect the Founders' ideas that make it so. Conservatives must repeatedly articulate these core principles and apply them directly to questions of the day, thereby giving voice to the majority of citizens who haven't given up on the American experiment in self-government.

Uphold the Constitution. Public officials take a solemn oath to support the Constitution, so they have a moral obligation to understand and abide by it. For members of Congress, this means refraining from passing bills that exceed their constitutional authority. For the president, it means rejecting unconstitutional bills and executing the law in a constitutional manner. Judges, who are uniquely positioned to spell out the meaning of the Constitution, must also recognize they aren't immune from its constraints.

Defend free markets and fiscal responsibility. Americans work hard to improve their families' condition. The fruits of their labor are moral goods contributing to happiness, as are opportunities to pursue the American Dream. Yet democratic capitalism is under attack by progressives. Principled leaders must reconnect the economic arguments for liberty and prosperity with the moral case for equal opportunity, free enterprise and creativity.

Revive self-government.
In the 20th century, government assumed more and more tasks in more and more areas outside its responsibilities, greatly damaging American self-rule. When it fuels an entitlement mentality and dependency rather than promote self-reliance and independence, government encourages a character that is incompatible with self-rule. Determined to impose moral neutrality, the state pushes churches and other traditional social institutions into the shadows. To strengthen the fabric of civil society, we must restore the standing of those institutions to their proper roles.

Promote liberty. The United States has a special responsibility to defend the cause of liberty at home and abroad. Friends of freedom everywhere draw inspiration from our ideas and example. A confident understanding of our founding principles reaffirms what Americans hold to be self-evident. Anything less would deny our birthright and undermine our moral standing in the world.

Oh us crazy right wing nutjob NeoCons.

I'm right with you on the crazy right wing nutjob NeoCons...we need A LOT more of them. The six points you've made are unfortunately GONE!!! We will not win this battle and it starts with education system. They are poisoning the children's minds with exactly what they need to in order to get their agenda done!!

Sucks :thefinger
I'm right with you on the crazy right wing nutjob NeoCons...we need A LOT more of them. The six points you've made are unfortunately GONE!!! We will not win this battle and it starts with education system. They are poisoning the children's minds with exactly what they need to in order to get their agenda done!!

Sucks :thefinger

Sparky (Sparky???!!??) Shortz - a soldier to protect America from the Europeans!!
At least Miss Shortz is not a feminist pig! Nothing worse than that!...:eek: Met too many at college and at least she does not adhere to such a philosophy. Nothing more unatractive than that...:hatsoff:

Yeah, no kidding. She's not one of those broads that starts bitching when her photographer (who rakes in $80K/yr.) gives her a check for $50 for a photo-shoot.

(BTW, nice logical stumble there - if one agrees with this ridiculous list that could've easily come from Glenn Beck's chalkboard/alcohol-damaged mind, then one must not be a feminist??)

Hey, the French work about 35 hours per week and, like most Europeans, get at least 3 weeks (paid) off of work every year (plus holidays).

Bring on the Europeanization!!!