The Europeanization of America and How to Stop It.


So what’s wrong with Europe?
I didn't exactly have Turkey in mind when my government provided my vacation.
Is there anything new here? Conservatives just blame "Liberals" for everything and conveniently forget all the decades of power they had and how they ruined the country on their watch.

I can't wait until conservatives transfer the Iraq and Afghan wars completely to Obama--and begin to blame him for getting us into these wars.

Conservatives don't seem to understand that gov't costs money and it costs a lot of money when gov't fucks up. Conservatives never take responsibility for anything.

They are a worthless, bitter, petty, nostalgic party of nonideas basically. And the one or two ideas they do have are hopelessly out of step with the majority of American opinion...
NeoCons sure want to keep the U.S. in the Dark Ages instead of catching up to the Age of Reason which Europeans have reached
Memo: Earth to NeoCons

Subject: The Europeanization of the Americas began in 1492, duh...
Promote liberty. The United States has a special responsibility to defend the cause of liberty at home and abroad. Friends of freedom everywhere draw inspiration from our ideas and example. A confident understanding of our founding principles reaffirms what Americans hold to be self-evident. Anything less would deny our birthright and undermine our moral standing in the world.

^^^Where does torture and Gitmo fit into this^^^
^ NeoCons crack me up when they preach about liberty, freedom and free speech :rofl:
Is there anything new here? Conservatives just blame "Liberals" for everything and conveniently forget all the decades of power they had and how they ruined the country on their watch. When were all of these decades of power? The 60's were mostly Dem's, the 70's were a split. Reps had the 80's and Dem's had the 90's. Reps had the White House in the 00's but hardly a rep congress.

I can't wait until conservatives transfer the Iraq and Afghan wars completely to Obama--and begin to blame him for getting us into these wars. No one is going to forget who got us into these wars. Afghanistan was the right call, Iraq was not.

Conservatives don't seem to understand that gov't costs money and it costs a lot of money when gov't fucks up. Conservatives never take responsibility for anything.

They are a worthless, bitter, petty, nostalgic party of nonideas basically. And the one or two ideas they do have are hopelessly out of step with the majority of American opinion...Remove the word nostalgic and you have the Democratic party.

Both sides think that they are playing some kind of a game. Winning is all that matters. Both are out of touch with what the country needs. Republicans need to stay out my home and Democrats need to stay out of my wallet.
Memo: Earth to NeoCons

Subject: The Europeanization of the Americas began in 1492, duh...


Good one. Some people just don't think before they post drivel.

Good one. Some people just don't think before they post drivel.

Thinking is something NeoCons are not proficient in :rofl:
Funny to see that americans fear some europeanisation of the US while europeans fear some americanisation of Europe...
Dumbest thread ever started? I vote yes!
America is a country of people who came from Europe. What some people seem to forget is that they moved from Europe for a reason.

It wasn't easy back then for people to pull up stakes and move to a completely foreign land. They did it though, because they wanted a better life than they could get in Europe.

Our ancestors didn't want things to be like they were in Europe because they knew what it was like. America is the lone super power in the world right now. Why would we want to be like Europe?