The end of Bottled Water sales in the U.S.?

Here's an article from Yahoo News...indicating that Bottled Water sales may be a thing of the past in the U.S. (and Europe) due to the environmental impact--namely oil and water usage, plus the landfill issue with plastic bottles. We've sort of talked about this issue here before. Is this actually the sign of more legislative movements to comb the marketplace of "environmentally inefficient" products from the SUVs (is it time to remove the new and used from the sales lots?), golf course construction and management?

There's a lot of products and services that are environmental resource HOGS which may find their way out of the marketplace soon...

Bottled water debate hits a boiling point

by Rob LeverSun Jun 29, 1:02 PM ET

A debate over water is boiling over in the United States and elsewhere amid growing environmental concerns about bottled water and questions about safety of tap water.

The US Conference of Mayors in June passed a resolution calling for a phasing out of bottled water by municipalities and promotion of the importance of public water supplies.

While largely symbolic, the vote highlighted a growing movement opposing regular use of bottled water because of its plastic waste and energy costs to transport drinking supplies.

Janet Larsen, director of research at the Earth Policy Institute, cites a "backlash against bottled water as more people are realizing what they get out of the bottles is not any better than what they get out of the faucet."

The Pacific Institute, a California think thank on sustainability issues, contends that producing bottles for US water consumption required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels of oil in 2006, not including the energy for transportation.

The group says bottling water for Americans produces more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide and consumes three liters of water for each liter of bottled water produced.

For the rest of the here
A lot of changes are coming I think.We will look back if we are lucky to still be around to do so and say remmeber when it was like this and it was like that and you could do this and you could do that but now because everything is in such tight supply with more people all the time competing for the limited resources as well as having to do somethiing about all the enviormental impact we can't live that way anymore.
I remember back in the 70s when we had the oil embargo Nascar which I have been a fan of since the 60s actually cut all the races 10% to save on gas consumption.I think now you might see the whole sport as well as other racing eventually just stopped due to the gas, the pollution etc someday.Other events and sports might be seen as unnecessary as well and luxuries we just can't afford anymore. You know we could still do all those things if we had just been smart enough to end up with a world with a couple billion people instead of the 7 we got which is headed to 9 they say but I wouldn't bet on that ever coming true.:mad:

But yeah as the song goes " the times they are a changing"
The end of NASCAR...I would sign that bill immediately!! I would miss the Indy500. That's the only race I vaguely monitor....

I think Golf Courses are going to become a thing of the past too. They require too much water to maintain.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Bottled water is the biggest marketing scam every perpetrated on a gullible and unsuspecting public. It is more expensive per gallon than gasoline and, indeed, the plastic bottles are a scourge on the environment. There is not one single shred of evidence that would indicate that bottled water is better for you or safer to drink than ordinary tap water (in the USA that is). Good riddance I say.
Bottled water is the biggest marketing scam every perpetrated on a gullible and unsuspecting public. It is more expensive per gallon than gasoline and, indeed, the plastic bottles are a scourge on the environment. There is not one single shred of evidence that would indicate that bottled water is better for you or safer to drink than ordinary tap water (in the USA that is). Good riddance I say.

Just what I was going to say.


I buy bottled water because our water has way too much chlorine - whenever you flush the toliet you can smell the chlorine from two rooms away. If you get a little in your eyes, they burn like hell. I might invest in one of those water pitchers that filter the water though.
I buy bottled water because our water has way too much chlorine - whenever you flush the toliet you can smell the chlorine from two rooms away. If you get a little in your eyes, they burn like hell. I might invest in one of those water pitchers that filter the water though.

That's what I use.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I buy bottled water because our water has way too much chlorine - whenever you flush the toliet you can smell the chlorine from two rooms away. If you get a little in your eyes, they burn like hell. I might invest in one of those water pitchers that filter the water though.

Well yeah.. but it's good for your teeth. :shrug:

I'd rather get cheap white teeth. Brushing is my least favorite hygiene activity. Just completely screws up your tastebuds for the next 15 minutes, and it's usually before the first meal of the day where taste actually matters, I think.

I go to work with my music playing, the wind in my face and hopefully a full stomach with a starter amount of caffeine to speed things up.


The chlorine isn't good for your teeth, the extra added sodium flouride is, but it isn't recommended that we actually ingest it . :pukey:

+ 1 Sput - I can sometimes smell the chlorine around the kitchen sink at times, but not nearly as strong as you've suggested.

No Way ! Do I want the government interfering with the availability of a perfectly legal product !
Does this mean that sodas in 20 oz plastic will also be banned ?

I hate people sometimes. Nanny ninny nitpicker enviro conspirators ! :thefinger
I never got the whole sale of bottled water. Isnt water free? Then why are we paying $1.25 for just a plastic bottle? Actually that makes a lot more sense when one is under the influence.
I buy bottled water because our water has way too much chlorine - whenever you flush the toliet you can smell the chlorine from two rooms away. If you get a little in your eyes, they burn like hell. I might invest in one of those water pitchers that filter the water though.

Does that filter out Chlorine though? I wouldnt think it does.
I'm not a racing fan, but only an idiot would think that the Indy 500 is a NASCAR event!

Actually 20 post noob...maybe reread my post another time or 10 and see if you can see how I didn't connect Nascar and the Indy 500. I didn't say I'd miss the Daytona 500.

Facetious -- Soda products are certainly obesity missiles that do massive damage on the American and Global diet of people...HOWEVER...soda is an actual "REAL" product. It's not merely another version of "Snake Oil" like Bottled water is. The legitimacy of bottled water is at question. I'd be in favor of the forced removal of Soda and drinks using High Fructose Corn Syrup:thumbsup::thefinger I think you're actually on to something there!

Sputnik--well, perhaps that Brita filter is a good idea. Perhaps the people of your town need to take a peek at the town reservoir and find out what the fuck is going on. Chlorine-odored water is disgusting...
I buy bottled water because our water has way too much chlorine - whenever you flush the toliet you can smell the chlorine from two rooms away. If you get a little in your eyes, they burn like hell. I might invest in one of those water pitchers that filter the water though.

I love the smell of chlorine and I love water that smells and tastes of it! I am 100% serious. I dunno what it is about it. Unfortunately the water around here doesn't have much in it.

I've always been a big tap-water fan myself and I think it would be good if the whole bottled-water fad is done away with. It's nothing but a big fucking waste of money and resources and creates a lot of garbage.
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bottled water is the biggest scam on the american public, you can get it free in the tap, so why the hell would anyone want to pay for something you can get free
I can't drink the tap water where I live. It tastes like shit, and it's so hard you practically have to chew it before you swallow it. I don't like the waste that bottled water produces, but I refuse to drink tap water.