The end of Bottled Water sales in the U.S.?


Some of you fellows often and effervescently criticize the current state of our poor economy, yet you would wish to ban the very activities and businesses that stimulate "the economy". I just don't understand your myopic means of thought.

For example - It was suggested that golf courses be banned -

What if you were an employee or proprietor of a restaurant, a bed and breakfast, a gas station / convenience shoppe, a mechanic (involved in the repair & service of the golf course equipment), nearest said golf course ? !
As long as it's not your job to be sacrificed in the process, it's OK, huh ?

Go ahead and plug in any such employment endeavor that you'd choose to "ban" . . . screw over one individual . . you'll screw over 100 !

What about the economy ? What about the economy ? !

MMMMMMMMMMarxists ! :thefinger

Go to Indianapolis or Daytona Beach and try to sell that one !

Oh, obama will do it for "us' right ? Wrong.

I think that a lot of you are embittered liberal arts grads . . misled by the very institutions that your beholden to.
You should be directing your rage back upon them, not the working people !
^^^Facetious the problem is that Conservatives or "Free Marketers" or stubborn Capitalists just think if we all put our heads in the sand, the troubles of the world will simply "go away."

We are facing the worst economy in the history of the U.S. since the great depression. The American people want leadership and change since the "old way of doing things" is what got us into this mess. Banning Bottled water sales will help incrementally, in saving oil and the environment. Bottled water has very little marketplace worth. It appears to be the 20th Century version of "Snake Oil." Restricting golf courses to certain areas of the country where water is not a problem (like the Pacific Northwest/Northeast) may be a way to save hundreds of millions of gallons of water in areas that need it to fight fires and drought. The people of California are going to be faced with water rate increases that will make the gas run up look like a penny sale at the arcade, when these fires are finally put out. Let's not forget the huge fires in SoCal this past October)...

Motor sports are nothing more than a recreation. THey are not a necessity or a "freedom." They can be SEVERELY limited if need be. When gas hits $6/gallon in Sept, perhaps that time has come.

We're already seeing mass layoffs in Big Corporate America--pick your business--Housing, Automobiles, Airlines, the Financial Sector, the Tech industry...Mass layoffs seem to be a regular occurrence in America these past couple of years. What's your point, really?
Why all the talk about banning golf courses? So what if they use a lot of water? That water still ends up getting recycled by nature. Golf courses are needed by people like me who use them as an excuse to get time off from doing actual work. Taking clients, customers, and associates out for a game of golf to "talk business" is one of the greatest American businessman past times in existence. Plus I'm a +2 handicap for god's sake!

The thread is about banning bottled water. Which would make sense because it's wasteful, a rip-off, and it creates a great deal of unnecessary waste. Get a Brita Pitcher. They do a great job making tap water drinkable. Plus, they are better for the environment.
Why all the talk about banning golf courses? So what if they use a lot of water? That water still ends up getting recycled by nature. Golf courses are needed by people like me who use them as an excuse to get time off from doing actual work. Taking clients, customers, and associates out for a game of golf to "talk business" is one of the greatest American businessman past times in existence. Plus I'm a +2 handicap for god's sake!

The thread started out about banning water but has morphed into other ways to cut other needless, wasteful "things."

Let me tell you something. Golf is the most overrated sport ever. It's a sham. What a great sport...90% of the people who play it aren't even close to "average" (par). A better sport for you and your goof off ways...TENNIS:thumbsup::nanner:

Tennis gives the player a hell of a workout, plus a better social environment PLUS, the most important reason, more hotter women play tennis than play golf. Golf is filled with ugly wives who are too lazy to run and sweat..
Some of you fellows often and effervescently criticize the current state of our poor economy, yet you would wish to ban the very activities and businesses that stimulate "the economy". I just don't understand your myopic means of thought.

For example - It was suggested that golf courses be banned -

What if you were an employee or proprietor of a restaurant, a bed and breakfast, a gas station / convenience shoppe, a mechanic (involved in the repair & service of the golf course equipment), nearest said golf course ? !
As long as it's not your job to be sacrificed in the process, it's OK, huh ?

Go ahead and plug in any such employment endeavor that you'd choose to "ban" . . . screw over one individual . . you'll screw over 100 !

What about the economy ? What about the economy ? !

MMMMMMMMMMarxists ! :thefinger

Go to Indianapolis or Daytona Beach and try to sell that one !

Oh, obama will do it for "us' right ? Wrong.

I think that a lot of you are embittered liberal arts grads . . misled by the very institutions that your beholden to.
You should be directing your rage back upon them, not the working people !

What a crazy post. Within a few sentences you go from calling those you disagree with "
MMMMMMMMMMarxists" (and, given your use of the finger and your tone, I'd guess it wasn't a compliment or just a dispassionate observation) to speaking in defense of "the working people" - which, in these Rush & FoxNews-soaked times, is about all it takes to be considered a Marxist! Funny stuff.
You know, the Righties all love to connect Stalin and his horrific legacy with Marx, and make that the whole of it, but the reality is that a lot of the people behind all of us enjoying the phenomenon of "the weekend", for example, were Marxists of one sort or another, too.

Anyway..... your argument about The Jobs is weak. Did you know that there used to be an asbestos industry in the U.S.???
"Approximately 100,000 people in the United States have died, or will die, from asbestos exposure related to ship building. In the Hampton Roads area, a shipbuilding center, mesothelioma occurrence is seven times the national rate." (from Wiki - so sue me)
So much for the workers there, eh?

Some "industries" are simply not sustainable. The elimination of jobs will occur if those industries are phased out. A humane society will find new jobs or provide a safety net of some sort for those people who lose their livelihood.

I've known and talked to a LOT of conservatives who use this argument, but then these same folks like to talk about the multi-billion dollar "abortion industry." Well, I question that it's really such a big industry, or that anyone is actually getting rich from it, but that aside, if indeed it IS such a big industry, then surely a lot of people will lose their jobs directly and indirectly related to abortion should the practice be outlawed (and I don't know what your opinion on abortion is Facetious, I'm just throwing this out as one example of many).

There are moral and ethical issues, and (where it is possible to separate them), just plain SUSTAINABILITY issues to many activities that contribute to "the economy".

If we're down to our last million barrels of oil that can be turned into car fuel, should they be going to people who actually need to drive to work, or people who want to drive their cars around in a big oval for 500 miles to see who can do it fastest?

Just ran into this cartoon, and I gotta say it seems to get right to the heart of the matter.

(I don't personally vouch for the numbers they cite, but they certainly seem entirely believable):
^ That's a good one, FC. As for the mysterious pristine source from which they get their water, I was once told that Dasani water is actually a by-product of Coca-Cola's cleaning process. When they clean out their machines, the chemicals they use make steam, and that's what's bottled and sold as pure spring water.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
^ That's a good one, FC. As for the mysterious pristine source from which they get their water, I was once told that Dasani water is actually a by-product of Coca-Cola's cleaning process. When they clean out their machines, the chemicals they use make steam, and that's what's bottled and sold as pure spring water.

Actually, Dasani is not sold as "spring" water. It is "purifed" water and was originally introduced by Coke as a result of the incredible success of Pepsi's Aquafina and it is indeed made from ordinary tap water.

It is NOT true however, that it is made from steam produced by chemicals to clean out machinery. It's just regular tap water that has been subjected to GAC (activated charcoal) to eliminate foul taste and chlorine, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection and ozonation prior to being bottled. In fact, and it makes perfect sense when you think about it, it's the same water they use to make their soft drinks from.
Ok, so just for the record, we are banning bottled water, nascar, guns, soda pop, and golf courses?

right on. where do i sign?
Ok, so just for the record, we are banning bottled water, nascar, guns, soda pop, and golf courses?

right on. where do i sign?

Hey now your looking for trouble.I will use guns to get my Pepsi!:ak47::D

Edit: I think your cartoons numbers are accurate Facial king.
oh yeah, I forget to mention that beer is still available, and in great quantity as it has replaced the existing numbers for all of these other things.

although for nascar, it isn't much of a difference.