The best school-related memory

A corn cob used on a janitor while possibly perverse depending on how you used it is not necessarily illegal. It depends on usage by you and permission by him. Permission by him might have legal ramifications for the janitor. Whether the corn kernels were present MIGHT be a health issue for both. We have not discussed GMAO aspects or the round up weed killer resistant corn which is patented by Monsanto.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You can still get them in South Africa. :cool:

They weren't that joyous! About the closest you can get, is Klonopin. Problem is, if you take them for to long (about a week straight), you become unable to do simple math.
Having a class in HS with the most beautiful girl in the school. I fapped to her almost every night. A few years after graduation I pick up a Playboy.................AND THERE SHE WAS AS A PLAYMATE! Needless to say I fapped a hell of a lot more but this time to seeing her actual naked body and not imaging what it looked like

There are a few girls from my old school I wish that had happened with, best I got to enjoy at the time was a few nice upskirts

Who is the Playmate you knew?