The apathy of this board towards the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson is commendable.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"We at the DOJ acquiesce to the grand jury findings as the FBI acted in conjunction with this due process investigation." ~ Eric Holder

You can bet his asshole was as tightly clenched as Dear Leader's during last night's interruption of NCIS: Los Angeles. He should have simply stated that from a federal perspective, this matter is concluded. There will be no further federal probe. Eric Holder just complicated the matter, but then what do you expect from an avowed social activist masquerading as our Attorney General?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Really Ace? :facepalm:

Callous, dispassionate, rude, vulgar, obscene, insensitive, heartless, cold....I could think of some much more aggressive adjectives to describe something like this if I chose to waste more time on it. As it is, I don't. What you see is what you get with Johnny. I'm sure he thinks it's funny. Anyone with any decency thinks it's sick.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You should see the stuff at reddit if you think this is bad. Their take on Trayvon-ing was sensational.
Georges Zimmerman : Not guilty
Darren Wilson : No trial
Both whites who shot and killed unarmed black.
Both decision came from a jury with a huge white majority of jurors.

Am I seing seeing a pattern here ?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You still haven't pointed out any racist posts that I've ever made. I don't take criticism from people who can't spell the word "amnesty" without moving their lips.
Is the person mad who wrote this article?

Fuck it, a good cop is a dead cop :)

Killer this time!


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Georges Zimmerman : Not guilty
Darren Wilson : No trial
Both whites who shot and killed unarmed black.
Both decision came from a jury with a huge white majority of jurors.

Am I seing seeing a pattern here ?

Yep. You're an asshole who can't see past color. Racist. And Zimmerman isn't white. He's Hispanic. And they had more information at hand than you could comprehend through your extra chromosome enhanced mind.
A rapper keeping it real!


Rapper Gets 2 Years for Cop-Killing Song

A Florida rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called ‘Kill Me a Cop’ that he produced as a teenager.
Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.
Johnson pleaded no contest to two counts of corruption by threat of a public servant and was sentenced to two years in prison last month. He was already in jail on a cocaine charge at the time. …
A Florida rapper is sentenced to two years in prison for a song called ‘Kill Me a Cop’ that he produced as a teenager.
Authorities say 20-year-old Antavio Johnson raps about killing two Lakeland, Fla., police officers in the tune, which cops found on MySpace while surfing for gang-related activity.
Johnson pleaded no contest to two counts of corruption by threat of a public servant and was sentenced to two years in prison last month. He was already in jail on a cocaine charge at the time. …

Have a great Thanksgiving Ace :). Works both ways as you are just spiking a football but don't realize that the real tragedy is Brown is dead. So mother fuck the cops also I posted above :)

Relax, bigot RASQ will help you out soon. And really last child like retort on your redneck ass and going back to real adult talk here on P & R :)



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You still haven't pointed out any racist posts that I've ever made. I don't take criticism from people who can't spell the word "amnesty" without moving their lips.

Honestly, Johnny, there is no need to point to any particular "racist" post that you have made. The attitude and tone of your posts in general reveal your leanings very clearly. If you need a clear example, the meme you did with the Indiana Jones spoof is evidence enough that you are a racist. To dance on the grave of Michael Brown and glorify the actions of Officer Wilson regardless of the circumstances that led to the incident is abhorrent. Think about that next time you look in the mirror. If that doesn't bother you then there's something wrong.

Don't act like a racist and then complain that people are being unfair to you when they call you out for it. You are what you are. ;)

Interestingly, I still like you a lot regardless. You and I have been friends here for a long time. I don't want that to change. However, true friends try to help their friends any way that they can. I hope my advice helps you. If not, that's a shame.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
No. The Indy post was insensitive and tacky. Not racist. You know how I am when any scumbag regardless of race dies, i.e. Kim Il Jong, Huge Chavez, etc. etc. I don't define myself by my race or what I do for a living and I surely didn't glorify officer Wilson's actions. I merely pointed out at every turn that he was in the right.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The sad part is that kids are murdered in the inner cities every day and nobody bats an eye. There are no protests. No riots. Al Sharpton doesn't show up. The media doesn't get involved. Nothing happens.

As long as the shooter is black.

But if the shooter is hispanic or white, NOW it's a big problem. Suddenly, everybody starts caring. Riots are breaking out. Things are being set on fire. CNN is live on the scene. The mayor and police chief are holding press conferences, and the President of the United States is giving an address.

And the only thing that changed was the race of the shooter. It's as if people are more concerned with who the shooter is than with the actual shooting.
Georges Zimmerman : Not guilty
Darren Wilson : No trial
Both whites who shot and killed unarmed black who physically assaulted them and reached for their gun.
Both decision came from a jury with a huge white majority of jurors after reviewing the evidence and hearing the testimony presented.

Am I seing seeing a pattern here ?

Fixed. Yeah, there's definitely a pattern there.

There were conflicting eyewitness testimonies presented to the grand jury. Among those were eyewitness accounts by blacks who live in that neighborhood who said the shooting happened just as Officer Wilson described and that Michael Brown charged the officer "head down like a football player" and that when Brown's family members arrived on the scene some eyewitnesses began embellishing the story with the now discredited claim that Brown was shot in the back execution style while surrendering. What motivation would those black eyewitnesses who corroborate Officer Wilson's story have to lie in a closed testimony? To protect a white police officer? Or were they just a bunch of Uncle Toms? It's THEIR neighborhood that will be looted and burned down if their testimony is believed. So why would they lie? As opposed to the first eyewitness account of Brown's cohort in the store robbery who made the first claim that this was a cold-blooded execution.

But again, there's a narrative being pushed here where it's not about what's true.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Nothing says "I want justice" like looting four pairs of air Jordans...and a twinkie.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No. The Indy post was insensitive and tacky. Not racist. You know how I am when any scumbag regardless of race dies, i.e. Kim Il Jong, Huge Chavez, etc. etc. I don't define myself by my race or what I do for a living and I surely didn't glorify officer Wilson's actions. I merely pointed out at every turn that he was in the right.

That's not the way you point that out and expect to be taken as anything but a racist. If you don't want to be taken that way, don't post shit like that.

Rationalize it any way you wish. It was a racist expression regardless. I feel no need to argue the point. It's obvious....sorry. Happy Thanksgiving.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
So, you know racism when you see it, but can't really define what's racist about it? That's pretty subjective.
Glad to see that justice was done in Ferguson. The police should arrest as many of the scumbags as possible who vandalized and caused property damage, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Oh well, atleast the black supremesists didnt kill anybody like they did in the Rodney King riots.
Georges Zimmerman : Not guilty
Darren Wilson : No trial
Both whites who shot and killed unarmed black.
Both decision came from a jury with a huge white majority of jurors.

Am I seing seeing a pattern here ?

In the case of Darren Wilson the grand jury was unanimous in rejecting the charges including the black man and black women

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Glad to see that justice was done in Ferguson. The police should arrest as many of the scumbags as possible who vandalized and caused property damage, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Oh well, atleast the black supremesists didnt kill anybody like they did in the Rodney King riots.

You'd be wrong to assume that. There was a 20 something black male shot and burned in his car near the scene of where Brown received justice.