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The Acorning of Planned Parenthood.

You cannot equate private sales at a gun show to a national organization that receives a half a billion a year in taxpayer money.

Well I guess you could.
Quick question, for anyone who is screaming for the defunding of planned parenthood over this bullshit hack job, when all those vets died because some people at VA were screwing them over and breaking the law, did you campaign equally as hard to defund VA?
Quick question, for anyone who is screaming for the defunding of planned parenthood over this bullshit hack job, when all those vets died because some people at VA were screwing them over and breaking the law, did you campaign equally as hard to defund VA?

It should be privatized that is for sure. But when they start letting military die and harvesting their organs I"ll get back to you.
No, it shouldn't, but that's a different argument for me to prove you wrong. So cooking books that leads to actual veterans dying is not as grievous in your mind as taking tissue from fetuses that would be going into the furnace otherwise and instead giving that tissue to medical research labs? Or is it that you're ok with that part, and you just hate that they can legitimately recoup some of the costs of gathering that tissue under federal law? Because it's been pretty obvious over the last few years how opposed republicans are to anything health or science related having funding.
Hey dipshit, my dad was a veteran of two wars. Died as a result of radioactive materials and TCE and PCE in the drinking water on base.
Do you know how people are dealt with firsthand at VA facilities? Well I do.

Just like everything else the government gets their hands into, the VA is a clusterfuck. Care for veterans should be privatized and the VA's duty should be solely in the area of benefits and determining disability and disbursement of death benefits.

Some God damn Aussie who doesn't know Jack about our military living in the United States. You wouldn't make it past 2 days of boot camp.

Go back and talk to your relative that is the heroic Barrista at Starbucks and leave mitary matters up to those that served and their families you liberal filth.
Hmm, no Australian vets ever died because they couldn't get access to medical care. I guess that proves that no Australian could possibly know how to deal with that problem.

So you're an expert on military health care because your dad was in the military? Or because you intrinsically know more than I do, by virtue of the fact that you were born here and I wasn't?

(Bravo on the 2 days of boot camp call, btw. That statement alone could have proven your entire case!)
Any one of those homeless vets could walk into a doctor's office or hospital and get any care they need and not pay a cent. Also, nobody needs to be homeless in Australia, anybody who is either has mental problems, substance abuse problems, or just chooses to be that way.

You can't possibly know anything about it because you're not Australian. Worry about your own fucked up country.
Another scathing retort! It really doesn't take much to poke holes in your arguments, or your cogency, for that matter. I guess that's why you never advanced beyond legal secretary who wishes he was a lawyer.
What arguments have you poked holes into again?

Captain Meme?

Australian vets are dying son. Ted Cruz said what again?

I rise to the level of my competition. When it comes to your debating skills a sock puppet would be more challenging.

What is that you do for a living again?

I bet you are a hit at your drive- thru window that you man
Are you feeling confused? I didn't think it would be that easy to break you.

Yes, Australian vets are dying, because of PTSD, substance abuse, and a whole range of other issues, just like everywhere else in the world. The difference between Australia and here is that it's not, and never will be, because they can't get access to health care. Hole poked.

Planned parenthood is not selling baby parts, you fucking moron. It's legal under federal law for them to negotiate with recipient companies to recoup costs of harvesting. I've told you that twice, somebody else in the thread told you more than once, so you're either really really stupid or just a liar. Hole poked.

You can't pay 40 thousand dollars to get into Australia. I also explained this to you twice. It was a proposal. It never happened. It's never going to happen. Should we assume every law that has been proposed in this country is in effect? Hole poked.

There's plenty more, but you know, rule of 3 for debating. I'm still not sure if you're deliberately ignoring what's going on around you, or if you genuinely have no clue. Whatever it is, it's entertaining as shit.
BC, as the best ambulance chaser I am acquainted with, could you explain what mens rea is and how it applies here?

Glad you asked.
It is a term that refers to criminal intent. From what I have seen so far there is no question of criminal intent. Now part of that can be construed as advice of counsel but it seems that they are almost laughing about knowingly and purposefully breaking the law. No one I have seen so far can stake claim to being forced against their will to broker or make these transactions which in that case would demonstrate lack of a mens rea.

Especially Mrs. Lamborghini

Once again may I ask what are your sources? If you're going to make a claim that there is criminal intent, can you please provide evidence of it from the videos and transcripts? I'm not one of those militant pro-choicers but boy is there is tons of misinformation coming from you and Ace. I'd really like to get a good conversation on this issue but it's tough when people make accusation after accusation and then don't back it up with any evidence at all. Is there anything from my last post that the two of you would like to dispute? Again I'm asking because I would like to get a good conversation going.
Are you feeling confused? I didn't think it would be that easy to break you.

Yes, Australian vets are dying, because of PTSD, substance abuse, and a whole range of other issues, just like everywhere else in the world. The difference between Australia and here is that it's not, and never will be, because they can't get access to health care. Hole poked.

Planned parenthood is not selling baby parts, you fucking moron. It's legal under federal law for them to negotiate with recipient companies to recoup costs of harvesting. I've told you that twice, somebody else in the thread told you more than once, so you're either really really stupid or just a liar. Hole poked.

You can't pay 40 thousand dollars to get into Australia. I also explained this to you twice. It was a proposal. It never happened. It's never going to happen. Should we assume every law that has been proposed in this country is in effect? Hole poked.

There's plenty more, but you know, rule of 3 for debating. I'm still not sure if you're deliberately ignoring what's going on around you, or if you genuinely have no clue. Whatever it is, it's entertaining as shit.

You said no Australian vets were dying because of a lack of health care. Clearly some are. You also seem to want to speak for American veterans, some like my dad. So I ask you, what is your basis of knowledge as to what American veterans deal with when it comes to VA health care?

Are you going to cite news reports? Because that seems to be the root of your understanding of the situation.

Planned Parenthood are selling baby parts. The evidence supports it. All one has to do is look at a woman negotiating price to know that is what is happening. As coy as she was trying to be, her comments infer that if you say the right things and hit the magic number we can accommodate you. There are 100 more hours of video to come, and it isn't going to get any prettier.

You sir are the bottom feeder of liberals. There are no ethics about you. It is all political with you even in the face of overwhelming evidence that PP are a corrupt organization using mothers as incubators until their product is cooked enough for harvesting. You are nothing but a starry eyed drone, follow the leader type asswipe. You also exhibit characteristics of the weak minded. Your type I have seen before, after getting pounded long enough they usually break out into tears, I get paid handsomely to break down pussies like you.
Because I am a SOB. I am not obligated to do your homework for you because to you one plus one equals 4. You epitomize the liberal mindset, and are living proof that liberalism is not a mental disorder but a full on detachment from reality.

I am that which you loathe. A conservative that sees through liberal bullshit.

I don't have a problem lighting you up for as long as you want to be punished. You seem to like it
overwhelming evidence that PP are a corrupt organization using mothers as incubators until their product is cooked enough for harvesting.

OK, I tried to teach you how to build, present, and argue a case, that's obviously beyond you. Ignoring all the counter points and then just claiming victory isn't how it works. So how about some critical thinking?
If this massive scandal that you seem to think has all democrats running for cover, is going to be the demise of planned parenthood, and is somehow going to win you the next presidency and usher in some conservative utopia where pennies rain on the poor from the anuses of the rich, is really a story, don't you think it would be on more sites than breitbart and lifenews?
You can claim you're breaking me down and lighting me up, but that doesn't make it so.

Or how about answering Iceman, since he's tried 3 times to enlighten you and you seem oblivious to his posts. But that's what you guys do when confronted with facts, right? Deny deny deny.

I am that which you loathe.

We'll always agree on that!
OK, I tried to teach you how to build, present, and argue a case, that's obviously beyond you. Ignoring all the counter points and then just claiming victory isn't how it works. So how about some critical thinking?
If this massive scandal that you seem to think has all democrats running for cover, is going to be the demise of planned parenthood, and is somehow going to win you the next presidency and usher in some conservative utopia where pennies rain on the poor from the anuses of the rich, is really a story, don't you think it would be on more sites than breitbart and lifenews?
You can claim you're breaking me down and lighting me up, but that doesn't make it so.

Or how about answering Iceman, since he's tried 3 times to enlighten you and you seem oblivious to his posts. But that's what you guys do when confronted with facts, right? Deny deny deny.

We'll always agree on that!

First of all dumbfuck, a case is made through the discovery process and depositions. But for that to take place there has to be an opening of formal investigation and/or hearings.

Intent is proven in the courtroom ( to answer Ice's question) There is probable cause that Planned Parenthood representatives willfully and purposefully were engaging in the illegal practice of selling human organs.

Being that this DOJ will more than likely not open an investigation for political reasons ,the only avenue at this time is to move forward with defunding PP.

If it turns out that PP acted within the scope of the law, their funding could be reinstated. I am still willing to bet that they do not want a full investigation into their activities as the revelations thus far appear to be damning.

But hey! Thanks for advising me on how and when I should form my arguments. What is you do for a living again,?

I bet you are nothing more than a Barrista.

A few months ago you spoke about it as a lofty position to hold.

I"ll take hazelnut creamer with mine, while you are up.


Planned Parenthood are selling baby parts. The evidence supports it

For the millionth time, what evidence? can you refer me to exact conversation in the video or transcript where they are talking about selling "baby parts" for profit? At least give me the quotes from the transcript? Something. Anything at all

Parenthood are selling baby parts. The evidence supports it. All one has to do is look at a woman negotiating price to know that is what is happening. As coy as she was trying to be, her comments infer that if you say the right things and hit the magic number we can accommodate you.

Also for the millionth time, as I wrote in my earlier post selling fetal tissue is not illegal. Donation of fetal tissue and organs for medical purposes is legal, and groups are allowed to charge “reasonable” fees to cover costs associated with “transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control or storage” of the material. So when they're haggling over prices what they're talking about is reimbursement for costs related to storage, transportation, etc.



Same thing with organs. 42 U.S. Code 274e prohibits the purchase of human organs, including any organs derived from a fetus, for the purposes of human transplantation. Because the fetal tissue is likely to be used for research purposes rather than be transplanted into a living human, this law most likely does not apply.


If it wasn't illegal why are they trying so hard to cover it up or spin it as "heavily edited" or "taken out of context?" They're haggling over human body parts as if they were commodities. And they're making a profit

Because the videos are heavily edited. The videos that we're talking about are the edited versions. The first video is 8 minutes and that was cut from the full clip which was 2 hours and 42 minutes. The second video is 8 minutes and that was cut from the full clip which is 1 hour and 13 minutes. The third video is 11 minutes and that was cut from the full clip which is a whopping 2 hours and 40 minutes.


The fact that you and others on here are consistently unable to provide any sources to back up your numerous claims is just proof that you guys are regurgitating information from conservative media instead of doing your due diligence and actually digging into the facts on your own. But hey maybe I'm just expecting too much on here being that it is just a porn board. I also could be a hypocrite because I've accused you of taking things way too seriously on here and yet here I am maybe doing the exact same thing. I'm going to end it there because I don't want to go off the deep end like you've done many times. I've said my piece and I'm just going to end it there. I have nothing more to say on this issue until people start getting their facts right and start thinking for themselves and only then can we maybe, just maybe have a healthy debate.....but I doubt it