Terri Summers July News Letter!!


Closed Account
hey terri, show us some more pics, some of you with some other girls, i like seeing you with your friends
Yep, that's a great one too, Darkman. FreeOnes already has it listed though. lol Not to steal your thunder, but "the man" already has that in the Terri links list. lol ;)
I try, Terri baby. I try... lol Your career is like a rocket!!

:iloveyou: too, Terri!!! :bowdown:

Hugs and kisses...

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/terri-summers said:
Terri Summers[/URL][/B]"]nightfly thank you for keeping everyone up to date about me!!!!!

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
BOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!:crying: :weeping: :lame: i was hoping that i left my camera in the back of the car on my way to the airport, but its not there, so i have been robbed!!!!I am sooo upset!!My nice little camera and 3 weeks of photos in corsica, paris and london with my friends!!Ocourse you never know when and if i will be back in corsica, and never will be all the same people, and the same atmosphere and the same cool, and funny pictures, and i just want to cry!!!!!!!!!

so sorry..no pictures for you from my trip:(
That sucks, babe. That majorly sucks. I'm sorry that that happened to you.

Some sick bastard probably has already had the film developed and is spanking his monkey to pics of you and your friends. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR There's private and public life, and that thief crossed the line by taking your camera. That pisses me off....gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
File a claim on your homeowner's or renter's insurance policy, babe. You'll get a replacement camera. That's what insurance is for. :) You've lost the pics, but you can get your camera back through your insurance. All is not lost, sweetie!!!

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
well..yeah..but the insurance doesnt count for this , also because i didnt claim anything, i didnt know until a few hours ago, i was hoping it fell out of my bag and was still in the car, i dont know where it is stolen corsica, paris, barcelona or ibiza, and so i dont have any proof that it is stolen, just me saying my camera is gone!
But like i said, its not even the camera so much i care about,i can get a new one, but the photos i will never have them back!:crying:
Well, your renter's or homeowner's insurance policy should cover your personal property against theft anywhere in the world. File a theft claim with your insurance, hon. But yeah, I understand, you've lost the pics. That sucks bigtime! Well, hopefully lots of other people also took pics and they can send you copies from their cameras/collections.

I hope it all works out for you!
Terri, I believe in Karma, that fucker will get what's coming to him/her. :mad:

:iloveyou: = To make you feel a little better.